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My pen hovers over a blank page
As red ink drips from my wounded heart;
The pain has been stirred by some senseless word,
Now my loneliness awakes with a start

Why are all my words penned in red ink?
The heart must deliver its lament!
Sad words find release, bringing a strange peace
When too long the heartaches of love are pent

And why do my verses taste of salt ---
Not of the sea and its gypsy waves
That come and go, free of all care and woe,
But from tears shed for the love my heart craves

How much must a heart invest in love
Before it receives a dividend?
To reach its goal, it pays a hefty toll,
And yet, the journey seems to have no end

So where lies the blessed love I seek?
Have I left some leaf or stone unturned?
Might there be a flower in my sunset hour
Yet to blossom, for which my heart has yearned?

Lord, take pity on my foolish dreams!
Shine your torchlight on my dark despair;
And when I implore, storming Heaven's door,
Turn the key and permit me entry there
Her poems paint a self-portrait
Of a face she hides from the world;
Secrets well-guarded, slowly revealed,
Each line a new chapter unfurled

Every word that drips from her pen
Is likened to paint on the knife;
From sunlit paths that lead to dark caves,
She paints the story of her life

Stroke after stroke the words are placed
Upon the warped canvas of time;
The torment that each lonely day brings
Urges her to dress it in rhyme

Are lonely days not punishment
Enough for this painter of verse?
Yet, night only grants her fitful sleep
As her woes refuse to disperse

O, painter of a thousand words,
Your cruel fate has taken its toll,
Leaving you to walk this Earth alone
With weary heart and sick of soul

With open eyes she lays dreaming
Of the day love will grace each dawn;
Little does she know her fate is sealed:
Long ago her portrait was drawn
 Nov 2017 Ahmed Ali
Gaby Comprés
when hands reach to touch you
may they reach for you
not hoping to find anything
but you
may they reach for you knowing
that you cannot fill empty spaces
and that you
do not have any empty spaces within you
may they reach for you
gently, in love,
with wonder at the wonder
that you are
inspired by Sarah Kay's 'The Type'.
 Nov 2017 Ahmed Ali
Star BG
 Nov 2017 Ahmed Ali
Star BG
Love the journey and it will love you back.
Hate the journey and struggles will multiply.

You are the thoughts you carry.

StarBG © 2017
inspired by RiBa
 Nov 2017 Ahmed Ali
Ryan Holden
A tender kiss will
Heal the scars on my lips like
You are the ointment.
 Nov 2017 Ahmed Ali
Farheen zehra
Words that can stir your soul,
Metaphor's Simile & much more.

Words that take you to another nation,
A different world, the land of imagination.

Words that can make you laugh & cry,
Happiness laughter,emotions low & high.

Words that give you a different view,
Sparkling silver & golden hues.

Words that are packed with power,
To uplift, enrich & empower.

Words that can converse with the stars & the moon,
Talk about their shine, glitter & gloom.

Poetry has but a lot more,
Only if you open your hearts & minds to explore,
There is an artist hidden within each one of you,
So grab your brushes and paint your view...!
Just an attempt.All suggestions are welcome
 Nov 2017 Ahmed Ali
Farheen zehra
When you rise up
to start your day,
To chase your dreams
Do not delay,
Grab every opportunity
that comes your way,
Because You Only Live Once they say..!
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