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262 · Jun 2018
Procrastinating My Fears
Brian McDonagh Jun 2018
I ask you questions
To get answers
And to better understand
So I don't seem nervous;
Yet I am still uneasy
Because I am prepared to fail
Rather than succeed.
I always break into procrastination when I know I'll be "presenting" myself before a public gathering in some way, regardless of how often I do so.  It does no justice to me to stall time in such a way, but it's a default that's there and hard to change (if what I just said made ANY sense)
247 · Dec 2018
Walmart's Fog
Brian McDonagh Dec 2018
I wish these puffs were
Eked from a fog machine.
It's not a levitation of battle clouds
From cannons, from a precipitation forecast.
This is another battle-fog:
One composed of vape and cigarette smoke.
It hurts on the inside,
But at least one is at ease
From that troublesome and possibly tedious
Consumer, their complaints with no calm resolution
And no sense.
The scattered and randomized number
Of cigarettes fallen
Is none of my business
But business' business.
When standing at Walmart for more than 8 hours on some days...well...a lot of life can happen and be seen.
247 · May 2018
The Harmony of Matrimony
Brian McDonagh May 2018
Meadows, valleys,
Fields of wide pasture,
That’s the thought of today as we come together,
Us in our wedding vesture.

Whatever the day brings,
The sun still shines;
And we are together,
Like branches along vines.

Thankful for this time,
We share with close community
Our joy and happiness
While we have the opportunity.

Two hearts sync
As one beat in time;
The feeling is as whimsical
As the voice of a wind chime.

We profess our vows
Aloud to each other;
Endowed we are
With the love of a mother:

Caring, understanding,
Hopeful in all;
May our time beyond our reception
Be as nourishing as a banquet hall!
Wrote this for my cousin who's getting married next month!
Brian McDonagh May 2018
When attached to a place,
A certain company, for a long time,
It’s no easy step to meet a new face.

Your quarter, nickel, and dime
Know well how change works;
It can be as sweet as sugar, or sour as lime.

A score of time somewhere one lurks
Withholds the power and experience
To accept seeing new folks, whether angels or jerks.

That’s the code of assimilating in an audience,
Where faces turn seat-to-seat
As if to survey an area of new and one-time presence.

There are small feet, but this is no small feat
To get to know and open ourselves.
Never doubt, though, you may find someone neat!

Stories about us, stories about themselves
In a community that has something to say;
We are books that need to be dusted and read from our shelves.

Leaving the home, mystified with each day,
Us travelers hunger for blood not yet acquainted,
There’s always a new somebody not too far away.

Community: has this a picture painted?
It has always made me nervous meeting new people face-to-face, but to me it's not growth unless an uneasy feeling is felt at some point
237 · Sep 2018
Thinking Ahead
Brian McDonagh Sep 2018
When I'm out-and-about, I think of returning home.
Depending on the current season, I think of a holiday or occasion
That still hides in the future,
Such as thinking of Easter during Lent,
Or what Halloween will be like
While indulging in Irish culture.
Even more so, I think of resting while working
And of working while resting.
Just another phenomenon I don't understand,
A fact indeed.
I know my physical body has always been present for everything in my life's doings, but not always my mind (this poem may sound like repetitive bologna, but, at any rate, wanted to write this anyway).  To add to that, in some relevance, "sayings" [can] differ from "commands"; for instance, the saying or phrase "remain in the present" might inspire me, but it doesn't necessarily mean I am necessarily bound in obedience to that or that I can obey that sage advice at all, for that matter.
Brian McDonagh Apr 2018
After daily introductions,
It’s over.
Nothing in mind to elongate the subject
From that person across the way.
Before long,
The only words left
Are puns to confirm the focus being tested.
“Well, I just bought a new car.”
“My friend went to a party last night.”
“I had sooo much work to catch up on.”
Silence is also just as handy of a response,
But when people demand words,
Puns sentence them.
I don't want to unnecessarily dig into business that's not my own
and I don't want to steer off topic if I can help it...puns are the type of
conversational porridge that's juuuust right lol
231 · Jun 2018
A Rant of Irritation
Brian McDonagh Jun 2018
Get out!
Stop ruining my life!
Your words, they destroy my future,
Like a bullet, bomb, knife.
In other words
Shut up
Ever want to tell somebody a similar verbalization yet keep it to yourself?
230 · Jun 2018
Weather or Not
Brian McDonagh Jun 2018
We are an opposite, contrary people:
We want our summers cool
And our winters warm.
Who's not to say
There already has been a global warming
Taking effect
In the forecast of fantasy?
I thought of this poetry idea this morning in my neck of the woods when my mom said out loud how she like the cool morning of today, June 12 lol :P.  Enjoy!
230 · Jun 2018
Pride Fied
Brian McDonagh Jun 2018
If we are not proud of something,
Then we would never have said aloud
What it was we did not, do not,
Or will not take pride in,
Refusing recognition
For the humility of a given circumstance.
I am guilty of this a lot; I personally don't like that side to me because I feel like I lie to myself, but, nevertheless, I still incorporate this into my vocabulary here and there.  Anyway, hope you enjoy this piece!  Also, the second word in the revised title is supposed to be the past tense of "fye", which I believe means something like "for shame" and such old English speaking (if I have that right lol :P)
228 · Jan 2019
12:48 pm
Brian McDonagh Jan 2019
Suppose there is a reason,
After all,
For why I grumble at dawn
Yet fall short to day-ify
The night

