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Enough with the stains.
You're offensive, period.
Born with half a brain.

Logic trumps feelings?
Men are better. Then, women.
Drowning in being.

Can't control themselves,
shopping for trinkets and toys,
crap to fill the shelves.

Desperate for love.
Insecure, pathetic things.
Who do I speak of?
This is a concept piece. A series of 4 provocative haiku, meant to make you think.
Designed to be difficult for men to read aloud without sounding like an *******.
Without careful attention to punctuation, some lines are misinterpretation-bound:
for example, "Your offensive period" and "men are better than women".
My intent was to suggest disrespect to women, though men are the real target here.
Dedicated to ******* misogynists, who are more insecure than women ever could be.
I apologize for my thoughts and my actions

But you must understand that I am what they call a man.

And no matter how perfect any woman thinks iam,

I might as well be nonexistent.

For women are the most alluring, sinful ,angelic animals on earth.

I am simply bewitched by your existence.

I can not resist directing an ******* daydream,

Every seven minuets.

The being of your facts,

Makes me want to fall to my death beneath your feet

Something about those hills

That makes my teeth want to sink into my lips.

That voice makes me want to do one thing:

Hear it moaning.

No matter how hard I attempt to be an angel,

My devil enduringly conquers.

We refuse to admit that a

woman is stronger than a man.

We could easily succeed

in having a human being develop

Inside of us and painfully ****** it out of a diminutive hole

Nine physically and emotionally draining months later.

“We could probably do it better than you can.”

We just act ignorant and

Heedlessly assume what is logical;

However, in the reaction center,

that every man denies,

lives the manifest verity that:




To be born into a stormy emotional spectrum

With color and darkness

Alone shelters the truth for you.

Fact: A man does use his small head much more often then

His actual head, simply, because men don’t know how to use it.

How convenient it is to be born with two heads.

let its roots anchor into your minds and consume your conscious.

older poem
as black as night
as white as snow
as big as a aeroplane
as small as a nit
as hot as the sun
as cold as the fridge
as tall as a giraffe
as short as a koala
as fast as  a fox
as slow as a slug
thin as paper
fat as an elephant
soft as a carpet
hard as iron
as intreasting as a lion
as boring as math
please like this poem
On her knee sat a pallet of paints, a blank canvas and the trees, slowly her eyes closed into the emerald depths,

Once not long ago, the splendour of winters nature witch was in silent slumber on crisp meadows, gone are blood berries of Holly’s frozen clusters, I see hedges spiked and glossy leaves,
Awake I am moving past the trees, nowever will I wonder in glades of silver and green, I am a gentle jewel entwined within trees

High pitch calls of the little owls are peeking, the woods be alive
Little Robin Ruby Red breast is showing a deep chest, serenading me,
A badger munching and crunching yonder I see,
Tiny oak trees sprouting upward, a little gift from the squirrel’s scurrying year

High above, a Raven black ink to my eyes.
A jet feather is floating free, a gift from my beloved woods in mind
Feeling the leaves dancing among big oaks trees, maples, beech and twigs are spiraling down enchanting on me,
Whispering are the leaves that move, now dark, now light

In the morn Wildwood tear drops of sliver hung on clever leaves, fairies are laughing hither tither and yon, sun catching their smiles in glitter,
Golden rays bow to the dancers in the green glens and groves
Apple and pear trees laden with blossom perfume the air,
Sweet grass is tickling my legs, and lady bird red wing sings in the passing warm breeze, gazing upon Blue bell carpets just for me

Into nights spell

A voice wind runs through my hair, come and dance by the edge of the sea,  I will guild you on a moon beam a bride to be, cooling the passion you feel, Beech nut husks crunch at my feet, and acorns marbles are laughing at me

Wildwood possessed dew drop lips, majestic of night in the glades of silver green,
Summer’s evening fire warming the passion you feel, dressed in cotton, wire and silks purple be,  I am who you invoke and have always been, come to the edge of the Wildwood's near the sea to dance come be thee

── Gently her eyes fluttered open, lifting her brush, smiling she began her self-portrait among the trees.

© Arnay Rumens / A Sol Poet  T20.2014
it is probably the easiest thing i have ever done
i revised this one it is no longer the hardest thing i have ever done it is the easiest
 Mar 2015 Antoinette Arnuld
she stuck out
like crimson petals
in the snow
but continued
to dance
as the wind
A body of white walls
houses familiarity

Somehow even familiarity
distorted itself
beneath raw cinder blocks
doused white enough
that I could see
the eyes of the past
the eyes of the future
looking back at me,
the eyes of the present

Must journey
behind the white walls
into the familiar unknown

For there is something there

Beyond walls
so very high

only crumble,
only die

For there is something there

I must look now
through the deep crevices
deep through my mind

For there is something there

Do I find?

I see people
I see minds
Beyond the white walls
looking back
at I

Why oh why
must I continue?
looking forward
only to
look back again

I am stuck,
encased inside

Only looking back
to find
a way out
a way out
of me

I have always
been my own infinity

Inside, a prisoner
handcuffed to
the white walls
I am shackled here,

here in the
eternal infinity

Great intellects
killed by me

I am my own infinity

I must **** me
I will be free
no longer shackled

I am my own infinity
I am my own uncertainty
I am my own familiarity

It is me
I am my own infinity

The white walls
close in on me,
my own infinity

I do not want to change myself
I do not want to change me

I change
I die

Death’s kiss might be sweet
Death’s kiss may free me,

I cannot accept it
I will not

I just want to be me
but I am everyone else
and they are me
my own infinity


Beyond the white walls
are nothing you see

White walls

White walls

Encasing all
of us

It is here,
it is here

The white walls
shackle us,
shackle us

There is forever
no infinity
in me

The familiarity
tastes of death
mistaken for

The burning truth

The familiarity
the distorted familiarity

We rely on each other
So much we shoot
each other

We are not strong
We are not smart

We can be
We can’t be

If we break
the shackles
If we keep
the shackles

I am in pieces
I am shattered like glass

I cannot do this
I cannot presume

Death’s kiss
seems sweeter than ever
(forever lost in my own infinity)

You see we
build ourselves up
the white walls
eat us up

until we are part of
the white walls
until we are part of
the unknown familiarity

Can I break

want to
need to
break through

White walls
white walls

I’ve been punching
for so long

I am tired,
I am weary


Far too long

White walls,
White mazes

my infinite

I cannot
make it out
of myself

So I

So I

This great
maze of my

I call it a
great maze

I only walk
in circles

Forever in cycle

I’ve felt the

Fallen onto
the white walls

to tell
if they
are clear
or just another
drop of paint

loops back
on itself,
(always does)

Losing it
(finally insane)

A mad man
I am

A new coat
to adorn


the white walls
emit abysmal black paint

(called paint)
I will make darkness burn
It stings,
makes a statement
deep within me

Have you ever
felt pain?

Have you ever
felt life?

I have forgotten
what color
infinity was

so white
so dark

Have you ever
felt dark?

Dark feels me
as I

white darkness
Alright so If you have been following me for some time, you probably have seen me post drafts of this before. This is the ABSOLUTE FINAL DRAFT of the first section. The poem is incredibly, incredibly dense and nearly impossible to understand. But that is what is truly beautiful about the piece. Sometimes life is choppy, repetitive and abstract.
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