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 Sep 2016 Blank Pages
storm siren
Whispers the wind,
Whispers the rain.

"You're panicking
For the sake of panic."

The music floats around me
And I realize maybe they're right.

It's easier to talk myself into
Being worthless
Than talk myself out of
Being scared.

But I need to
Take a deep breath
And understand
Not everyone is the same.

You're different,
And that's the reason I've always loved you.

I'm afraid and I lash out,
Push you away
And sabotage what we have
Because I'm scared of getting hurt
Getting burned.

I should be scared of fire,
Yet the more I see the nearer I draw.

But it's time to move on from
What I've known.
I need to be better.
Jesus tried crossfit,
but it wasn't working out.
 Sep 2016 Blank Pages
storm siren
Will you love me
when you figure out
I'm not as perfect as you thought?

will you love me when the panic
keeps me from breathing?

like right now?

will you love me
when I cry for no apparent reason?

will you still love me
on the days
I'm more broken than usual?

will you love me
when I try to mend the hurt
parts of you
with all the love I have in me?

will you love me still?

when I am old and grey?

will you love me
when my tattoo fades?

will you love me
Everything is bad
 Sep 2016 Blank Pages
Ramin Ara
 Sep 2016 Blank Pages
Ramin Ara
You are wasting your life
Into loneliness
Be a friend
With a rose
In the garden
 Sep 2016 Blank Pages
deleted for contest submission
 Sep 2016 Blank Pages
I am a person of almost and kind of.
I am a shadow of what I was
Hidden in the darkness of a past
Cast down by the light of the future.
This present of in-betweens
The liminal space in which I exist.
The here and there on the journey ahead.
I am the line between the points
The mystery before the solution
I am the median, the average, the midway
I am incomplete.
Pieces of a whole
unable to form the big picture.
This limbo of emotions
The neutral of positive and negative
Inactive, inert, insufficient.
This heart filled with grey
Longing to see through rose colored lenses
Paint my world with emotion.
Trade the silence for music.
To fit in the missing pieces.
But almost doesn’t offer solutions
And kind of doesn’t capture the horizon.
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