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 Jan 2014 Aditi
maybella snow
lay in bed
cool sheet covering you
and think
                                            or remember
that time you were
ignored by a                 friend                  ?
wonder what it's like
to be them
do they think it was harsh?
maybe               or maybe they were scared
never will you know
what they thought then
and does it matter?
if they            remain in your life
is it because you were loving enough
to forgive them               maybe
they didn't deserve you
                                                                   either way
it hurt didnt it?
 Jan 2014 Aditi
Katlyn Scragg
Early mornings
Not the mornings where noises and beeps
Stir you from your sleep
Not the mornings
Tossing and turning awakens you
From the nightmares replaying in your head
That just won’t let you rest any longer
But more of the mornings
When for no apparent reason at all
You wake up just in time to see the sun start to crawl
Up your walls
Leaving a golden glow
Gingerly you stir in your bed
Because every movement at this hour
Seems a thousand times louder
And you toss and wiggle out of your sheets
Out of the cocoon you made the night before
Your comfort
Your safety
Out of the sheets that now crumpled somewhere in your bed
Below your feet
That hold the warmth that you have left
When dreamy eyes filled with sleep
Barely open
Wanting to take a peek
Outside the window just above your bed
Knowing you woke up just in time to see the sky blushing as it wakes with the world
The rosiness of its’ cheeks
The golden glow in its’ eye
As it peers over the mountain top
Kind of like how you’re kneeling to peer just over your window now
Mornings are bittersweet
A story that only some get to see
A story that comes and goes so quickly
You can almost miss it in a blink of an eye
From amber to rose to yellow and back to blue
Only dreamy eyes can catch the moment
Weary bodies wrapped in tangled sheets
Peering over the window sill
 Jan 2014 Aditi
Brandon Morgan
 Jan 2014 Aditi
Brandon Morgan
Haiku are nice but why limit ourselves?
I don’t listen for rhyme schemes or false themes,
“I’m a rhythm man myself and I hear how the poet conveys himself
Because poetry is the writer’s way to convey and bare his soul.”

But these bear hands have seen too many stings.

I’ve spent my whole life chasing bees.
The only people I’ve seen like me chase bees so why not me?
My head says meat but instead I eat

Sweet in the moment, but not lasting.
My taste buds satisfied, but my stomach longing.
I rest my head on my stone, my home and I wonder,
“Am I happy being like the bears on TV?”

But there is no time for thoughts like these.
I need sleep.
I have a full day ahead of me,
Chasing bees.
 Jan 2014 Aditi
Em Rose
Distant Love
 Jan 2014 Aditi
Em Rose
Even in my dreams you are unattainable
This undeniable force
Pulling me towards you
Craving your warmth
But feeling so cold
No matter what I'm told
I can't let go
**** advice
They don't know everything between you & I
I keep fighting to hold on
But when I look into your eyes
I find myself myself swimming
Through an empty sea of hope & lies
All the lies I wanted to push aside
Wishing to attain the unreachable
Save you from this life you been living
Show you there's so much more
 Jan 2014 Aditi
Wayne H Colegate
Some go out in a blaze of glory, some with a crazy, sad story.
I am not sure which I have chosen but it may get very gory.
I don’t care any longer about the skies I see
Or the dreams I’ve had that cease to be.
I am tired, sore and I hurt in mind and in the fairy soul
I know at this late stage I never will be whole.
I do not want to urge it on but simply to not worry
I want those who give a **** to know there was no hurry.
Music sounds dull, words are boring, what’s left to say
all that’s left is for a fool like me to pick a day.
No more pills, no checking, no pecking no heeding
no worrying, no trying and paining when you stop succeeding.
There are no magic cures for us, just pretenders selling dreams
and the rest get rich selling us on their schemes.
I will go when I go, doing just what I choose to do
Then the task of being someone special will suddenly be through.

 Jan 2014 Aditi
 Jan 2014 Aditi
He pushed me back,
And everything just went black.

I can feel him going in,
It feels like I'm being stabbed with a pen.

I now lay in prone,
Because now i feel like a stone.

I cant find my phone,
Now I wish I had known.

I think it was ****,
And now I must escape...
 Jan 2014 Aditi
A B Perales
Bring it on
I'll take it.
Live through it
I've come this far.
This is all
got to
back to

I lived through
the seclusion,
the torture.

I'll be the one that
they lost while
you be the one
who has won.

In order to perfect
you must fail.
I'll be the failure.
Not everyone is meant
for success.
You succeed
I'll regress.

You be the one
to give them
and a perfect
story to
tell their friends.

I"ll be the secret
that's avoided.
The tragic story
about the one they
The story
no one 's
brave enough
to tell.

You go ahead and
hate me.
Let me be the let down
in your life.

I'll still Love you.
Look up to you
from a distance.

It's meant to
be this way.
I got all that
I've been through

Funny thing
is I'd probably make
it in your shoes
but you
could never
make it
in mine.

I deserve all
of this and
I need to keep
it this way.

So go ,
be all that
I never could.
I wouldn't have
it any other
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