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Philosophical Jul 2017
i used to find you
in the things i love
but now
i hate them.
Philosophical Aug 2015
I have never understood the aim, concept and purpose of letters. All I know is letters are where you combine ink and what your heart says. Basically, it is where you pour everything that's in your heart through a piece of paper.

you are the only person i'd stay awake at 2AM for.
the person i'd never get tired complimenting.
this letter would go on a thousand pages if i write everything i feel when you talk to me.
i think you're perfect and that I don't deserve you. i love all your flaws. i love you.

i want to make you believe you are lovely.
fragments of my heart.
Philosophical Jul 2015
I think being a writer is the only way to escape the darkness of reality.
It's my sweet escape.
Philosophical Jun 2015
we do not pluck
the most beautiful flowers
because we
want to destroy them
but because we
want to keep them *forever.
Philosophical Jun 2015
they say that home isn't four walls and a roof,
but eyes and a heartbeat.
perhaps it's true
because ever since you walked away from the door,
i feel so homeless.
I'd still let you in if you ever come back.
Philosophical Jun 2015
people are like waves; they come and go.
sometimes, they bring a lot of beautiful things with them as they drown you into their own sea.
but usually, they steal your soul and leave you empty.
Imagine what a wave does.
Philosophical May 2015
"how do you see yourself?"

—a monster.
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