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5.2k · May 2015
The hurricane
V May 2015
Swift as a cheetah
On its way to destruction
A great dark swirling mass
Of water,
Accompanied by the small minions
We call rain
And thunder
Lighting up the dark sky momentarily
5.1k · Jul 2015
The leopard
V Jul 2015
I once saw a leopard
A sleek, powerful animal
Walking with silent footsteps
Her eyes gleaming with unbreakable pride
A soft growl escapes from the fantastic feline
And I know better than to test this marvel of nature
Hey guys! Sorry for not writing regularly, I lacked inspiration. I'm back with a bang! Lets do this!
2.5k · May 2015
the abyss
V May 2015
Look, just beyond the edge
Is a place unknown
Unexplored; unexplained
A dark and mysterious place
Look into the abyss
And feel its power
IT is the darkness within us
Do not blink, or it will consume you
2.0k · May 2015
V May 2015
Two armies, vast in number
Face each other, ready to ****
On both sides,
Missing home and hearth
Forced to ****
Because of one man's lust for power
The sun gleams brightly on the soldier's weapons
In the sky, vultures fly
**for death
1.7k · Aug 2016
V Aug 2016
Do you know why, as we grew up we stopped looking for demons in the closet?
Not because we became more mature, no.
We finally realised they were in us.
V Jan 2015
As you left me standing in the cold,
I started thinking about memories old.
They... Once made of gold
Now hold...
No value in my heart.
You have taken my heart apart.

I am but left...
To scramble for scattered remnants.
A vessel bereft,
Of its erstwhile tenants...

On my knees...
Picking up pieces with sombre gait.
Mind only sees...
An fallen dance with the ghosts of late.

As I begin with a clean slate,
I can't imagine so much hate.
For someone who I loved...
I try and push your memory away
But in the effort I sway.
It is too much to bear...
I'd give anything to hear...
Another I love you,
From you.
What happened when we were together
Our bond...
Was supposed to last forever,
But now it's just an echo of memories fond.

These young initial steps that I take...
Will eventually hasten in pace.
Leaving behind the scars that ache,
And embrace the new breeze that cradles my face.

Vardaan Nayar
This poem was possible only becuase of the talent of my friend ryn...thanks a ton man
1.3k · Feb 2018
V Feb 2018
It felt good, the pain,
Relentless hardships, without any gain.
Not anymore.
Time to reset the clock,
Step out of the comfort of the generic flock.
This is me, dug up from the earth.
This is, Rebirth.
1.3k · Jan 2015
lives of beggars
V Jan 2015
we are beggars
we feed on scraps and wear tatters
we have nothing that matters
in this world
we cannot be bold
they say
"beggars can't be choosers"
we can prove them wrong any day
we didn't choose to live like this
we were forced to do so
corruption and lack of proper governance
we were the first to burn in the furnace
of human misery
no government makes us their priority
please pay attention to us
even we want to see our kids
board a school bus
and make a fuss
on which phone they want
even we want to flaunt
our cars and houses
we are beggars
and we want to live better.
1.2k · May 2015
V May 2015
Fire, so mystical
So beautiful and so unearthly
So willing a slave
Yet so brutal a mistress
Look into the fire
And dream of endeavors brave
1.1k · Mar 2015
broken dreams
V Mar 2015
all those dreams
that I created
all those moments
when we lay on the grass
hand in hand
thinking about our future
but one fine day
you told me you didn't want to see me
I don't know where I went wrong
I got you flowers every day
told you you were beautiful
why did you leave me?
shattered, I now walk this snowy terrain
which was once sunny
but now, its just a wasteland
of broken dreams...
1.0k · May 2015
V May 2015
As I walk into the cold cold river,
I start to quake and shiver
The water stabs my skin like knives
Cats have nine lives
I have only one
As I walk into the water
The bright sun
Is like a comforter
The cold seeps through my body
The birds in the distance
Chirp a sweet melody
All is lost now
This is my final bow
The cold hits my brain
I refrain
From going back
Everything goes black
This is hypothermia
924 · May 2017
In The Dark
V May 2017
My feet go cold as I stare at the abyss
A sickening feeling in my gut
It's time to return
But am I ready?
Treading on this isolated path
Is there any return from this madness?
As the darkness envelopes me
I feel a sense of security... knowing there lies
something beyond this intermission
called life.
862 · May 2015
V May 2015
Oh so beautiful
Lighting up the sky
Long, fingerlike projectiles
Racing through the darkness
Lighting everything in its path
Yet, child, be wary
It is not unlike a leopard
Sleek and graceful
Yet dangerous if you attempt to harness it
'Tis akin to a wild animal
Yet so beautiful
848 · Jan 2015
the lonely breeze
V Jan 2015
I am a lonely breeze
I flow with lots of ease
this is the story of my life
me and  my sister we love to fight
when winter comes god says "everything freeze"
and an old couple cough and wheeze
a friend teases another friend
and runs down a street with a bend

