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Sitting there, in that dim lit cafe, I could see his beauty. Before I could even see his face, I could see his eyes, and on that bitter cold winter day, I felt their warmth. You know, I've seen his face many times before, he is no stranger. He was my slow dance in a dark room, my loudness in a library, my words on a piece of paper, and he is one of my sources of joy in this life I live.

By Chloe Elizabeth
I knew you would forget, just as soon as the sun would rise,
But your words, cliché and hollow, came as no surprise.
I asked but one small favor, at both break and close of day,
Just to hear you say hello, but now, hope's bled away.
The ticking of the clock
It's so annoying
It makes me shift
It drives me crazy

It always makes me wonder
When I'll be able to leave
The ticking of the clock
It's an agony

Why are you always here?
Here to bother me
The ticking of the clock
Thinks I'm full of pity

You were always there
And I didn't know why
The ticking of the clock
Cared for me and cried

Just as I was getting used to it
Day by day
The ticking of the clock
Turned slowly and walked away

I would always wish you gone
The room's now silent
But what I would give
To have the clock rewinded

You'll never know how much important someone is until you've lost him/her.
Sticks and Stones

Sticks and stones will
surely break bones
leaving scares we cannot hide,
but words can sting like bumble bees
when two wrongs simply collide.
Fractures can be fixed
while broken hearts reflect,
walls are built around the soul
if only to protect.
Sorry's such a simple word
though seldom ever said,
pride most often wins
harboring anger instead.
Sticks and stones we need not fear
it's the bruises we cannot see,
that hurt us must of all,
I honestly believe.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 03/13/2014
All Rights Reserved
I stay late,
Wake up early
Waiting for something to happen,
Waiting for things to be better
Then I asked myself,
"Is this right?"
If you want something,
Go get it!

Not all things will fall at you,
You go digging for treasures
Are we a couple?
Do we act like one?
Does it hurt?
That depends on which one of us you ask.
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