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Chloe Jul 2019
What's the difference
from staying in your house
and being in prison?

Why do we live in a culture
where we are players on a monopoly board?

We aren't we players forfilling our wishes or dreams?
Goals and desires

Where we watch coloured thirty inch screens
Screens of other peoples life stories
Instead of creating our own story

Why do we diminish ourselves?

Why are we players in someone elses dream?

Fear in our advertisements
Rather than freedom

If this life
Your life
Was your only

Why are you a player in someone elses dream?

Cut the ****
Cut all the negative ****

"I want to pay bills, and work a nine to five until I die"
Said no child ever

The man in the suit robs you
He cashed this in for the happiness of others

There is a world out there
197 million square feet of it
Dont chose to spend most of it in 97 feet of it the furniture of deadly comfort zones.
Thought provoking poem on life and the modern world
Chloe Jul 2019
Love is
Love is
Love is
not perfect

Love is
Love is
like a movie
but without the music

Love is
Love is
telling them when their wrong
but never controlling

Love is
breakfast in bed
Love is
crying together
but never making each other cry

Love is
getting that bug out of their hair
Love is
their friends and family
but never keeping them from them

Love is always strong than hate
Just a little poem about what love is and isn't, realistic sentences and views
  Jan 2019 Chloe
“Falling in love” is a contradiction in itself, because in love there is only the rising, the ascending, not the falling.
You can not fall in love, but rather, rise.
Chloe Jan 2019
Beautiful words
From the awfully depressed

Hear them say
It will all be ok

Creative creatures
Words can be teachers
A short 3 paragraph poem on my feelings about what poetry is
  Jul 2018 Chloe
mari j
i am so small
compared to the mountains
i am so little
compared to the sea
i am so tiny
in comparison to the islands
and i am so large
compared to what i thought i would be
Chloe Jul 2018
To relive memories
is a love addicts motivation
Regretful of the mistakes
learning that beauty within on
overtakes the excitment of a new place
My nan once said
"what is not meant for you,
will go past you"
Restoring faith in fate
Coming to terms with what has now past
Ready for unconditional love to last
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