My mom never forgot
The time I was born:
12:48 pm.
I was born into daylight...
On the outside walls, of course.

I don't usually think about
My birthtime too often;
If I happen to catch this minute by sight,
I know then I am well alive!
My mom has told me the story of how the doctor almost recorded my birthtime as 12:49 pm but my mom knows it to be 12:48 pm.  Glad to be a noontide birth!
225 · Jan 2019
Brian McDonagh Jan 2019
224 · Apr 2018
Brian McDonagh Apr 2018
Burning for truth
Running his mouth
Isaiah 41:10
Again, I try
Never to lose.
As if I can't write more about myself lol...let this be an excuse to pose an acrosstic poem.
219 · May 2018
[En]Counter Intelligence
Brian McDonagh May 2018
The lessons of criminal activity
Don’t go unnoticed.
Agents swarm the scene,
But then there are those
Who translate previous challenges
Into knowledge for future disturbances.
The eyes that see us
But we don’t see
Are the scariest of all.
A pun and hopefully worded as accurately as possible. :P
219 · Jan 2019
A Colosseum of Injustice II
Brian McDonagh Jan 2019
Fans from both sides
Yelling at the referees,
Telling them how to do their job.
I wanted to defend the referees right
But then I thought, "How could I plead my case
Regarding a sport that most of the audience knows
Better than I do?"
I rested my case in my head.
Even the coaches were mocking
How they could make better calls
And how many the referees missed.
I guess that's why my dad and brother
Didn't give a **** about the tension.
They've seen tension not only from me
In the family,
But they have an awareness of sports
That my experience cannot contest.

I have thin skin, I can't let these situations slide.
I couldn't be in an arena
Where every fan was booing the officials.
I had to leave; my hands are still marked with
The filth of unsportsmanlike conduct
On every animate being.
Sure no sport can come clean,
And everyone in my family and most outside my house
Had to remind me in basketball, piano, football,
That it's "just a game."

I left this so-called game early.
I wasn't really rooting for any team;
I don't even think I was watching a real game.
I was really tired while writing the first one, so if it's sloppy I apologize and will look into necessary edits.  There's more I wanted to say on this poem's topic though...
216 · May 2018
Book Food
Brian McDonagh May 2018
Each time I read,
I feed
On the words I heed
That will lead
Me to impede
On my need,
Which is no ****,
But of which I bleed
Without greed.
I am freed
As I pray bead-to-bead
When I read
With the determination of a stampede,
The delicacy of a centipede,
The brilliance of an equine steed
The toughness of a car just keyed,
And with the harmony of a reed
Until from life I secede.
Rhymes are awesome haha.
216 · Jan 2019
Phone Service
Brian McDonagh Jan 2019
Her mom was one call away;
Even though Christy didn't have her own phone,
She had the number ready to dial.
In the long run, she couldn't make the call
In borrowing access to another's phone.

