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What will happen?
Worst come to worst is:
You will be in LOVE
So what?
Try Falling in LOVE...
You won't regret a bit.
LOVE can happen not merely
By touch, words, and beauty
But even by a glance, a fragrance and pathos
So proclaimed Eros

Did it now become clear
That within each one of us resides

When the LOVE of
East meets West
North meets South
Everything merges
with LOVE

Thus the wisdom of LOVE
never dies

Amidst classes, castes
sects, regions, gender & age
The core of LOVE
Always endures itself

Let us all promise
To light the flame of LOVE
Within our heart
Let us LOVE
Without hesitation
Let us not reject
Anyone's LOVE

Love is the purest gift of GOD

One truth is clear to us now
From the bereft of sunrise
Rises LOVE
From the lorn of moonlight

For those possessing LOVE within
Even a Coal is SUN
 Jul 2015
raine cooper
i held a bird in my hands
his wings were broken
he begged me to fix him
i tried, oh how i tried,
but all he really wanted
was the strength to fly away
 Jul 2015
raine cooper
i've never let anything live in me
at times not even myself
but you are here always
and for now i'll keep pretending
my hands can't reach the door
 Jul 2015
raine cooper
tonight i drowned out the silence with the sound of your voice
i watched your hands touch the darkness & turn it into light
i felt your eyes burn holes down the curve of my spine
i tasted years of sadness in the warmth of your mouth
i felt love move inside me when your skin touched mine
please love,
don't ever stop
making me,
One who feared LOVE
Called it unattainable

One who pondered LOVE
Pressed a rose in their books

One who ruminates LOVE
wraps it around a wick and calls it a lamp

And there is one who contemplates
Puts fire of LOVE
Burns heart to inequable use

Serves many purposes
Warmth, care,
Compassion, touch
Companionship, feelings
And above all
LOVE loves...

But humans sold LOVE
In the bazaars of wealth & age
Education & gender
What an exorbitant cost to humankind?
Oh.. divesting LOVE to stupidity!

You told me
"Wander not far & wide
In quest of LOVE anywhere
So here I stand
Within YOU- my LOVE"

— The End —