The animals
are driving their cars,
the animals...
with their streetlamps
and traffic lights
and their red stop signs.
The animals...
The animals
are gangsters in black,
the animals...
with their hand guns
and sharp knives
and their backward hats.
The animals...
The animals
are hiding in bricks,
the animals...
with their arm chairs
and hallway rugs,
they're full of ****!
The animals...
The animals
are urinating,
the animals
are defecating,
the animals
have fancy bathrooms,
the animals
are ******* in the next room,
it's highly irritating.
The animals
are trying so hard,
the animals...
with their therapy,
prescription drugs
and their self-help books.
The animals
are trying so hard!
A lil ditty I wrote :D