I lent her my phone...more than one time.

I noticed Christy asking for rides,
A frequent sight
Around Walmart's outdoor campus.
I couldn't take back what I saw,
So I offered to ride her.
Christy rose from neutral emotions
To cheery.
After all, at least she could be inside somewhere
Even in fleeting time.

I drove her...more than one time

After a while, it wasn't "I don't know you"
And "You don't know me."
Not even "Since it's Christmas..."
Could sum this interaction.
Instead, Christy and I eating
McDonald's breakfast burritos
Is the best way I can describe
Our encounter:
A hunger to help,
A hunger to be helped.

I ate those burritos...more than one time
For her sake.
I firmly believe those burritos will not be
Her last supper.

I drove Christy during the day
And under the drapery of night,
One instance with her friend Lisa,
Another moment that ended
With my yelling voice unleashed
Toward Christy's mother.
Then a detour to the Emergency Room,
Good Christy vomiting outside
The passenger door along the road.

Yet, Christy navigated my driving...more than one time.

Christy wasn't a fan of needles,
But grudgingly accepted the IV
That she foresaw in her medical visit.
She succumbed to X-Ray scans,
The blood pressure strap,
And the nocturnal waiting.

"Maybe we should look tired," Christy glared at me.
"I'm fine...I want to see you well first," I urged.
Christy didn't budge at my response...
She signed a release, and we left.

Her lips spun her two lip piercings...more than one time.

"Do I look funny?" Christy asked me at one point.
The best I could say, in order to not just say what she wanted to hear,
Was: "You look how you look."

We looked for hotels for Christy...more than one time.

She was at the Heritage,
But a police incident removed
The lodgers the night of the scene.
Christy was at the Relax,
But the manager was missing a kind heart
And the room had roaches.
We tried the Days Inn.
Beyond our affordability.
Christy settled with the Knights Inn
After mid-knight.

My arguing created another situation:
I thought I saw Christy getting food from someone else.
[My, what assumptions can ruin]
She cried because of my sudden accusation.
Even my immediate turn-around apology
Couldn't mend my errors right then.  

Christy started losing hope that I,
Or we (my mom included),
Couldn't help her; limitation started to take
The upper hand.
Christy, who had suicidal intentions before,
Restored them from the way she carelessly
And degradingly spoke of herself.

"I'm NOT going to the Bethany House!" Christy insisted.
Christy repelled the Bethany House...more than one time.

I drove Christy to my mom's church,
Christy carelessly approving.
A friend of my mom's tried to talk Christy
Into staying on the course of help,
But Christy wanted to just go back to Walmart,
To panhandle.
I understood her desire to do so,
But we could have helped her.

She ran off at Sheetz
With her garbage bag of belongings.
Saying "Christy" multiple times
Made Christy ignore me even more.

