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Weeping man
All alone
Reading text
Upon his phone

No eye contact
No face to face
Her distant words
Lacking grace

Flowers dumped
In public vase
Intended ring
Reflects his face

He walks away
To numb the pain
Mixing bourbon
And weak *******

To lap of love
By means of gold
A strangers flesh
He needs to hold

Broken dreams
An empty bed
Missing wallet
Pounding head

Drunken walk
Lacking grace
Finding flowers
In public vase

Weeping man
All alone
Walks the street
Miles from home
My soul is lain bare, my secrets are revealed. I have nothing more to hide. I confess my sins and my love for you. I am an open book, if you care to read my heart. Emotions are ever present and nothing clothes me. My facade has been washed away by the truth of love. No more am I hiding beneath a pretense of lies. I cannot hide from the eyes of love anymore. Your gaze pierces my veil and my armor. My heart is yours to plunder. All of the hidden things I have kept inside are made known. Let it be proclaimed from the house tops and let the world be placed on notice. I am bare, I am naked before your love and I care not who sees it.
As you walk in oxygen depletes
you will be solving puzzles that never complete
you'll be winning to foes that never compete
and will always hear a part of a song that always repeat

gazing into the unreal is a thing to avoid
opening your hands will give you nothing but void
escaping mazes makes you feel like being toyed
it's an endless loop of questions, don't be annoyed

existence, galaxy and everything eternal
this place is heavenly peaceful yet infernal
never thought that you'll be seeing peoples internal
organs. So are the thoughts of you being an abnormal

a part of you will want to stop
but this ain't democracy and decisions are made on top
so you'll overload your mind until it pops
out your brain, but won't let it drop.
I'm not worse
But you're no better.
Find that to be very true
By Arcassin Burnham

Wake up from the dead like
The crow on a Sunday morning
Piercing it's eyes on Monday's newspaper,
Making sure the world sees a different path,
Wouldn't feel like this if I had a laugh,
Piecing together what I can to find a day
Without pain,
You have a better way of seeing things,
But we're not the same,
I try the highs and lows for myself,
But nothing commences,
No change,
No sign of self worth,
Like I was made in a test tube frozen
In a block of ice,
I'm nothing more than a discovery in my own image,
For that I shouldn't long to exist,
I should clear,
I should erase,
I should fade.
 Dec 2015 Bear Feelings
If only your mother would have loved you right,
maybe then you would know how to love a women.
If only your father would have stuck around,
maybe then you would know how to be a man.

Ifs and onlys all akimbo
leaves me confused, my heart in limbo
what is what and who is whoodoo
love is love, not gris gris voodoo

But I wouldn't expect
for you to know that when,
you don't even know your own worth
If only you knew that you aren't worthless

Can't make excuses for my mama
she carried on without a comma
but i never knew my dad
the best father I never had

Maybe if you knew your father then,
you would be more forgiving, more loving
If only you knew how much you meant
to your mother, your father, this world

If I truly meant something
perhaps it would mean less suffering
my momma loves me, that I know
but my dad got drunk..and just said no

If you only knew....
But I guess that you don't.

Maybe I never, ever will
but I let my heart, find love..still
if there's some way I can treat you better
teach me me, to the letter

I wished that you loved yourself
then, maybe you would know how to love

I can only pray you'll show me,
take the time to get to know me

I can't show you.
You'll have to figure it out
I can't show you how to love yourself
Only you can

I am a work in progress
merely a work in progress

I can't help you if you
won't let me in or forgive me

Here is my invitation
my forgiveness
my welcome mat
please......enter this wounded heart

If only you knew...
that I was wounded too

I can heal your wounds
wipe away your tears
just let me inside,
your heart is where I long to live

If you look on the inside then, you might find
a scared, insecure and lifeless girl.
The girl I've spent most of my life trying to hide.

*Oh, but you are so full of life
the kind of girl who could be my world
no need to fear life any longer
grab onto my heart and we'll both grow stronger
no more hiding...who is beautiful
it's you, it's beautiful
and as for insecurity
i'll believe in you & you believe in me
If only you knew...
Copyright 2015
(Just meaningful words)
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