when summer comes I turn hot
and people store water in an earthen ***
trees rise to great heights
and men fight with all their might
men change and men die
but I live on forever
I am a lonely breeze
and I flow with lots of ease.
785 · Jan 2015
the abandoned road
V Jan 2015
I was once a busy road
With people, carts and many a toad
Travelling over me
A father scolded his son
And the mother said "let him be"
I fell in love with the sun
I still remember the dew on the leaves shining
And birds chirping and dancing
When it was raining
Then one day
When everything was peaceful and gay
Suddenly there came
The screaming of a dame
The hobbling of the lame
I knew it was mount Vesuvius
But then shouted senator Octavius
"ni desperandum!"
"and find me more ***!"
He was drunk  when the lava swallowed him
He died, screaming and cursing his whim
Because I am made of lime
I never died
I cried
I tried
A thousand years later
A shepherd saw me
While tending to his sheep's litter
Many people have tried to find me
But I am hidden
This poem is set in the time of the eruption of Mt Vesuvius. The word phrase "ni desperandum" means "never despair"
732 · Jan 2015
torn between choices
V Jan 2015
I am torn between two choices
I am debating on whether to leave her
Or stay
What should I do?
She is never there when I need her
She doesn't understand my urgency
She doesn't understand
How much I love her
How every moment without her breaks me
She doesn't know I cry myself to sleep everyday
I  am always there for her
Whenever she needs a shoulder to cry on
Or to brighten up her day
I always say
I love you
She replies after a day
Saying "okay"

But whenever she IS there I feel on top of the world
I feel like its only her
No one else
She is beautiful and amazing
But now I'm thinking
About it
She says she has to go
She doesn't know how much it hurts to hear that
I'd rather be stabbed by knives
You tell me
What do I do?
672 · May 2015
The River
V May 2015
One day, as I walked near a river
I saw many a thing
The muddy water, creating beautiful swirls underwater
A tree standing in the middle of the river
Bent akin to an old man
A waterman, moving with graceful speed
Ripples, beautiful, yet hiding something in their movements
Turtles, swim with ease, sticking their head out
Birds, chirping and flying near the water
The sunset, setting the river on fire
588 · May 2015
V May 2015
Beautiful in the sunlight
Flowing like quicksilver
Created unknowingly by birds of water
They look like liquid platinum
#ripples #hashtag
508 · Apr 2015
V Apr 2015
Live, for yourself
Only then will you live life to the fullest
Don't let anyone tell you what to do
Ask yourself
Only then will you find the answers
Don't let anyone be your judge
Think, improvise and judge yourself
Only then will you find
That with all your imperfections
you're still perfect
Die, for yourself
Don't be anyone's slave
Don't ever let anyone think for you
Think for yourself
*be yourself
504 · Jun 2015
The Fog
V Jun 2015
The fog
Ghostly pale; soft as a feather
Covering everything in its path
Blocks the sight of men
Thick, pale fog, originating from a bog
Slowly creeping over the ground
501 · Aug 2016
Bliss Of Solitude
V Aug 2016
There is bliss in solitude,
There might not be the comfort of a lover
However there is no heartbreak as well.
There might not be a person to talk to
But sometimes, the best and most sensible person to talk to is you
There might not always be love
But sometimes all you need is time alone, to yourself. To look into the endless abyss that is you
There might not always be happiness.
But solitude has its moments.
There is bliss in solitude.
475 · Mar 2015
V Mar 2015
every day I put on a fake smile
hoping no one will notice
hoping there's enough in me to make that extra mile
my smiles are just masks
I hope no one comes and asks
"you okay?'

