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 May 2016 MakeAJoy
shaffu shafiq
I asked mountains where my love was
they replied find in the hill rocks
I asked forests where my love was
they replied go and find on the trees
I asked trees where my love was
they replied find in the bushes
I requested rivers where my love was
Its gurgling sound echoed and scared me
I looked upon a sky and heave a sigh of grief
It concealed it's face behind the puffy clouds
And being shedding it's tears and soaked me
I politely said astrologers where my love was
They said explore your love in the galaxy of stars
I humbly requested the stars where my love was
they replied your love was on the moon
its brightness predicted your love would meet soon
I asked the night where my love was
darkness of the night silently whispered me
Your love will be in the radiant light
I asked the sun where my love was
Sunshine slowly indicated your love would be your world
I asked the world where my love was
The world delightfully and gladly replied, follow me
My eyes brimming with full of tears
Wandering for my true & real love
I asked the nature where my love was
Nature welcomed me in a good mood
Your love was in the sunset and sunrise,the song of birds, their evening gatherings, the breeze that sways trees and the winds that blow your mind away
Nature Hold my hand and helped me walking on meadows,seashore of sea
Eventually i beseech to my GOD where my love was
GOD replied close your eyes,listen heart beats,Your True love was in your heart.

by shaffu.....
Love ....
 May 2016 MakeAJoy
This could be a song
Forever I can't sing
Because I'm tired
I can't sing
So I speak
As though I have something to say

This could be a joy
Forever I can't smile
Because I'm tired
I can't smile
Still I try
As though I was made to enjoy the world

This could be a life
Forever I am dying
Because I'm tired
I can't live
But I'm alive
As though these things I touch I feel
Friday night, drunk whatever, can't help but write
 May 2016 MakeAJoy
J B Moore
I lied every time I said I'd never leave 
Then again so did she
But now she's happier without me
And I'm still struggling to find a reason.
A reason to live, a reason to smile,
A reason to find hope for at least a short while.

But her love for me has died, 
my hope dying with it.
And believe me I have tried,
To take life and just live it.

Yet how can I without any hope
See without her I just can't cope.
I tried to move on but to no avail, 
Can't make it to shore without wind in the sail.

Now I'm stranded at sea
 alone and in pain
While she trades her love for me
With a feeling of disdain.

I wish I could go back, 
I wish I could change,
Change all the facts
Before becoming estranged.

I'm separated from life 
With nowhere to go.
Suffering in strife 
If she could just know.

But I know there's not a chance 
In changing her mind 
I can try to make recompense 
But I'll just waste my time.

So time I do waste,
Since there's nothing else I can do
But I must make haste
As she's already found someone new.

Yet I don't even know if that's the case
None of it could be real, it could all be lies,
This all started with a rumor in the first place
To come across another should be no surprise.

How shall I keep living everyday like I'm uncertain
Of what I will find sitting behind the curtain
It will never be pleasant only full of pain,
I can't see any way out where I get to gain.

Will I ever find out, will I ever move on
Or will I continue to find doubt in each new coming dawn?
For though sunrise is so beautiful it just reminds me about her
No, I think I'll keep on holding, yes of that I'm pretty sure.

I will remain loyal to her when to me she is not
And remember all the times she has so easily forgot.
Why does the "right thing" seem to be so wrong?
By the time I change my mind will it have been too long?

 May 2016 MakeAJoy
Cynthia Jean
oh, the air is sweet
the sun is hot,and the waves come crashing in
on my sand castle

and the sky is blue,
and the gulls cry out
their grateful song

for a perfect day
for a time for building
castles in the sand

for a moment in time
for a memory

cj 2016
some of my best early memories are down at the beach and being in a creative place my mind...playing in the sand
 May 2016 MakeAJoy
Stand Tall
 May 2016 MakeAJoy
I won't sit down
I won't shut up
To be quite honest
I'm fed up.
I have a voice,
I will be heard
And when I speak,
you'll wait your turn.
I may be small,
but my thoughts are loud.
My words have power,
of that I'm proud.
 May 2016 MakeAJoy
Pauline Morris
There in the belly of the city
Way down there where it's dark and gritty
Lives a very complexe man
There in his Window he stands
Watching the atrocities that parade down his street
He's seen the dealer's and the junkies meet
The homeless that set at their feet
The thugs that prey on the weak
Children abused that turn them meek
It plays out every day of the week

He's seen it all
He's watched humanity fall
It's hard for him to digest
On this life's problems his mind rest
He knows there's not much that he can do
He watches and writes it all down, he's one of the few
Sent to bear witness to the inhumanity of man
To make us think of where in this life we stand

Yes he is a poet
His watched it all and wrote it
He has a big heart
Which makes it hard to play his part
Of watcher in the tower
As those below cower
But his calling he is sure of
To watch the dying of love
To watch the darkness closing in
To watch all of man's sin
To sound the alarm
Of humanity going wrong

He stands at his Window and cries out
But no one pays attention to his shouts
So he soaks the page with ink and tears
Hoping that at last somebody hears
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