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 May 2019 Amber
Fatimah Noor
The deepness of the ocean
Reminds me of the profundity of my soul
Strength of my words
Level of my patience
Power of my love
Emptiness of my eyes
And storm struggling within myself
Wrote this while I was staring at the beautiful Atlantic Ocean a few months back.
 Jun 2018 Amber
Ishan Kumar
Arguing when wish to be quiet;
Speechless when wish to talk.

Unveiling when wish to conceal;
Expressionless when wish to convey.  

Lost in thoughts when wish to read;
Void of thoughts when wish to write.

Fighting when wish to love;
Fearful when wish to fight.

Lethargic when wish to act;
Unstoppable when wish to restraint.

Holding on when wish to let go;
Surrendered when wish to strive.
Holding on when wish to let go;
Surrendered when wish to strive.
i have a lover like no other,
and i can't explain him.

he's a writer.
he's lighter in a pocket,
a doobie, doobie doo.

he's my flashlight,
lighting me
up like the sun's

he's an old man,
a young man,
somewhere caught
in the middle days.

twenty-four and
is what he says
he is,
but my god,
that isn't even
a percent of him.

he's a lion.
he's a lamb.
he leaves me in shambles.
he brings me back together.
he's my **** day camel.

i can't even write something
as perfect he.
he makes me ramble.
i'm babbling.

he's looking at me.
my heart is fluttering
like it hasn't in years.

i'm muttering even
when i'm in tears.

he can't be explained
with words or actions.

all  you can do is take him in
like the ocean,
crashing into me.

you think you know it,
but you never will.

and that is the beauty
of why i love him.

i have a lover like no other,
and i can't explain him.
i have a lover like no other

— The End —