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Don't ever believe a night to be nothing more than another days passing and a new ones birth.

I have shed the remorse now nothing stands between me and every goal that will **** the past and me just the same.

Don't breathe in delusion just to expel ******* mixed with hope .
Take the ride and embrace the night for what  it is and everything it can never be .

There is nothing beyond the moment.

My road is always meant to be faced alone .

And I cannot be anything beyond the moment when death is the only promise I can be reassured of.

Sometimes a harsh truth beats the best well intended lie.

And a kiss goodbye suits the story far better than a slow demise .

Never hang your hopes in a good time .

Passion is a fire that burns to get you through a single night at best.

Truth suits me far better .
Be bad in the best way sweetheart.

Cheers .
I had finally broke through on a small scale the words were selling .
I found less and less reason to find outside jobs to support myself anymore I drank as I pleased and slept in late .

I was amongst a few but we seldom if ever crossed paths .
We knew we existed but when you step from the playground to the battlefield there is a change that comes over you I cannot explain unless you are there .

People became less and less a concern of mine .
Those I gave a **** about had either died or left long ago.
To gain anything you must be willing to lose everything .

The person you once were must die .
Maybe some found it easy .
They scribbled some words down found a fool to publish it and struck gold .

But fairy tales weren't my style and I had reached the finish line empty and broken .
But I had reached the ******* ! , And that is  all that truly matters .

I thought of those that doubted me .
I thought of the women with whom had shared my bed .
Most thought I was insane and for some that is what drew them to me .

That drive was always there .

I remember sitting in the dark with one such woman .

"Even when your happy you seem so deeply sad inside ".
She said to me her head on the pillow .
As we looked into one another's eyes.

"I'm always thinking sweetheart it's just my nature'.

"Please just be happy baby everything is going to work out I promise ".

We kissed she laid her head on my chest and drifted off to sleep as I counted the demons of my past in the shadows .
They lingered like smoke rings in the air.

I knew are paths were destined to part .

Promises are for fool hearted children not bitter old men as I.

She found another and I found my place amongst those who grasped what few ever could .

We were guarded to others .
Insane to many for we chased a illusion and turned it into our existence .

It was a scene of emptiness and regrets we erased from the simple readers view .
And as for me I bleed the truths of my past upon every page making it seem like art fooling everyone but myself.

It was a fight to remain afloat yet I swam with the sharks and thrived amongst the few .  

I gave up everything that ever mattered to me.
And was a stranger now to even my oldest friends .

We were are killers for we had stepped on anyone who dared get in the way .
Never believe me to be the victim for I made my choices and now
I sit at the table eager to reap its rewards .

It's never a gift it's work plain and simple .
You clock in bleed your soul and bust your *** .
learn to smile at rejections and keep moving no matter how many times they try to break you.

What was once a child's escape is now a fulltime hell.
And I paid my dues in blood and heartache followed by vices that continue to consume me daily .

When you find yourself here, If this is truly for you remember as you ache from the pains of a life lived and a heart shattered not to mention a mind just a shock treatment away from the asylum .

You wanted this.

The view is never the same from murders row  .
There's this road I'm walking on
Of which end I cannot see
My sense of direction all gone
Map show me the way! I plea

But the words are met with defeat
Should I continue on my own?
For it's just an empty sheet
Am I doomed to walk alone?

What to do when there's no ink?
Or is it because I can't see?
I feel like I'm on a brink
Of losing myself in misery

I stumble around all lost
Day after day after day
My fingers are firmly crossed
For this nightmare to go away

But I've come to the realization
That nightmares are just dreams
For I am my own narration
It may not be what it seems

So even if my eyes are blind
Don't give up is what I say
Just leave these doubts behind
Eventually I will find my way.
 Dec 2017 Alissa Rogers
I stood on the hill of broken bones and torn flesh
And i was at the peak while the sun was moving through my arms to my finger tips
And my heart beat was still
moving with the air around me
i warmed as i saw you at the bottom
sitting on a bench with flowers surrounding your feet
i saw you holding a petal in your hand like a drop of the earth
and you looked up at me as if you felt my stare
you smiled and i immediately fell to my knees
oh what a beautiful smile, what a beautiful moment, what a beautiful you
and i thought to myself of how i promised id never love again
and i thought to myself of how i promised i would not fall again, but i did
like a never ending cycle of heart break and new age
a never ending cycle of  the sun and the rain.
i knew you wouldnt be the last love and i knew you werent the first.
but in that moment all i saw was you, you surrounded by sunlight and clouds
a drop of ray from the sky
my love for a second
my love for a moment in time
let us rejoice when our heart break comes
let us rejoice because we knew what it meant to love at all
 Dec 2017 Alissa Rogers
I was almost certain I was becoming insane
The pool flooded throughout my mind and over went the edges
The voices wouldn't stop
Wouldn't halt saying things that made being awake so unbearable
            But I kept moving to the beat of the sky because l had no choice
And I kept moving to the sound of its voice because
the world will not be drowned by me

I'm rotating in a life made up of spider webs that have wrapped my neck in its arms
I'm trying so hard to breathe
But gasp are what I know
And air flows through the small cracks that it can
Trying to squeeze its way in the holes of freedom
But holes were too small
And I need air in my lungs
to live

But there was no living
No breathing
But rocking
Back and forth till I found a rhythm that matched the sky
Till I could seem regular to the world that never really saw me

I was almost certain I was becoming insane

And the voices were what held me

so they drowned the rest of the world
To watch me burn
you came into
my life
as an
exclamation point
wandered it
as a
question mark
i thought you’d
leave with
three dots
but you left
with only
she used to write so much
about love and other
nonsensical things
she was passionate for words
her mind filled with
imaginary memories
now her papers are blank
pen's lying on the table
and her hand
fitting perfectly
in another
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