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Umi Apr 2018
Constallations, a septette for shining stars
Seven in number, aline like no other, a fusion sign in melting white,
Caught in stellar evolution in the arts of the nuclear, they expand,
Red giants, the final step in their life, before they either blow the layer off gently tossing it into the depth of space, or they go out with a bang
The fall of these great stars, gifting light which is likely to grow life,
A nova which drags their orbital children to the deepest abyss releasing enough energy for a heavenly meltdown breaking hell loose
Stars, standing upon the pillars of creaton planted in there like trees,
Polaris, burn bright in white till you blow up, hell fire don't go out,
In line, with the others, you form a radiant great, or rather big dipper,
Oh you blazing fixed star, northern, luminous and majestic, shine on,
Let this dream fill you up with energy, rumbling deep inside, still you are satisfied, with the reactions, with speed much greater than sound,
A force which would easily break the earths ground, shatter it within moments of a violent dance of might and power beyond any reason,
For the millions, the septentrion shall shine on in a changing dipper,
Until the moment they die.

~ Umi
Luna Feb 2015
i look at the sky
tiny dots amongst
blank space
outer space
the tiny dots appear to flicker
they exist as
only source of light
if the night bears no moon

i see distant heavenly bodies
burning hotter than a thousand campfires
a million matches
they burn blue
across the void of the galaxy
light traveling billions of miles away
in some predestined way to reach my retinas
i try to process the idea of exactly how much space
space needs to take
i can't comprehend the simple complexity of this universe
nor fathom the vastness of it
working like a preprogrammed machine
it bares little creatures in a water-filled planet
they have their own little worlds
their own little stories
separate from the narration
that keeps together the force of gravity

do not forget
that you were made by the same Being
who made the stars
the same One
Who crafted each gaseous heavenly body
each He knows by name

don't you realise that the fire inside of you
burns hotter than a thousand suns
a billion supernovas
you burn not only red, white, and blue
hues can't quite describe
the brilliance of your mind

i try to process
how much space
it would take for me not to feel your warmth
i can't comprehend your simple complexity
the constallations in your eyes
change every night
because each day
you're a new mystery
for me to fathom

do not forget
that you were made by the same Being
who made the stars
why wouldn't He make someone
just like them
someone who shines brightly
to cut through the darkness
why wouldn't He?
but ah
He already has
don't you ever forget
that He already has
i got inspired by someone's poem and it was trending and i forgot to take down the writer because literally i was like "THIS IS AMAZING" and i closed my browser and started writing so yes if that was your line i used pls just tell me

also sirus is the brightest star in earth's sky
Louise Ruen Oct 2016
Black. The deepest variety of it.
That was   all I saw when I closed my eyes.
Now the black is lit up the whole ******* milky way, and no, I don't mean the candybar.

I might be able to see that and the rest of the world when my eyes are awake and open, but as soon as I close them, and leave my constantly batting eyelashes to rest, I discover an entire universe behind my eyelids.
And among the stars I find you. As the northstar you stand out.
I wish your moral compass pointed north aswell, but I guess the fun was always south
You are surrounded by the constallations of my past, not only making the milkyway a memory lane, but beautifying the mistakes I have made.
There are plenty.
So I guess time really does heal all wounds.
Because my heart no longer feels a big blackattention-craving all consuming hole, but instead like the freaking sun.
Radiating heat to warm up the icy winter and make it feel like summer
All thanks to you, my own Apollo dragging it across the sky in your chariot with the help of your flaming horses.
I call it my own litlle devine miracle.
Everyone gets one and you were mine.

I open my eyes and the universe is gone leaving the world behind.
I see you.
I smile.
This might seem like a love poem - which I guess it is in a weird way, because it's really about my friends or whoever lights up your world.
Nabs Dec 2015
By : Nabs

I was running away looking for a solace
When we collided
As though two meteors, out of their orbit
Crashes together creating a loud bang

Creating galaxies in our wake

You lit me up like a spark
Like I was firecrackers
And it would be to your delight
To see me explode in the night

We often clash and crash
As often as the wave crashes to the shore
But somehow i do not mind
You always soothe me at the end, after all

"An anchor", you confessed to me one day
To the silent question hovering between us
About what we are to each other
I almost replied that you were mine too

