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  Feb 2015 BellonasBride
I was your Cure,
You were my Disease,

I was saving  you,
You were killing  **me.
He woke this morning
Another night of her dreams

He glanced into the mirror
She’s not real it seems

Society unknowingly accepts
The image presented
Unaware of the damage
Being self-inflicted

He hides her for fear of rejection
She battles for her reflection.

Michelle Renee Milford
Nov. 2014
I was blessed to have this poem chosen by T.E.N.T. (Transgender Education Network Texas) for the Austin, Texas 2014 Transgender Day of Remembrance ceremony at City Hall. :) :) :)
  Feb 2015 BellonasBride
No Name Poet
Can     Will
You              You
Break                   Fix
Me         ­                     Me
When                 When
You          You
Fixed   Broke
Me              Me
In                        In
The                          The
First                   First
Place         Place
  Feb 2015 BellonasBride
BellonasBride Feb 2015
I was abused as a child.
I'm haunted by my fear, my past
It felt like a horror movie, scariest the cast.

The guilt and pain embedded in my mind
natural like a clown in a circus. An animal on a farm.
He would say it was natural, he would tell me I was fine
But I was only I child, and he knew he was crossing a line

There I was stuck
Between being a child and being ****
Was it my fault, that it would feel good
Was it my fault that I didn't scream when I should

He was only two years older
And every time I said no, he would get so much colder.

I wanted out, it was getting too much
So he tricked me into his house
where he would hold me down for his friend to touch

I was eleven, and I couldn't stand up
So I started to scream as the panic kicked in
and if his friend was braver, if he hadn't said let her go,
I would have been *****, eight years ago

— The End —