We all deserve a chance...more than one time,
But some will want more than one more time.
Not an easy experience, but poetry is the hard-to-accept as well.
213 · May 2018
Stating the Obvious
Brian McDonagh May 2018
I heard it once,
I don’t need to hear it again,
But the first to tell me
Had no clue you would have the same lesson,
The same advisement,
But that doesn’t change the fact that I am still annoyed.
I get it!
I get it!
I get it!
I get it!
Please stop! The repetitive words and their unnecessary radiation
Overheat my thoughts, and I want to leave,
To break free from the bonds of this conversation.
Get me out!
But your voice yanks my guilt,
Pulls me to stay
By the “What-will I-tell-my-children-someday?” rope
Around the torso of my guilt.
Just sigh and get by, I circulate within me.
Another peeve that makes a life appearance; when someone instructs me one way, I'm reminded of that same advice from someone else as if there was some plan to do so that took place behind my back.
210 · May 2018
Work Undone
Brian McDonagh May 2018
I turn the lights off, you turn them back on.
I close the refrigerator door, you open it back up.
I return items to their original places, you move them.
I leave the toilet seat up, you fold it back down.
I vacuum the carpets, you immediately imprint your feet where I stopped.
I lock the door, you unlock it.
I turn the TV off, you turn it back on.
I recycle the newspaper, you bring it back out.
I make dinner, you order takeout.
I unplug, you plug back in.
I sketch, you erase.
I say one thing, you argue against it.
Today, nothing happened.
Not saying I've been a part of all these instances, but this is just to exemplify
my encounters with those who have different ideas.
Brian McDonagh May 2018
Hey it's just Brian.  Again, know I should be posting just poetry, but I just want to let you who are following me and those outside who have seen my poetry know that I sincerely appreciate it!!!!! :)  This is a blessing to be able to relate to writers/viewers like you all as distant as virtuality may make it seem.  Just wanted to extend a bigger appreciation; I know I should thank each one of you individually instead of being lazy and sending out one message for all like most bogus automation does, but be assured I am grateful to be connected to others who have some affinity for writing and particularly poetry.  And shout out to the maker of this site Emily; Emily, this site means more to a person like me than you'll ever know.  This is a great site and I hope it stands as long as possible.  Anyway, just me; poetry on, peoples! :D  Also, I really apologize for not remaining true to my word in saying that I would read more poetry outside of mine than post more of mine; it's just that when I have ideas in mind I have an anxious tendency to want to make the idea come to life in text before I  lose it, but know that I am not inconsiderate about the mass collection of poetry that extends far beyond what I have contributed (if it's a contribution at all) to this site.  Maybe I shouldn't promise, but I will try my best to remember and see more of the poetry from the greater poetry community.  For it's better and should be better for me to give than to give for greedy gain. Peace Carolingian-script bards! ;)
Thanks! :D
209 · Jan 2019
A Colosseum of Injustice
Brian McDonagh Jan 2019
The stands are filled with fans
As rowdy as Romans
Awaiting the demolition
Of flesh.
On the court, however,
The dirtiest demolition
Is having another losing score of points
Reign victorious.
208 · Jun 2018
Restless and Tired
Brian McDonagh Jun 2018
I squirm for rest,
But am caffeinated
With energy of mind.
My head and body ache,
But there’s an energetic spirit
I cannot control either.
I am mangled,
Twisted in selves
That even I don’t know.
All day today I felt the need to move and I couldn't sit still (could be the medication I'm on) and so I put my energy to use by writing a poem about my trial today.
201 · May 2018
An Evolutionary Paradox
Brian McDonagh May 2018
Among a group of children, there is an adult;
Among a group of adults, there is a child.
I've noticed sometimes that, when being around other adults, there's always an involuntary sociological urge one might get to "act up" (if this makes's easier with a graphical depiction...which I hope can be seen from the poem/my lousy description lol)
199 · Jan 2019
Revealed Secrets
Brian McDonagh Jan 2019
You know you love me,
You know I'm right,
You know it's true.
You know he did it,
You know she said it,
You know how I act,
But as I silently turn my glance
Away from you,
I know this because
Your eyes snitch your lies.
I actually love keeping secrets, but I'm ever afraid of revealing them at the wrong times.
198 · Apr 2018
Jesus and the Tree
Brian McDonagh Apr 2018
The Easter story,
Known by many,
Is the inverse of the fall of biblical Adam and Eve:
What fruit was eaten
Of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
Was reattached
On that same tree,
When Jesus was crucified,
When Jesus crucified himself,
When the tree crucified Jesus.
Jesus became the new fruit
That uneven bark could not hold for long,
Though, biblically, a tree be the Christian God’s creation,
How can the created
Hold its author?
Yet it was fulfilled
That Jesus, equally human in his Passion,
Bear the creation
That would keep his body,
But free his spirit.
For earth goes back to earth,
But, considering this story,
And that each soul is different,
Might all souls default
To their common origin hereafter?
One instance where artificial and nature intertwine.
196 · May 2018
Semper Paratus Pro Omnibus
Brian McDonagh May 2018
The Coast Guard lives it,
But I take for granted
Being prepared.
It’s not just a task
That should be accomplished days in advance
Before having company over to visit.
Preparedness is an everyday,
Voluntary discipline
That requires a squinting mind,
A moving body, however mobile,
And open eyes
Ready for sudden changes
In the day.
Even a celebration is a preparation,
For festivities
Are meant to be shared
Because they are meant to arouse excitement
Concerning the amazing things that those absent
Might not know about
Or may not believe
If not for a sincere account.
Often, readiness is plainly living.
Keep in mind, however,
To not always expect the expected either.
Title adapted from the U.S. Coast Guard mantra, only with my own extension to the Latin words-to-live-by.  Literal translation: "Always ready for all."
194 · Apr 2018
Waiting for Patience
Brian McDonagh Apr 2018
It’s never easy for me
To live in the moment
When I foolishly push forward
To say I endured and lived certain moments.
That’s not what history is about,
That’s not what life’s about.
Yes, the more focus poured into the present
Can make the present feel longer,
Like waiting-in-line longer,
But waiting surrounds every breath
Of life. There’s no escaping that,
Whether it’s waiting at the DMV or waiting, literally in this case,
One second.
After all, does not the body wait
To finally be at rest,
Each day drawing the body closer to its rest?
I have waited for exciting mail to be delivered before,
Whether arriving to others as gifts or to me miscellaneously.
Trust is the key, trusting that the many processes
Will accomplish the goal.
So, what about now?
Please hold while your life is being planned for the next day.
"The blessedness of waiting is lost on those who cannot wait..."    ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer
191 · Aug 2019
Now Forever
Brian McDonagh Aug 2019
Inspiration, devotion,
All linked to the same faith
That tunnels through obstacles.

