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 Jan 2015 EdithChill
They tell me I'm ugly

She says I look ridiculous

They tell me I'm fat

She says go **** yourself

As if I don't know

As if I don't want to
Forgot how much I missed school.
I'm not a typical teenager
I don't facebook things
Or post my life to the world
I don't tweet
Or Twitter
Or all the other
I don't instagram
In fact
I don't like pictures
If me. I hide from the camera
Hoping no one will
Click the photo button
I don't party
Or stay out late
I sit at home
Watching TV
Or better yet
Cuddling up with a good book
I don't waltz around
In revealing clothes
Hoping for a boyfriend
I don't act all bubbly
I cry and worry
I don't worry about boys
And dates
I worry about depression
And cutting and if my
Friends are really fine

I don't doodle or draw names on a binder
I write poetry on a site called helo poetry
And the only thing that upsets me
About that, is that I didn't find it sooner
 Jan 2015 EdithChill
Olivia Kent
Love is an egg.
It is blessed, within a jolly fine shell.
Inside lives life.
If the egg is an ova.
Fertilised by love itself .
Love grows rapidly inside.
The cracks appear, love's broken free.
 Jan 2015 EdithChill
 Jan 2015 EdithChill
You wouldn't be proud of what I've done,
you'd be proud of who I've *become.
a note to my father.
 Jan 2015 EdithChill
They'll use Martin Luther King day to sell anything from mattresses to cars.
Even he has been ripped up and replanted,
capitalized, like Christmas or Easter,
by the people who give us images of a white Jesus,
but you bet they don't pay everyone equal.
We have boulevards, schools, and libraries named after King,
but streets over, we have Confederate soldiers carved into a mountain,
we call 'em heroes, that's what I was taught,
the ones who fought, the ones who ate lead,
But, they aren't talking about who really put a bullet in Dr. King's head.
What the **** is wrong with us?
America will go see Selma in millions,
this weekend, go back home to their all white neighborhoods,
thinking about how it was bad then, but now, it's all good.
Who are we really trying to fool?
Stand up for the pledge in school
Put your hand over your heart and forget
all this country denies you
telling you that there isn't a heart of a human beating inside you
because you're gay, you're black, you're not like that,
She was a flirt, she wore a short skirt,
Every day you try to heal the hurt
Justice for all? Like are you kidding me?
There ain't such a thing here as liberty
Do you know where you stand
was Native American land?
Ripped from their bleeding hands
And don't even get me started on Iraq and Iran.
You know that mountaintop?
The one I was talking about,
Did they tell you it was a KKK meeting spot?
Bet not.
I wonder, is the clay here red from all the blood?
We hide our history,
sing promises of liberty,
say that racism ended with slavery,
and it's Stonewall Jackson, he's a hero, they say
but never speak of Stonewall Riots any day
and I'm afraid for our children and what they will learn,
in classrooms, will they be silenced?
Come here kids, let me tell you a story,
of Ferguson, New York, Hong Kong,
about how people will look back and see they were wrong,
But some never did, some died with hatred,
some died because of it,
Let me tell you about homeless LGBT youth
Let me tell you about all these issues
Let me tell you the truth
And there are different ways of seeing it,
but only one way to say it,
you and I both know,
You just have to listen for it.
(The mountain I'm talking about is Stone Mountain, Georgia, btw.)
Evil in my head twisting around
Did I drown
    Or did I wet my feet in ******
Blood pouring
  Down the stairway to Heaven
         And into the mouth of an entity
A thirst so unquenchable
     Its no wonder I tend to breathe the other direction
     Because a hint of moisture on my breath would be a warrant for my death
             Dying of thirst
Its not new but the truth doesnt fade
    It keeps on flowing until you cover up its fangs
 Nov 2014 EdithChill
Danny Mak
There is so much that you haven’t seen.
Naturally, you laugh and call it fallacy
what a tragedy...

Another one bites the dust,
let their ego blow up
Now, thats someone I can’t trust.
what a shame.
© Danny Mak 2014
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