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  Mar 2019 Hadley Potratz
A small clearing surrounded by trees,
Everything is bright and vibrant.
A crisp breeze blowing,
Swaying the grass.

The ground is covered by rocks
Of various shapes, colors, and sizes.
Bladed grass and ivy-like plants
Growing in the cracks of the stones.

A small white butterfly fluttering about,
So full of beauty and life:
Like the sweet-smelling flowers,
So simple with a fragrance of purity.

A soft breeze blows rustling the leaves,
Seeming to shush the world.
All is still, obeying the command,
And all around is at peace.
Written June 2016
  Mar 2019 Hadley Potratz
You slay my fears with written tears,
Intoxicate my soul,
You know my deepest thoughts,
My truest need,
Your words ignite my screams,
Crying out in lucid dreams,
You can shatter me,
Sneer and watch me bleed.
You can write my darkest secret,
Tell the world or let me keep it,
Force my age,
Eradicate my youth,
Your words are my creation,
Created in my trepidation ,
They determine life,
Creating written truth.
Hadley Potratz Mar 2019
I just think this is pointless...
I mean I stopped caring when you broke my heart...

Well I wouldn't say I stopped caring, I just care less about a lot of things now. I've just become numb to everything, you know?

Of course you wouldn't know, of course you wouldn't care. Nobody cares because they aren't as messed up as "US." They don't understand the pain we go through everyday to try and fit in, to try and be normal... to try and not let anything show.
The depression that holds us hostage in our beds the terrible thoughts it puts in our heads... "You're not good enough, and you never will be."
The anxiety that makes "US" shake and cry sometimes for no reason, but the thought someone is judging "US"

                                          Those terrible thoughts

Nobody cares right?
It's all in our heads right?

Society makes us feel like this because we're not "perfect." Society says, "Be yourself" but no, not like that. "you're to weird." "you're not smart." "you'll never get anywhere like that."
                                             "you're not good enough"
I pieced this together a while ago. I was going through a rough patch, sorry if it doesn't make sense.
  Mar 2019 Hadley Potratz
Just stop
Stop guarding me
Stop speaking for me
Stop trying to protect me
I know you love me,
But my weakness is your fault
So, please
I'm begging
Leave me alone
With my hurts
And let me fail
So that maybe
On my own
I can heal right
For once.
If you try to protect me forever, I'm only going to grow to hate you.
  Mar 2019 Hadley Potratz
I want to
Rip, tear, throw
Off my responsibilities
Like bonds off
An escaped
Like writing poems instead of doing homework...
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