Live in the present
Because you cannot get stuck there.
Tense is fleeting
And presents are on their way!
I never really think about how time doesn't stop because I'm in a continues with the relief that I'll untangle myself or be untangled one way or another.
185 · May 2018
A Confession Confessed
Brian McDonagh May 2018
Am I sorry for what I did?
Well, when you ask me that question
When I am more focused on just having this burden lifted,
I know my mind will only think the opposite.
Plus, you shouldn’t expect me to walk away
And live life stainless,
For I will walk away clean,
But I will always be part of the laundry,
The load to bear.
I know right?  "Brian, why post all this guilt?" Because it's worth pondering lol.  I can assure you that I didn't write this as a continuation to any of my previous publications; this is supposed to be a separate idea with, again, limitless interpretation (but, of course, my intention here was to get at how I feel after confessing something that seemed awkward to put to mouth).
184 · Sep 2018
Towered Over
Brian McDonagh Sep 2018
I have no memory of it,
Yet I know of the history that befell the United States,
Seventeen years ago this year.
These are what leave us speechless
Yet have made America more aware.
May we remain vigilant not for attacks,
But vigilant when we see those lost again.
Never forget.  9/11
183 · Apr 2018
Labyrinth of Growth
Brian McDonagh Apr 2018
I ***** down my drive way
My two shoes clomping along the gravel;
Shouldering myself to the right I walk
As though time were not a factor.

I stroll straight ahead momentarily
Sandwiched along the street with houses, cars,
And the sky above my head, like a hat
That doesn’t itch.

When I am not bothered by the muscle it takes to walk
And as I gaze at the natural scenery above me
And the homes beside me
As if I were peering out the window inside a moving car
I am faster than time.

Remaining on the road’s left
My feet angle left, and I enter a circular path of gravel.

I take my time, I think throughout
Bowing down, and looking up
Wrinkling my face towards the clouds
Sighing breaths not of boredom, but of struggle
For confidence on my path.

I could circle around the scrunched circular path forever,
But dogs bark,
And since I have no one to tell me to stop,
I felt that’s my cue to leave.
As evergreens line my procession out,
I pass from life before
To life ahead.
I received inspiration for this poem from going to a meditation session,
and I had the opportunity to walk meditatively along a labyrinth mat laid out across the room's floor!
182 · Sep 2019
Choose Moose
Brian McDonagh Sep 2019
They wear big-*** antlers
That make you say "Oh deer!"
They got an attitude
That jolts them to fully charge...
But they don't get LODGED in your throat.

The international fraternity
Of the Moose Lodge,
Unfolding a new chapter each day!
A fraternity that works together,
A family that comes together.

