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I never used to have to remind myself 
To breathe
In, out, in, out
But I do now

My chest never used to be tight all the time
Remember to breathe
It whispers to me
And I do now 

I never used to cry 
Once a day
For a weeks at a time
But I do now

I do now 
I do now
I do now
When will it become 

I don't have to
Kylie Krasiejko Feb 2015
wishing there was someone, anyone to talk to.
wondering how she will get through the days.
alone at night
getting lost inside her own mind.
Thoughts of razor blades and bleeding skin
penetrating her every thought.
what would people really do if they knew her thoughts
Would they think her crazy?
Would they know this wasn't really an act?
Haunted by the ghost
She sees every night.
How could she say
"I see him still"
When she told them she was over him
but really--
She still loved him.
Sleep is scarce for me.

While my eyes may be closed,
My heart is beating rapidly,
In the fear of not falling,
Falling for you too.

Do I dare say a word?
No, my secret is kept in,
For they would not understand.
Or rather, they know, but refuse to accept it.

So while they're deep in their slumber,
Possibly in another world,
I'm lying here awake
Thinking about the tens of possibilities
That would never happen to me.

Like, you and I.

My body cannot tame
This unhealthy diet.
It does not deserve
To suffer like this.

Waking up in the morning,
Only to realize I did not succeed.
Going out,
Only to realize that my lack of slumber
Is affecting me more more than I know.

Why? Because of you.

These droopy eyes
Only wish for one night,
Where they could close
For quite a while
In real rest.

But, even when they do
My last thought is you.

Why are you doing this to me?
I think about you late in the night
And first thing in the morning.
You are the reason I’m so tired.

How can you help me
When you caused it in the first place?

I'm tired,
Tired of drifting off when I shouldn't,
Tired of half open eyes,
Tired of my restless sleep,
And tired of thinking about you.

Why'd you do this to me?
I cannot help loving you.

Is my Insomnia,
The aftermath,
Of falling for you?
Here's to all the owl's of the night.
Though, we don't choose to be.
Kylie Krasiejko Nov 2014
sitting in her bedroom crying.
screaming, till her voice is gone.
tired of feeling unloved and unwanted.
wishing there was someone, anyone.
trying to keep it hidden behind a smile
not telling anyone
never slipping from her perfect mold.
  Oct 2014 Kylie Krasiejko
I'm in love
No, not with a person
But with the autumn night sky

I'm in love
With the way the stars bend down
And seem to hug me

I'm in love
With the way the breeze dances by
And seems to kiss my cheek

I'm in love
With the vastness of night
And the loveliness that is autumn

I'm in love
No, not with a person
But with the autumn night sky
  Oct 2014 Kylie Krasiejko
Amanda Lee
Well I hate your cigarettes,
and the men that you go see.
Because one is killing you,
while the other's killing me.
Front Porch Step
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