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Jade Melrose May 2015
we live in a world of fantasy
we see what we want
we want what we see
sheltered away from reality

spurred upon the idea of escaping
its a narrow escape
and you can’t evade it perpetually
but we try
and try as we might
some run
some drink
some love

but it fades in time
cleverly disguised
as adrenaline,
or roses
all in all

you are born
you are going to die
the rest is wishful thinking
i’m not going to lie

mouth agape
don’t be afraid
ships are bound to sink someday
so might as well sail it to your hearts dismay
Jade Melrose May 2015
Steel black pincers circle my neck
Harsh little whispers against my ear
I promised myself I wouldn’t go back
anywhere but here
anywhere but here

Your words string together with the right amount of sting
But baby, your poison drives me crazy

Your venom seeps within my veins
and god, I’m dying for another taste
the hallucinations
you paralyse me
and I see stars in your wake

Pomegranate lips, the colour of Sin.

I have a hard shell to break, and no one has completed the feat so far
But with every touch you poach me
through and through
again and again
Until theres nothing left of my metal armour
Until the skin I once called home is nothing but a soft saggy shell
a shadow from my past

I need to remember who I am.

Your touches are soft petals
Grazing slowly across my skin
leaving goosebumps in your wake

Rosebud lips caress me gently
Sweet kisses near my cheek
Playful nips tickle my ear
Soft breaths along my neck

And when I finally open up ...

theres the sting again.
Here's to the Scorpions in our lives.
Jade Melrose Feb 2015
I’ll paint the colour of your eyes
toffee brown
contrasting the crinkles beside
that always appear when you lie

I’ll paint the blue of your smile
the corners of your mouth
slightly upturned
with a quirk of your brow

I’ll paint the yellow in your laugh
your cheeks slightly tinged pink
the way your eyes twinkle
without uncertainty

Every tone and every hue
captured in brushstrokes that end too soon
But darling
I’ll always draw you gently, like a soft croon
Here is the finished
portrait of you.
  Feb 2015 Jade Melrose
When I was a little girl, I loved to play with dolls.
On Christmas morning, I would wake up
And a beautiful, pristine little doll sat beneath the tree.
Encased within those shiny plastic walls,
Displayed like a piece of fine art at a museum.
                            — Except, I could never stay behind the red velvet rope.

I snipped, and slashed, and cut away,
Until her plastic fortress was breached.
She was mine.
I stroked her soft, fine hair,
Feeling the silky strands upon my fingertips
And I whispered in her ear
“I will love you forever”.
She looked upon me
With bright blues eyes,
Rose painted lips,
And a compliant smile.
I knew she was mine.

And then I would play…

Yank the blue polka dot dress off her slender figure
And contort her delicate frame into any position I pleased.
She was mine to love.
Mine to control.
Shoved her into my backpack and brought her to school
Grubby little fingers reached out to play with her:
The girls playing dress up,
The boys playing dress down.

And now, her once silky hair,
brittle strands of straw,
So wild and tangled no comb could soothe.
Raced to the kitchen, grabbed the scissors
And hacked away furiously,
Somehow believing I could fix her
With the very scissors I used to break her protective walls.

Now found myself staring wistfully at the dolls with long shinny hair
When my mother took me to the department store.

Then one day, as I played with her in the backyard,
A leg popped off and would not go back on.
So I threw her disfigured body in the trash
Atop the rotting carrot peels and broken egg shells.
That compliant smile shone through,
Begging me to take her back…
                     — But I had a new doll now.

Years later, when my childish things were packed away in the attic,
I sat upon the park bench in my blue polka dot dress,
With shimmering locks cascading softly upon my collarbones.
And you told me I was your Mona Lisa.
You told me, “I will love you forever”.
I smiled
And promised I would do anything to make you happy.

But then you started coming home
With alcohol on your breath and wrath in your eyes.
And struck me for all the things I did wrong.
I said I was sorry,
Promised to do anything to make you happy.

But it was never enough.
You threw me upon the bed with fury glittering in your crimson orbs.
Took me with carnal lust
That never seemed to ease the hate.
And left me broken,
With blue fingerprints imprinted upon my porcelain skin.
— And never came back

Now, when people ask me why I never let my daughter play with dolls,
I reply:
Some things are better left in the box.
Jade Melrose Jan 2015
have a seat here
Join my picnic
by the hills of despair
Watch the gentle waves of tragedy
roll onto the sea of tranquility

Would you like a cup of sadness?
you can add a spoonful of hope
that might carry all that bitterness
down the slippery *****

Or would you rather a sip of ignorance
this time hope
you should cheat
Pass along the seasoning of confidence
which is just as saccharine sweet

May I offer you a plate of loneliness?
But make sure to drown that in time
’cause we all know that time can heal
everything, oh yes how divine!

If you find loneliness becoming tasteless
Here, try some soft-baked sarcasm
infused with aged enthusiasm
with a heavy dose of doubt
If the flavour isn’t enough
than try a new diversion
maybe a pinch of hostility
or a light dressing of suspicion?
Whichever you prefer
you better make your decision

When you really need a change
try some passive aggressive conceit
then add fate into the mix
Of course!
We know how it tends to dismiss
the pungent smell of amusement  
the fragrant taste of love
Oh how
it reminds you of innocence
or even the lack thereof

Do you really have to go?
Please do join me again
this solitary life gets tedious So
promise me you’ll come visit when
you need someone to wake you
from the beautiful lies they spin
when they almost seem to convince you
that's when you’ll come again
I insist.
Jade Melrose Jan 2015
Men speak to them in the language of sweets
even their names,
sound like french delicacy
They drink from a flute of love-notes and make-believe
with a dash of sugar
and melancholy
An effervescent taste
is all it takes
for them to lose themselves
and lose track of time and space

They are the masters of treachery
ensnaring hearts of strangers
beguiling innocent minds
But mostly of all
deceiving themselves

They get drunk on the possibility
of escaping reality

it is inevitable
that the time will come
When reality will welcome them
with less than warm and welcoming arms

Nicotine filled lungs
Cherry stained lips
An ephemeral flame
if only they didn’t exist

Behind their dulcet tones
of eloquence and sweet-nothings
lies a heavier dread
that their saccharine smiles,
a dalliance of lies
attempt to dismiss

For it is only
behind this facade of
vacancy, vanity, and vacuous deception
That they can unwind and forget
even if its only

For it is only then
when they
let slip their bitter past
forget about their pungent present
and masquerade for their tasteless future
inspired by The Beautiful and ****** by F. Scott Fitzgerald
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