A night of karaoke
At the Moose Lodge
Will make you forget
Your rough week ever happened

Charity of Moose, Moose Haven,
Many ways to be involved,
But only one moose to choose!
I just became a member of the Moose Lodge a couple months back, and thought it'd be necessary to mention the organization in poetry somehow. I've been to the karaoke nights too...those are FUN!
181 · May 2018
How a Poet Listens
Brian McDonagh May 2018
As chatter evaporates,
The poet first-up begins to read;
As poetry speaks,
Ears listen.

And, thus, the fight for total concentration begins,
Closed-lips the discipline,
Whether the piece of writing
Can be comprehended by all or not.

Though minds may wander,
Ears still listen.
The reading continues
And the listeners position and budge,
Reviving a fixed concentration.

One has eyes open
Staring at the burr-burr carpet.
Someone else shuts their eyes,
Wrinkling them with a thinker’s strain,
Or is it thinking going on in that brain?

Another listener with head bowed low
Prays through the reading,
Asking for what line
To walk away pondering
Or what poetical form “stands out.”

A sincere ending,
And the room harmonizes hums,
The best kind of response,
For its noise reminds the reader
That there was interest at all,
Yet no vocabulary in the responsorial hum,
For a listening poet should know better:
An author’s poem belongs to that author’s imagination.
Not intending to pick on anyone in this poem; I'm just as guilty.  I just notice these observations from going to previous poetry-group readings.
Brian McDonagh May 2018
Whenever I am content
Or am feeling content,
There’s always an air ready
To brush away or undo my content,
Just as a wrapper of gifts
Witnesses her efforts to conceal shredded
By the recipient.
For the record, I am not intending to be sexist and say that
only females wrap gifts; I just feel like often, in similes and metaphors,
the pronoun "his" is too much of a default, and I wanted to mix up the usage of identification pronouns somewhat.  Also, as far as the poem goes, I run into this type of case A LOT in life lol.
180 · Apr 2018
Brian McDonagh Apr 2018
Secret messages waiting to be revealed
A symbol shields the letter in hiding.
Gee, a hint would sure sound nice,
But cryptographers aren’t always that merciful.
There are times where I am left
To guess, err, and scribble down
The correct corresponding equivalency,
Z=A, for instance,
Until I arrive at the satisfactory accomplishment
Of a puzzle solved and a stronger knowledge of code.

Another newspaper favorite,
Words appear as sloppy anagrams,
Which requires much staring and mental shifting
Of letters until a rearranged combination of letters
Produces an existent word approved by Oxford or Webster.
Within each blank printed box is a certain number of circles,
The puzzler, guessing the words from each row of nonsensical anagrams,
Gathers the letters in the circumscribed spaces
Only to do more mental or written unscrambling
As no answer exists without persistence and resilience.

My “worst nightmare” in the world of puzzles,
The only enigmas where I have to leave enigmas be
Because I always fall behind in experience and knowledge
To have any clue of what the hints mean,
For some hints are implicit cryptograms,
The solver needs to consider each word of the hint closely
To understand the pun, the sarcasm, wrapped up in the obvious literalism.
Some days I come close
To filling in all up-words and down-words,
But realize that I am never quite right, even in my most confident state.

Is a puzzle ever truly solved?
I don’t know! Figure it out yourself!
When I stated in my bio that I love puzzles I wasn't joking lol.
Brian McDonagh May 2018
Sorry for not making this entry a poem, but I thought I would take the time to spread that, if you ARE or if YOU KNOW OF anyone in middle school or high school who likes writing poetry (or prose/essays), please consider checking out/having them check out this poetry contest website:

