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Branches grow through the spring,
Sharp like a razor blade.
The thorns reach out and grab a victim,
Cuts so deep, each memory, each reflection.

Winter comes for scars to hide,
But underneath the cuts are wide.
Wears it like a disguise from normality,
But sill gets judged by reality.

Summer comes where you're faced with fire,
Now it can't be hidden, the urge and desire.
Autumn leaves start to fall,
But you still hang on the tree, away from them all.

Seasons change, and memory's too,
But I'll never forget.
Not a day goes by when I don't smile,
But let's try be happy, just for a while

Seasons change, and memory's too,
But you'll never forget what has become of you.
Still battling everyday, a friend told me I should stRt writing again, so I'm back
 May 2014 Molly
what is life?
are we actually all living?
we all have this planned life we want to have;
finish school,
have a good job,
get married,
have kids,
grow old,
then die.
Its a routine,
designed for us to live
a "happy life"
how many of us are actually happy
how many people can truthfully say
"I'm happy and I love my life."
not many, I'm sure.
We all say to make the best of things
to live in the present.
you only live once,
take risks and never regret anything you do.
But some people, are just tired
tired of taking risks and it ending badly
having to regret things they have done,
since it changed them drastically.
I say that we should try to live life as much as we can,
we could die any moment,
and as much of us are sad a lot, or say
"I wanna die."
Only some truly mean it.
This isn't living,
its surviving.
Had many thoughts coming to me all at once..
"I have no self discipline;
therefore you don't love me!"
I'm getting ******* sick of these immature, spoiled, vacuous, selfish, indulgent, entitled children (many of whom are, in fact, Adults, by the way.)

Sorry for the energy, but I needed it out of my head.
 Feb 2014 Molly
Vidhi Mehta
She's awake, eyes wide,

Gazing at everything that surrounds her.

Ugly? Someone apprised her no.

Loving is the cue to everything beautiful.

Skin deep is nothing. They are just words.

Magnificent is nothing,

And nothing is unlovely,

When you see the world in gray,

You fail to remeber,

There's an other side.

From sad to happy,

He made her, unknowingly.

He showed her,

People can be inimical,

She said she is aware.

Then what was that he did,

To make her all so beaming?

I guess we'll never know.

It's a tale of two seeds,

Who were growing into trees.

When one was about to die,

The angel came to relief.
 Feb 2014 Molly
Savannah Charlish
Please just don't love me.
Don't look past the flaws.
Don't tell me that I deserve better,
Or that you're not my past.
Don't tell me that you think I'm wonderful,
Or look at me with your intoxicating eyes.

Don't look past what I'm telling you.
Please don't see that I'm dying for you to love me.
 Feb 2014 Molly
Jeuden Totanes
I saw you today
Wearing your school uniform
You saw me and called me
I came to you
You just smiled
At school you said goodbye
You left me again
And so I waited
Later you arrived
But it seemed like destiny
Was bound to separate us
Because you went away
With somebody I know
It has been like that
For years, and years to come
You come, you go
You smile
Sometimes you would frown
I would watch you go home
You don’t even say goodbye
You can’t even say Thank You
But it’s alright
There are still many others out there
Waiting for me
People like you who need me
I know your name
Your friend’s name
Your favorite color
I know what scent you wear
The way you comb your hair
The way you walk
And talk
But then I know
That I need you and you need me
Always crossing roads
Hoping you’d call me again
Hoping that one day you’d smile
That one day you would know my name too
Though that chance may be vague
For our ways are different
And you might not care at all
I’m always here waiting
And still I am hoping
That one day you would appreciate my existence
As a mere pedicab driver.
thanks for the hearts! <3    

love pinoy :)
 Feb 2014 Molly
Feb 2, 2014.
 Feb 2014 Molly
Its been my birthday
You did not even call
Completely shattered my heart
The hardest fall of all.
I waited for hours and hours
Not a glimpse nor sound of you
Wondering what went wrong
And if all of this were even true.
I stayed there waiting for you
But I'm kind of glad.
I'll be the best you never had.
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