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 May 2017 Aurelia
Luna Craft
Starting breath with pain
As the lungs revert back to a nocturnal state
Let it slow, let my air return to the night.
Finally a simple sleep
A hush.
 May 2017 Aurelia
President Snow
I am not born to be a second choice
For I was born to be the best choice.

I am not raised to be an option,
I am raised to be the priority
No one deserves to be an option. You deserve to be love wholly.
Chimes are blowing
In constant winds
Melodically reminding
A storm is brewing
In the sky and within
Springtime awe
Flow rebirth, yes many ends
Refreshment of Life
The past, not meant to be
With the pouring rain
Falling by gone legacy
Look forward into
The future sunshine
Light showing me through
Hope in The Lord
My strength will re~new
 May 2017 Aurelia
rachel burch
 May 2017 Aurelia
rachel burch
Blackbird song pierces the rain
A green thread of Spring,
A needle in a dark woven tapestry.
It dances through me
Beauty, flying slow, curling green
As I open my eyes to the day.

 May 2017 Aurelia
Mike Hauser
Who do we think we are
God's who'll live forever?
Mere mortals on swinging stars
All birds of a feather

Why do we waste our days of youth
On the very young
Age old wisdom tells the truth
We should have seen it coming

The bite of bitter age
Chewing on the pain
Remembrance of the past
But not the present days

The wringing of the hands
Till they go completely numb
Given half a chance
We should have seen it coming

The rhythm of the train
On top these rusty tracks
The days we gave away
We're never getting back

With the hour growing late
In the setting of our sun
Too late to correct mistakes we made
We should have seen it coming
 May 2017 Aurelia
Life's just fine
Living in the background
Watching people pass
In the halls, in the streets
Nobody bothers to give you a second glance

You're always right there
To celebrate every moment
Listen to every story
You are the number one supporter for each friend
But not a single one will ask you how you are

They assume you're fine, at least you hope
Maybe they don't actually care at all
But as long as you're there for them
I guess it doesn't really matter

You don't matter, not really
Not when you're never the first choice
You've got a lot to give
But nobody wants what you've got

Not when you live in the background
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