No joke, I have been published by this company before, and even if you are not the final winner, whoever enters can still at least be published in the book that comes out seasonally.  For more information, please see the site or I can try to answer questions about it (no promises, though, considering I haven't been active on that site since...well...high school lol).  Thank you!
176 · May 2018
The Ego's Disturbances
Brian McDonagh May 2018
I am tired, but I cannot fall asleep.
I am hungry, but nausea repels my appetite.
I am thirsty, but I don’t feel like drinking.
Distance makes me question
Whether I am taller than someone or not.
I haughtily hover along gravity
To confirm my advantage in height
Only to become distant again
And find distance’s illusion annoying my confidence.
Lips smack after taking a swig of a beverage
Or to signal a break in one person’s talking.
It disturbs me as though nail rims scrape chalkboards.
Whoops!  There goes my ego:
Blaming anything outside of me!
For the thirsty line, as an example, I always get thirsty at night (when preferably I should be fasting from drinking RIGHT before bed) yet, in the morning when my body should be taking fluids in, I don't necessarily "crave" water in the morning.  Hope that clarification makes sense (this poem just states instances on occasion, not a daily basis according to the "ego" that posted this poem).
176 · Jun 2018
"Trees" by Joyce Kilmer
Brian McDonagh Jun 2018
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose ***** snow has lain,
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me
But only God can make a tree.
By Joyce Kilmer.  To find out more about this early 20th century late poet, the article is found in the Catholic Knights of Columbus Columbia Magazine, which should be accessible through the following link:
175 · Jun 2018
Never Mind
Brian McDonagh Jun 2018
No matter the desire to be open to all things,
We are always a close-minded people;
After all, does skin not enwrap
The sinuses of our imagination, thinking, and what we allow
To enter our cognition?
Talk about skin-tight lol.  :P  Enjoy, fellow friends of poetry!
169 · May 2018
Unheard Music
Brian McDonagh May 2018
The music that plays back in memory
Becomes the better version of music aloud.
After all, memory doesn’t require a scrolling mouse
And clicking pad
To play back favored tunes.
When working or staring at a given space,
The music plays,
Yet no one else can hear it,
No one but the DJ, a Picasso
Whose playlist is creative art
From various artists.
There's always a tune that takes time to escape from mind.  The more I have a tune stuck in my head, the more prone I am to singing/humming it aloud lol.
Brian McDonagh Apr 2018
During the years prior to high-school graduation,
It was never a “piece-of-cake”
To adjust back to reality. A.K.A. school, immediately following
Occasions, such as vacations, for any reason, or even ordinary weekends.
There’s also that event that took place during a “school night,”
Where the thought of have to “hit the books” the next day
Haunted my conscience amid focus and participation, as I knew
There never were many take-off extensions during the week.
I’d be one who tended
To stare out a window and fantasize
Of the arousals and feel-goods
From being around groups or plainly out of the house.
There were times where I’d stare
And picture still being with my grandparents in Pittsburgh
Upon arriving home from visiting them at their house.
On some Sundays, we’d host a family from our church
To watch football games, eat, chat,
And freeze-tag around the condensed square of yard
Shielding the Kearneysville property.
How could I have bounced right into school Monday
With thoughts of care-free run-arounds
And my loosened muscles on furniture while watching football
Still spinning in my head?
Is fun really a dream come true
Or is it a manipulative dream that speeds up during the good times
And slows down with the drags in life?
I’d even find myself adjusting to reality
Even if I were not the primal host at my house.
When either my parents or siblings
Would invite friends or other people distracting their attention to the house,
I’d always feel like I had the house to myself,
Their attention on the humane outlier making them invisible
And not focusing on my whereabouts or whodunits.
To me, stepping off the grass and back on the mud track of reality
Won’t always work the way it should,
Whether recovering from brief gathering events
Or rock concert trips.
I heard a Sunday sermon where the minister referred to humanity as each a “vacationer.”
Might that imply that reality is an effortful fantasy?  After all, don’t vacations require work too?
Some truth behind my being homeschooled lol.
169 · Jun 2018
Unfelt Feelings
Brian McDonagh Jun 2018
Though words plainly expand the levitation of gases,
I still feel a twitch in my nerves when you talk,
