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I started counting
counting my calories
the numbers between my thighs
how many times I lied about being "fine"
I cant stop counting
I'm counting down
Ill stop counting when i hit

He's her moon, up all night making sure she always has a safe space
She's his sun, up all day just to make sure he stays
for just one
oh how I miss the words you'd whisper softly in my ear
the way your heart beat on your rib cage

oh how I miss the sound of your small voice
smaller then a mouse that only a bear could hear

oh how I miss the I love you
the sweet kisses you gave
i miss my lover
"we held hands when we walked down the ginger-bread path into the forest, blood dripping from our fingers. we danced with witches and kissed monsters. we turned our self into winter-girls"

-Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson
Ive read this book over and over I honestly love it
people tell you not to do drugs because you'll get addicted and wont be able to stop
they say this about crack or ******* and more drugs, they say dont smoke as it will wreak your body

so what about love?

loves addicting, it makes you crave it more and more,
it can wreak you
they tell you about all of the other drugs in the messed up world but what about love, love is one of the worst drugs, no one really sees that love is the biggest killer out there

my friend said  something like this and i thought it made a chill poem
rain slows till its no more
sun shines down and birds start to sing
the kids come out to play in what is left
of the beautiful sadness

Sometime After Crying You Start To Feel Better Just Like After A Storm
Pressing a brush of silver agansit a blank canvas with red paint

The red paint runs down like water onto the floor

Screams cry, sirens play, while I’m still laughing with no sense of pain

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