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 Nov 2019 A
If you can move past this eerie night
The coming morning promises to be bright
Allow your clouded mind shed some tears,
if that would possibly help,
The atmosphere does the same when
it has too much water to bear, we call it rain
My friend, don't wallow in the pain,
It might not even last one more day
To feel pain is not to be frail
Whatever the issue is, it hasn't come to stay
Face this phase, eyeball to eyeball
The bright phase is very nigh,
you can't afford to give it up, no, not now!
 Nov 2019 A
I turned my wishes to verses
And sang it to the universe
And to my surprise, my desires
began to appear before my eyes
She must have enjoyed my tune,
My words & reality, she attuned.

Speak your wishes into existence,
Your tongue is a powerful tool
Whichever you say: "I can" or "I can't",
Ultimately becomes your truth.
Consciously pick the words that
proceed from your mouth.
Choose gracious, lifting, life-giving words.
 Nov 2019 A
Ray Dunn
Far Away
 Nov 2019 A
Ray Dunn
though my blankets
touch me the same—
they will never be
as warm as you.
i miss my boyfriend he’s literally my best friend in the world i love him so much his hugs are so warm and safe ahhhh
 Nov 2019 A
Ray Dunn
 Nov 2019 A
Ray Dunn
use your pillow
as a veil,
the way a river
uses the soil.

and when the thrill
of being alone
subsided with the tides,
you will see...
i should sleep but i’m majorly sad rn oops
 Nov 2019 A
do you think i'm happy?
i just wanna know,
have i been good?
put on the right show?
do you think i'm happy?
have i smiled enough today?
have i laughed enough,
gave all my care away?
do you think i'm happy?
because no one seems to ask
what's going on inside my head,
what's beneath the mask.
do you think i'm happy?
please, god, just say no
because if you don't notice,
i'll know that i'm alone.
 Nov 2019 A
Wandering minds.
 Nov 2019 A
A promenade in the midnight rain
Amidst the solitude
Of a wandering mind
Racing through a crowd of emotions
Waiting for us to find
The wrong and then the right

A promenade in the midnight rain
Amidst the solitude
Of a wandering mind
Comes the footsteps
Of a thousand minds
Running in the mud
Dancing in the sand

A promenade in the midnight rain
Amidst the solitude
Of us wandering minds
A lady sings
For all in her sight.

— The End —