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Benzene Jun 2021
She is like water running through the valley
drifting through the rocks
the rocks make unable to move
unable to grow
unable to flow
Takes away her ability to contribute,
Water is meant to flow to the Ocean,
Not to be contaminated,
By the pollution of your opinion.

She is like water
surrounded by things still finds ways
crashing every barrier comes in her way
She want to rehydrate the minds,
That have been compressed,
That have been dehydrated,
She want to refresh the dry ideology.
She'll nurture the barren land of old thoughts .
An Ocean looks so calm and beautiful but when you dive , you know how much depth it has and how much darkness it stores .
Inspired by someone's pain and experience .
you are peaceful like water
and become strong like its waves .
Benzene Jan 2021
She hides  her wounds in shadow;
Bandages wrap up the thick cuts
Of a love gone very wrong.
She submits to a blood transfusion;
As if she's the one with the confusion.
But to begin anew
She must clorox Her heart;
scrub away the tears, The fears
and the lost years...
And finally today the scars have healed;
She emerges as a Phoenix. Visiting the grave of those memories
Buried is the past.
She says a proper prayer for what was lost. And smile.
Then, Walks on.
Benzene May 2021
She was trying to hold herself
and not expressing the feelings .
She was trying forget all those memories
and letting  him go away.

How content she was ,
She was smiling with a sweet goodbye .

She knows everything fades away with time.
and not everything need to love like butter
that makes your heart flutter .
She just said "goodbye"
sometimes we should say goodbyes , rather than making situation complicated and get in depression.

keep wearing mask....!!!
Benzene Sep 2021
She opened her eyes and looked at the sky
The sun was on the high, the heart throbbed to fly.

The society never accepted her
Nor left any chance to slur
But they pulled her back
Making her realize there's something she lacks.
She has a heart of gold
But she was emotionless and cold
All the time lonely and sad
To call someone her own- nobody she had.

Pitying her own situation
Day by day getting into depression
Never did they understand
Nor did they lend a helping hand
She still stood bold
Hiding the pain in multiple fold.

One day She encountered a child
For the first time in a while she smiled
for the child didn't judge her
and it really doesn't matter

It was like she got the Heaven,
her agony has lessen
She was happy
as she put the child to sleep with a lullaby
Benzene Apr 2021
                                      She's                    ­                 the
                            begin         ning                    She's          the
                      ­  end                       too.          She's                  whole

                       ­                                       She's
                    ­                                        comp
                    ­                                        lete.
                   ­                                      She's
                                                        cel­estial ,
                                                      she's cosmos.

                                                       she's divine
                                          She  is  mightie­r  than  Shiva.
                             Let we  all bow our head in respect of her.
                                           She's in every girl and woman    
                                                     Sh­e is shakti.
if you reading this in pc then you can understand it . but if you are using mobile , I suggest you to read this in desktop mode of your chrome browser then you can understand it completely
Benzene Jun 2021
sometimes eyes become so heavy that its start rains ,
Sometimes lips become so heavy that we can't smile,
we can wipe someone tears
we can make someone smile.

during hard time  we should cope with it ,
and help others to do the same .
hope you all good.
: )
Benzene Apr 2021
I'm that someone who finds it hard to take my eyes off you.
I'm that someone who wants to know your library of thoughts and pages of your vulnerability.
I'm that someone who wants to know every letter in every chapter of your life.

I'm that someone who won't judge you no matter what.
I'm that someone who long for the shortest moments of pleasure.
I'm that someone who might fail to express in words
but my eyes says it all.

Thank you for the friendship you have offered,
I'll treasure it in my heart
and will always remember in my life I've known someone like you.
Friendship is much better than relationship.
Benzene Oct 2023
Within our souls , we carry love's greatest stories, unspoken but forever true.
Benzene Jul 2021
my mind and heart are constantly at
war ;
to prove to each other their
When I let my heart decide
my mind refuse to take my side
but ;
whenever I let my mind to score a win
my heart goes in a terrible spin.

