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 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Radial Rays
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
The circle not
realizing it is
emits radial
rays in search
of itself.
I walk through silent rooms
that harbor shadows of our past
I wake to whispers in the night
your spirit's form is cast
elusive, though touching every thought
a distant, haunting view
I hide my grief
a shroud I wear
that folds its grip round you
I begin each day a penance paid
pacing my empty cell
awaiting healing of the soul
when light peeks through this hell
like dew returned by morning Sun
I ask you wait for me
to leave these silent rooms we share
our spirits walking free
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
I wish I could ariculate,
but it has all been written before.
And yet here I am still dreaming of the ineffable, the inexplicable, the as yet udetermined.

Oh to be a cliche,
idealising times of the past
while th present grows bleaker.

Things lack beauty.
The beauy I find in books and films, are lies when it comes to my reality.
And the arduous task of going on feels like a puzzle impossible to solve but one I cannot leave alone.
Things lack beauty,
for me.

Life lacks the luster I have been shown previously existed,
and by romantising the previous, I only pull myself furthe away from the beauty I know must be here.
It must.
Must't it?

However the rare specks of it I find are the ones in her eyes.
And they parade themselves infront of me, knowingly.

But such things have been written before and will be wrote again.
And yet still I wish to articulate.

Oh to be a cliche.
i don't know what this is
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
mike dm
bold glitch grip
you've been colored violent by It
code writ scrapes
large like star whorls flake

one solitary chromium petal fell
into a river with a mien of mum
where it wilted
filled with ****

and you watched it come from afar
you saw the small sun become runny
don't lie

dear scar
you must collect yourself or
the ruin of ars
will still
what is ours
into petrified mime
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Mama says...
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Mama says I'm skinny
I cry as I throw up tonight's dinner
Mama says I'm beautiful
I paint endless layers to hide my true face
Mama says I'm smart
I have a mental breakdown in the bathroom during school because I failed a quiz
Mama says I'm perfect
But how can I be perfect if all I feel is pain
How can I be perfect if I can count every flaw
How can I be perfect with so many imperfections
There's no such thing as perfect
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Earl Jane

                                                If you are a tree,

Bombarded by extreme winds,

                                            In the amidst of a typhoon,

                                                      ­                     I'll sacrifice to be your roots,
                                                          ­       To diminish your agony,

OH, I cannot manage seeing you suffer!

                             In carrying on in a big tragedy,
                                                        ­       With utmost throe alone ,

Let me be torn and broken into fragments,
                 And be cut in combating and holding for you,

That's how much I love and care,

                                          I wish you only knew...

                       © Earl Jane
                         ♥ E.J.C.S.
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