We are an anchor to each other
So this bruised ship of ours
Can still land on the shore
To be able to come back, even if only to each other

To not be lost they said
But I found that we are still lost
Lost in each other orbit
In each other oceans

I found, sometimes that i do not mind

We have faith in different things
A set of beliefs
But then again
Our foundation are made from the meshing off our jagged ends

A beautiful mosaics of broken pieces of two souls trying to balance each other

We are sowing seeds
While people slapping labels
Foolish and wrong
As if what we had is something for their consumption

It is supposed to be a glorious thing
Growing something
To see it bloom into something marvelous
Maybe thinking that the pest will always be pest is what doomed us after all

We tried to nurture it
To care for it
To prune it
But at the end it still withers in our hand

But not because of the lack of trying
Never because the lack of trying
You and me
we were cursed

With head as hard as rocks
Walls as high as the mountains
Heart broken in so many place
Trying to keep our heads high in this sinking ship of ours

It was a wonder we managed to collide in the first place

We bound ourself to each other
Maybe that was
What made us broke apart in the end
We never like to be tied down

But even though all things have to end
I am foolish enough to admit
That I, in my deepest heart
Wish for this to last

But alas, a wish is called a wish
Because it is something not to be true

I would like for us to keep colliding
To keep crashing through each other orbit
As if we are made to clash with each other
To keep pulling and pushing

Pulling and pushing

We're collateral damage
You and I
We know it deep into our bones
A myriad of explosions waiting to make another galaxies, another constallations

But fear always make the heart goes weary

I do not want it, this feeling
It came in sneaking
Like it knows it should not have been able to be in
But there is cracks in this fortress of mine

You tried to helped me
You tried so hard to help me
But there is pride in my soul
And my contempt grew out of the adoration that is slowly being corrupted away

I adore you
But I never could say it
There is always tension clogging between us
Maybe that is why we always bring knives

You know me
You know me better than I know my self
I know the taste of fear
It is a bitter pill that I keep swallowing everyday

The pill taste a bit sweeter around you

You made me fond of you
I never expected that
You become my solace
And yet i am too used to running

Maybe my save haven could only be found if i keep running

I keep building my walls up
There is a knocking sound
But nothing can not be wore down by time

Even asteroids become corroded by time

Even stars will be killed by time

You and me?
We're a fool if we think we could have fought against time

There was one time when you told me
That I made you feel alive

You make me feel alive too,

So alive that i feel like every single nerve inside of me will burst just by looking at you

We were a two matches
Lighting each other up
Just to see it burns out
With all that was left were only ashes

How do one stop building walls?
How do one stop from falling?
How do you stop the barrage of feelings?

How do you stop from dying?

There is always a knife between us
Where we are tied with red strings
Perhaps it is red because it is a warning
A warning made by blood



I woke up with bloods on my hand
We passed each other today
There's a different sort of magnetic field resonating around us
More chaotic yet more distant, more repelling
I swallow another bitter pill, keeping my heads up

Is this what love feels like?

It is better like this
With bitter pills in my hands
To keep me from remembering

How you and I were made for destructions
Hope you enjoy this
i know better then anyone how words can just get mixed up in your head as you try to explain the complex wisdom the sole being that is you - and sometimes fear hold me...down....who am i? to question ? ?. The bettwer question is who are you to not ) look beyond the fear of something seemingly far far away. Let the words clutter and mixxxxxxxxx. Until they have become soup and you are able to pour them down correctly and create a beauty-full picture on which the entire world can understand you - no you.  but who gives a care what they think...i think. they sing and sometimes scream....who says you're not perfect? when you're the answer to the universe - the very wisdome in the stars and the solving of a thousand constallations - minus Sirius. because even dreams have limits - it's our capibility that does not.
Do not distribute or use my work with out my explicit permission.
A seaside town
The breeze in my hair
I see my home
By the sunset hues
I find the path
I walk by the waters
The salt in the sea
It's the scent in the wind
I look up to the sky
Looking for something
I wonder
Wandering about
What if
I could find my own self?
Its lost
Somewhere in my mind
These thoughts
So many
Like stars
And I can't turn these stars
Into constallations
No matter how I try
I can't
I look
But nothing
Am I never
To be found?
Or just
Not now
I am lost
Am I to be found?

Trying to figure life out

— The End —