Like anything I have ever said was meaningless;
Yet, when I express that your speech bothers my sensory system,
I feel a guilt
That I am the one who changed you
For my own satisfaction.
Why do I cater to myself
Instead of I who am more considerate?
Ever have one of those people in your life who have like a sing-songy kind of voice that gets you wondering whether you're still in reality as the tone of the other person seems to ignore the troubles of the world?  I know I'm really weird for expressing this as a conundrum, but just like nails against chalk, so sometimes this, no pun intended, "gets on my nerves."  But that's just me; again, please interpret how you wish! Hope you enjoy!
Brian McDonagh Jun 2018
Dance defined:
Energy’s expression medium,
Emotion’s yoga.
I want to increase my appreciation for the arts any way I can, and the best way for me at least is to see something like dance in a new light.  Hope you enjoy!
Brian McDonagh Mar 2019
It starts with a breath:
I smell what I see,
I inhale what I can't see.
Then the world of my body spins:
I feel the taste,
Taste what I feel,
Hear what I see,
See what I hear,
Smell what I see (yet not 4-D),
See what I smell;
Taste what I smell,
Smell what I taste (they go together);
Hear what I taste,
Taste what I hear.
Feel what I hear (nails on a chalkboard),
Hear what I feel;
Taste what I hear,
Hear what I taste;
Taste what I see,
See what I taste;
Feel what I smell,
Smell what I feel;
Hear what I smell,
Smell what I hear;
Amid these confusing permutations,
I am who I am,
At least that makes (a) sense.
Just another fun carousel of words, sorry I haven't written for a while.
165 · Jun 2018
The Last Things First
Brian McDonagh Jun 2018
Can death die?
Or life live?
Surely life can die,
But death nothing to give
As a sacrifice.
Brian McDonagh Apr 2018
Not everyone can be an “every-one”
But I am one who wants to dip my hands
In many fields of life
So as to be an omni-aid “when duty calls.”
Of course, I don’t always know what I get myself into,
And may not consider that I could regret doing too much
Or find myself doing what I don’t want to do.
Generally, if I could, I would monetarily give
To every figure standing vertically still along main areas of traffic
Who always appear to be seeking some kind of recognition.
Not that I stare, but when my pockets lack coins or bills,
I can only offer a silent word behind the steering wheel
For the ones standing in search of hope car-by-car.
I love to write, so why not write to a soldier or someone who could use a note?
Because, alas, rules and regulations for companies intimidate my passion
To do good yet follow procedures.
With my loves for drawing, writing, cleaning, fixing, puzzles,
I know there’s a lot I can contribute,
Not speaking haughtily but in respectful confidence,
But it also can come down to who would be receptively interested,
How often I could commit,
And am I giving more than I’m being given?
If I can give until I cannot give anymore,
As wearing as this may sound in words,
What else would I need?
164 · May 2018
A False Promise
Brian McDonagh May 2018
I know it’s a lie,
But it started out as a promise
That, in time, I realized
I couldn’t keep.
My assumptions and presuppositions are the lie,
But my intention was the promise
I wanted to keep.
I promise.
There are times where I say "I promise" just to get the ball rolling, but in my justification, if I wish to keep a promise, I should allot myself a little more time to consider...
161 · May 2018
Audio Distinction
Brian McDonagh May 2018
When one listens, one interprets sound
And obeys or adheres;
When one only hears, sound is received
But betrayal and ignorance
Intertwine the reverberating waves.
It's interesting to hear people say "Listen to me!" when really there is listening, just not obedience, the reason for the emphatic repetition.
161 · Aug 2019
Expiration Irrationale
Brian McDonagh Aug 2019
Some new can be the same
And some same can be new.
New can be same
If there are the same results,
The same viae
To arrive at the same loci.
Things are different though
All the same.
What happens when I stare at a waterfall for a while.
157 · Apr 2018
A Disney Quip
Brian McDonagh Apr 2018
Until now, I never realized before
The beauty in the Beast
Or how Beauty is so beast!
Fun with Disney lol
Brian McDonagh May 2018
Every once in a while,
When I think of someone I admire,
Older or younger,
Even though in some way my acquaintance with them
May be valid socially still,
I wish they were my age
Because they seem to understand me
More than those I have already encountered
Who were born closer to the time I was born.
Just like how Smurfette’s lover
Wished she was human and not dwindled and blue.
I wasn't joking when I said I get ideas and I anxiously feel I must post them lol.  I got probs but hope you all are cool with that lol.
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