because I'm not okay
and I fear I'll just break
all those emotions shall break forth
I keep my secrets so no one knows the monster within
I am tired of the din
that goes on in my mind
I keep my secrets
so everyone thinks I'm okay.
446 · May 2015
The cliff
V May 2015
As I stood on the edge
And looked on
I saw a black sky,
Darker than any I saw ere
White, foamy waves
Clashed against the black rocks
Akin to two armies clashing
Thunder shook the sky
A swift wind blew
Seagulls flew for home
And sat on their small ledges
The sea was choppy and dark
And hid secrets known to none
434 · Apr 2015
V Apr 2015
I did everything for you.
I let my life walk away
While promising myself it'll all be okay
I now look at the sky blue
Watching it change color and hue

Yet, you are too stubborn to even talk to me
"just let me be"
"I'm busy"
Is what you say after I get you whatever you want
I became lonely so you wouldn't be
I am patient with us
You, don't even care
I even share
My life with you
so you can have a better one
**and this is what I get. All that pulsates through me is anger, sadness and lonliness
423 · Jan 2015
the history of the world
V Jan 2015
the history of the world
as I thought one day, curled
by the fireplace
trying to find my shoelace
I sat and I wrote this poem
hoping that life after this wouldn't be such a bore
the world started with a bang
when the bell in God's brain rang
he created life
to please his wife
he made Adam but forgot to make his madam
thus time went on
and people made the plane
(I think the wrights were trying to please a dame)people thought it was lame
but the wrights didn't think the same
so time went on
and ****** was born
crying out loud
his mother was so proud
then everything went wrong
he said "let's fight!'
"we will defeat the world with his might"
he was so wrong
(pay attention class!)
again time went on
we fought two world wars
and someone created star wars
(lets jump forward in time now)
apple was created
everyone was elated
then everything went wrong as Steve jobs
who was doing such a good job
was removed from the post of CEO
everyone heard the news on the radio
he came back
and gave the board a smack
time went on
I was born
the heavens sung a song
India sent a spacecraft to mars
(not the chocolate bars)
the end to my poem has come
i'm  sorry I left so much
y'see I had to go for lunch
so the next time you have a history test
I wish you all the best
and the rest
is up to Him.
419 · Apr 2015
V Apr 2015
I don't know what I'm writing
All those untold stories
In my head; biting
Fighting for every inch
I'm held in a pinch
Torn between our histories
Trying to cope with the loss
All those emotions that I didn't release
Now attack me like a disease
All those memories
My soul is broken; crushed
I had rushed
To your aid when you needed me
But when I needed you, you said let it be
Now you shall see
How it felt to me
417 · Apr 2015
V Apr 2015
I was once walking down a path
When I saw an owl
He was looking at me;I was looking at him
I felt weirdly less full of wrath
Nay a smile nay a scowl
Came on my face
His yellow eyes were full of.. Thoughtfulness
Eyes, full of ancient wisdom
And knowledge
And so we sat conversing
Neither laughing; nor crying
Just like two old friends catching up
He stayed with me and we did sup
He was akin to a mystic creature
And at last
His time with me came to an end
He flew away, his wings flapping noiselessly in the night sky
And I sat thinking
416 · Apr 2015
a fresh start
V Apr 2015
Hey! Look at it!
We've done it, bit by bit
But we're at the end of this miserable day!
Now no one can push us down
Or call us a clown
Because we own this day
No one can say
"you're wrong"
Because we know that we are strong
We've done it
We will stand from now on
Whenever they tell us to sit
We know we can take a it
Because we know we are strong
We own this day
And we wont let it slip out of our hands
401 · Mar 2015
V Mar 2015
huddled up in the far corner of my room
waiting for my doom
he said it'd come soon
the man with no eyes
no one else sees him
they say its my whim
I yell, cut, scream
hoping to wake from this bad dream
but no
this is real
nothing's surreal
they crowd around me
and laugh, poke and jeer
until many a tear
fall from my eyes

