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 Aug 2014 Aditi
Autumn Leaves
 Aug 2014 Aditi
we were wet autumn leaves,
hanging side by side
from the highest branch
of an old maple tree
with a magnificent view
of city life.
the cold breeze swayed
us back and forth,
softly pressing us together.
you admired my yellow tint
as i loved your red glow
and the thin veins that
spread throughout
your delicate body.
it was all perfect enough
to make of forget
that autumn stood for decay
and to make us feel
like we were infinite.
 Aug 2014 Aditi
Luna Lynn
if you only knew how the sound of your voice sends ripples of passion
right down my spine
if you only knew how every i love you
in a tone sweet as honey
and warming as wine
is like the purest beauty of blue
on the ocean anew
when the sun is most high
in full adoration and simple awe of your accent while calling me baby
we always lose track of the time
and while falling for each octave
i engage in so deeply
i can never say a goodbye

and so i sit
i just listen to you breathe god
what you do to me
(C) Maxwell 2014
 Jul 2014 Aditi
Why do you bother
Coming here?

I look into your eyes
and all I see is
a wall,
a dark, impenetrable
and looking at you
while you look back
at me,
seemingly burning
a black hole
into me…
just hurts.

It hurts
like nothing else.
It’s a realm of hurt
all its own.

It’s a different hurt
than when my
son died,
my first son,
and I thought that
was the worst
it could ever get.

It hurts differently
than when ‘he’
and ripped
my ****** heart
out from the roots,
leaving a crimson hole,
an immeasurable
for all the world
to see.

This hurt,
it belongs high up
on a pedestal of pain,
so I can see it
again and again,
while it laughs
and glares down
at me,

with those dark,
impenetrable eyes,
just to watch me
tremble and weep

for this great hurt
that reaches so
**** far
and deep.

~ by Mercurychyld
Copyright 26 July14
She sat and sang alway
  By the green margin of a stream,
Watching the fishes leap and play
  Beneath the glad sunbeam.

I sat and wept alway
  Beneath the moon's most shadowy beam,
Watching the blossoms of the May
  Weep leaves into the stream.

I wept for memory;
  She sang for hope that is so fair:
My tears were swallowed by the sea;
  Her songs died on the air.
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