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  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
Christina S
The autumn winds roar like
my inner goddess does for you.
Although the leaves change, love,
I promise that I never do!

  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
Sona Lachina
There is still time
To appraise my life
The reasons for love
For song
For breath itself
And at the last
For death --

Where I am going is
Where I came from.

But reaper, if you could,
Keep your distance
For now, I should like
To watch the wind
Stir the trees
A bit longer --
B D Caissie Sep 2019
Oh fallen flower, how your colour burns more brightly ensconced upon this  weathered pew.  Fate, it seems has brought you to this resting place to soften its callus surface. Though your time left upon this crag is fleeting, your place is here and now.

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