I am afraid of being without someone
for I know
when they go
they take his or her place
I am afraid of the dark
I am...*schizophrenic
397 · Apr 2015
V Apr 2015
I'm tired
The gun has fired
The damage done
I've had my fun
Now I lay me down to sleep
I watch my day seep
Through my fingers
As I fall into a dream
About me with a bunch of  diggers
The seam
Between reality and the dream world fades
We, me and the diggers, hand each other spades
But, we dig for no gold, old and wise
Nor for a diamond, big in size
But a place to sleep
We are tired, sore and meek
We seek
Shelter wherever possible
We don't need any place relax able
Just a place to lay our sore bodies
And float on the cookie boat
On the milk river
I'm tired
And I lay me down to sleep
393 · Apr 2015
the final act
V Apr 2015
My final act
All the conditions in my pact
Are fulfilled and done
The laughs that I shared with you guys
Are now just empty, hollow sighs
I pack my stuff
Rough, worn and tough
From the adventures we had
I am now very sad
I have now reached the bend
Of this road
This, for me is the end
Here we say our good byes
There are tears in my eyes
I know, that I have made new friends, for life
Our friendship, stronger than steel, sharper than knife
Here, our paths separate
I am desperate
For one more act, one more adventure
Yet I know the time has come
For some,
There may he more
But for me, this is the end of the road
This is,
My final act
383 · May 2015
V May 2015
So free
Neither do they have any restraints
Nor duties
Rushing through the skies
Like a shooting star
Be quick
Or you will lose sight of these beauties
The lords of the skies
Enigma of observers centuries ere
Colorful wings and beaks
Such a marvel to observe
373 · Mar 2015
V Mar 2015
through the eternal dark I flee
while the monsters chase me with glee
through the shrubs I run
hoping they don't make fun
of my staggering gait
long have I fled
far too much have I bled
I know now
the end is near
everything I held dear
will not matter
log after log I cross
they are slippery; covered with moss
my feet splash in the blood red waters
my spirit shatters
as I near my end
I try to mend
my soul
but it is too late
the demons, they are my own
I must reap what I have sown
a cold wind has blown
through the eternal dark I flee
hoping to jump in the inferno
369 · May 2017
The Destroyer
V May 2017
Heed my advice
For I am the last thing you shall see
I am the one who created this world
And I am the one who shall end it
My word is law; my judgement is final.
Demons don't just come from hell
They live within us all.
Heed my advice
For I am the means of your liberation.
363 · Apr 2015
V Apr 2015
The war is done
But what of the damage?
One side lost, one won
How will the people manage;
To cope with the horrors
Many soldiers
Have died to fulfill
One man's folly
Many soldiers
Have died performing their duties
But all that is in the past
Let us now tie the sail
Tighter to the ship of peace's mast
And sail, leaving no trail
Of our horrendous past
This is not the end
This is aftermath
It is a new beginning
A new beginning
Where we can try not to fight.
360 · May 2015
the monster within
V May 2015
There is a monster within me
It shows its hideous face only to me. So none can see
It meets me every day
When I wake up
It greets me in the mirror
Its black pits stare right through me
Its horrific smile
Teeth lined with blood
It eats me from inside
Destroying my every essence
357 · May 2015
The void
V May 2015
Dark, full of despair
Crushed hope, beyond repair
A broken heart, lays forgotten
Broken dreams cry, laying there, rotten
All of us have a void in us
But few acknowledge it
353 · Jan 2015
tribute to a mother
V Jan 2015
You were always there for me
When no one else bothered
When I was smothered
In grief
You came and made it brief
You always find time
Never never expect a dime
In return
You're the best
Forget the rest.
353 · Mar 2015
in the dark
V Mar 2015
You were my light
Now your gone
Nothing's bright
We were happy
Or so I like to think
I was too busy for you
Now I regret every moment I didn't pay heed
You were my light
Now you're gone
You left, crying
I was just standing, and I let you go
Now I regret that decision
I should have gotten on my knees  and told you how much you meant to me..
Now you're gone.. I'm in the dark..
After a long time! Feels good to be back
347 · Apr 2015
the dark
V Apr 2015
as I walk through this forest,
I think of memories bygone
I now face the hardest decision yet
To walk this path on this forest or not
I once sought
A wise saint
When I reached his abode, I was ready to faint
He told me to always follow my heart
And play my part
Very well in other's lives
That I should never
Say words that hurt like knives
And that I should be ever
This darkness, so vast and huge
Seems to engulf my being
My soul; and the whole world
This darkness
Binds me
343 · May 2015
V May 2015
the best thing about silence is
That you can shout out with your thoughts
And no one's gonna think you're stupid
335 · Mar 2015
V Mar 2015
Oh the pain
they say there is no gain
without pain
but I have only received pain
no gain
you were the only one who didn't laugh at me
whatever it may be
but I saw you with him
I think it was my whim
to think
you loved me
I gave you my everything
and expected nothing
in return
you pained me
331 · Jan 2015
V Jan 2015
when people take action
against the corrupt
who interrupt
in their peaceful lives
with words full of lies
honey coated sweet words
music to the ear
we are glad when we hear
that we will no longer have to bear
the pain

