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 Jun 2016 Avery forester
We had the ability to
create sparks just by touching and
we could have lit the whole city
By just looking into each other's eyes
you could have been the street light
And I could have been the shadow
Instead I am a city fountain of
what ifs
People toss their wishes at me
As if it is my job to grant them happiness
From within the depths of
my sorrow
I just wanted to be your light however,
Everyone knows water and electricity
are disastrous lovers
 Jun 2016 Avery forester
 Jun 2016 Avery forester
i should be asleep but i miss you so much that it hurts my bones

do strawberries fall in love

do you think trees fall in love and they get very sad and lonely when the tree they're with gets cut down

or like do you think a tree on one side of the world is in love with another tree on the other side of the world & even though they can't see each other, their roots are somehow connected & they just


i think i'm a tree
 Jun 2016 Avery forester
i'm sick of being yelled at for the amount of (or lack of) food i eat. shut up and leave me alone.

and i'm sorry i got blood stains on your precious bathroom sink. maybe you can convince the guests it's only old rust.
maybe you can hide away your sick daughter. maybe you can convince them i'm only just a bit shy. maybe i'm old rust on the bathroom sink.
 Jun 2016 Avery forester
speak to me as though the sweetest fruit is laced within your tongue.
 Jun 2016 Avery forester
my love is as valuable as gold. it takes every fiber of my being to create and produce, and once it's soaked up by another human being, it takes a long time for me to get it back. even long after they name me a ghost, all i see is them. this is lingering. this is dwelling. this is the sidewalk fading away while wandering around wonderland. i don't remember how to get over it.
 Jun 2016 Avery forester
and yes, i smoke every ****** cigarette to the filter
yet my sadness never fades
i have bent and creased my sorrows into tiny origami butterflies
and sometimes when it rains i am the happiest  i've ever been
and when the sun runs away
i am the only one here on earth
everyone is teeter-tottering on the moon  
i truly feel alive

and no,
i cannot take away what others have given
and no,
i cannot find solace in my own words

we are all together in this cosmic game

when your favourite pen runs out of ink,
i hope you think
of me.

— The End —