They both make me confuse with their advice  
It make me over think everything twice

You have to learn to let you mind and heart
and this is a wonderful art .
Sometimes They both give you strife ;
but this is all experiencing
Is this happen with everyone or I'm the only one to face the internal war? .haha , but I'm learning to let them be friends .Hope you all doing good , take care of your health and family .
Benzene Nov 2020
Let your heartbeat be the music
And dance between the void of your thoughts.
Benzene Feb 2023
There is always a 3rd person crying all alone in the mid night behind every successful love story .
Holla Guys....Hope you all are doing good .
Benzene Apr 2021
those memories are still fresh
those memories are still in me
don't get out of sight , my friend
don't just pass by like a cloud.

our thread of connection should never break
this thread of many memories
this thread should never break
this thread of delicate promises

my world was complete because of you
It felt incomplete without you.
I came to know this very late
this thread of many memories
this thread should never break
just inspired my a song , this is for all friends and their friendship they share with each others
Benzene Nov 2021
I know
There is time when when you can't keep up with your smile .
People say "stay strong" ,
"stay positive ",
"everything will be alright" ,
Deep inside you know ,
you are tired of being strong
and there is nothing positive for you .
You question yourself "when will everything be alright?".
Only you know your story
only you know what you have been through
only you know how it feels to be you.
.You're not born to please others ,
you are born to be a WARRIOR .
Benzene Mar 13
In the dance of hearts , a bittersweet tune,
I've loved in shadows , under the crescent moon .
Whispers of affection , lost in the night ,
yearning of love , yet out of sight .
A tapestry woven with threads of despair ,
loving those who didn't reciprocate , a burden to bear.
In the mirror of reflections ,a poignant art ,
To love without return , an ache at the heart .
not good with titles nowadays , hope you all are okay .
Benzene Nov 2020
The beauty is not how you look but
How you treat yourself
how you carry yourself
how your personality is
how your vibe is
the energy you give off

Beauty is who you are as a person
Beauty is what you make it
Beauty is how you treat others.

Beauty is what’s in your soul
Beauty is in your heart
Beauty isn’t what meets the eye
Beauty has layers
You are beautiful no matter how you look

you are beautiful because you are completely and utterly your self
Because you are confident in who you are
Because when people bring you down
you get back up

You are strong and that is beautiful
You are different
You are unique
You are kind
You are like no other
You are you
And that is beauty
That is beautiful
Benzene Apr 2021
poetry is an ocean
of all emotion
in one motion.

poetry is an art of weaving words
and making a blanket to soul.

Poetry is a journey within us.
Poetry is when emotions found it thoughts
and thoughts found its words.

Poetry is like a painting
painted with words .

Poetry is an art for some,
for some it's sky full of feelings
for some poetry is a medicine .
Benzene Oct 2023
In the depths of my heart, a longing resides,
A yearning for you, where love abides.
Across the miles, I feel your embrace,
A bond that time and distance cannot erase.

Where are you, where do you dwell?
In my dreams, I hear your voice so well.
I search for you in every passing face,
Hoping to find you in this vast space.

Memories linger, like whispers in the breeze,
Your laughter, your touch, like melodies.
In the silence of night, I hear your call,
A beacon of hope, guiding me through all.

Across the oceans, across the skies,
Our hearts connected, no matter where we lie.
In the tapestry of life, our threads entwined,
A love that transcends, forever enshrined.

Where are you,  where do you dwell?
In my dreams, I hear your voice so well.
I search for you in every passing face,
Hoping to find you in this vast space.
Benzene Oct 2023
As the cosmic tears fell from the sky , I wished for something that is beyond my grasp
Benzene Mar 7
In a weird way ,all those who write , write to find themselves .
Benzene Dec 2020
I admire you for all the grief and pain you have been through yet you still give love, kindness and generosity. There needs to be more people like you in this world.
You all are precious.
Benzene Jan 2021
They will laugh
But that won't stop you
They'll point out
Don't let that block you
Know your thing
And just keep going
Through the hard times
Slowly growing .

And restless be
See what others cannot see
Know what you want
Keep researching
No one knows for what you're searching
You define your own life-story
By your actions reach the glory
They will laugh But don't gain fear They'll point out Just fight, my dear

— The End —