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What I see in YOU...?

I see the eternal existence in YOU
I see the entire cosmos in YOU
I see the olamic macrocosm in YOU
I see the eternity and universe in YOU
I see the everlasting wildness in YOU
I see the aeon creation in YOU
I see the ageless world in YOU
I see a natural state in YOU
I see the essence of galaxy in YOU
I see the ecology and environment in YOU
I see the glorious landscapes in YOU
I see all the elements of composition in YOU
I see the skies, moon, stars, sun, clouds in YOU
I see the ocean, river, streams, rain, dew drops in YOU
I see the animals, birds, bees, marine life in YOU

I see your inner light, your psyche, your divine
I see soul, I see spirit, I see LOVE in YOU
I see what father could not see your inspiration to BE
I see what mother could never see the "REAL YOU"
I see miracle, magic, mystic and mysterious in YOU
I see what YOU too could not see in YOU

I see in YOU what no one else ever has,
Ever can or could ever see in YOU

It is because I LOVE YOU
 Jun 2019 Ayan
The moon can be a friend
In a world so dull,
So dim
When you're feeling lonely
Seek the man on the moon and just talk to him
When your path is too dark to see, he will light your way
And he's always a good listener no matter what you need to say
Greet him like an old friend
He's known you since you were a babe
Now if only people talked to God like that
The world might be a better place
 Jun 2019 Ayan
At 5 years old
She liked a boy
That told her she was "pretty".
They sat hand in hand
And played pretend
That they were "Oh so ready!"
She told her friends
So they all giggled without an end.

At 10 years old
She liked a boy
That told her she was "gross".
"Too much hair! Look at that fat!
I'd rather like a monkey instead!"
Tears rolled down,
Self esteem has broke.
She told no one,
Because she already knew
What she was...

At 15 years old
She liked a boy
That told her she was "beautiful".
So strong and tall,
She gave no thought
But loved him always more.
"He is no good for you"
"Find someone better"
She let these words fly past.
They stood hand in hand
Against the world
They always stood together.

But something changed...

No longer interested in her
"I can not wait no more!"
He robbed her of her flower once,
And then once more.
Regret and tears,
Nothing more.
She held it all inside too long.
She asked for help.
In need of aid.
But got nothing more
Than blue, purple, and red
All over her.

At 17 years old
She liked no one.
She went nowhere.
She did nothing.
She wanted forgiveness.
She wanted life to simply end.
No words to speak.
Only thoughts filled her now.
The "Why?" and "What?" and "How?"
They almost killed her.
She cried all night.
She sat all day
With nothing else getting in her way.
All alone,
No longer her,
Thinking of the best way,
To finally give in
And say,


 Jun 2019 Ayan
Frank Russell
Intense loneliness
personifies itself
before inanimate walls

With a variety of
empathetic characters
to populate the room

Weaving and performing
an anxious dance
of justifications

For never permitting
to be exposed.

- fr
 Jun 2019 Ayan
Yue Wang Yitkbel
The sky a shade of eternally

Dark violent violet

Lit up faintly by a mysterious

Source of white light

Tumbling in the ominous clouds

Guarded by two crimson stone

Simians of Truth and Lies

The Gate to the Everlasting

Is not one you could just

Walk through with a riddle or two

But, Yvagn only seeks for a relic

The Coin of Truth

And thus

The Simians opened their eyes

And turned to their side

Facing one another they spoke

The simplest truth:

“It dies and all will live

It lives and all will die

Without it

There are no live and die

With it

Eternity is a lie”

So it was asked

Yvagn gave the answer

In an instant

And a coin descended

Into her palms

As the Simians spoke

One last time:

“There are two sides to a coin

If I give you the truth

You will also carry the lies

So, take this coin of one side

And never ponder what it hides

For upright is the truth

But a void beneath it lies

If you turn to the lies

Never again will you find

The coin of truth

The coin of one side
I'm still on whether or not to post another much longer narrative poem I wrote a few days ago.
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