but sir
what will you gain?
how many lives will you destroy?
until you remember
that you are only paving the way
for rebellion?
for mindless killing
of women and the innocent
for a couple of cents
everyone vents
their grief and sorrow
and then they borrow
their brows furrow
with pain
as the bullet hits their heart
families broken apart
this is the cost of corruption
rebellion, death, killing of a million.
325 · Jan 2015
afraid of the shadows
V Jan 2015
I am afraid of the shadows
come envelope me in your love
you were always there for me
I can't resist
touching your soft skin
and pressing my lips against yours
don't let us drift apart
please let me play a part
in your life
I am afraid of the shadows
come help me overcome this fear
embrace me like we used to
love me like we used to
I will love you tenfold.
313 · Aug 2016
V Aug 2016
It isn't where you're from that matters
**its what you do that does
Hey guys! Follow me on Instagram, I don't take pictures of food or take selfies, I shoot pictures of the world around us. My Instagram is vardaan_nayar
Thanks for being such an amazing audience and reading my poems
309 · May 2015
the forest
V May 2015
A darkness so profound
As I walk through this forest
Not one ray of light visible
Eyes, red as the fires of hell
Watch me from yonder the bushes
The trees whisper amongst one another
Wolves howl,
Beautiful songs by the children of the night
V Jan 2015
the haven that she never reached
when the soldiers had breached
the security of her castle
her soldiers were defeated without much hassle
she ran and hit them with a pan
and then she ran
into her room
where they were sure she'd meet her doom
but she had a plan
she hid as they came in
pushing and playin
having evil intentions
but all their notions
couldn't be set into motion
as she attacked them
and smashed them and bashed them
and then she ran
but before she could reach safety's hand
some one had spoiled everything she had planned
and as the guillotine  came down she preached
"how I wish I could
go to the haven I never reached!"
305 · Apr 2015
V Apr 2015
In life, you'll always meet jerks
Be grateful for them,
For if they weren't there
Your life wouldn't be called an *adventure
If I have copied anyone, my heartfelt apologies, I just spoke what was on my mind about bullies.
299 · May 2017
V May 2017
You never knew how much I loved you
I never asked much; just that you don't harm the one person I loved more than myself.
Why didn't you think of me when you put the blade to yourself?
Why did you think I would survive that?
I now roam this abyss an empty shell
Treasuring the memories you gave me
290 · May 2015
V May 2015
what are they?
Pearls of the sky?
Or the tears of an aerial maiden?
Whatever they are
They're beautiful
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