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 Jul 2018 ccd
 Jul 2018 ccd
I think I might do it tomorrow.
Not tonight because it's too late and I want to get some sleep.
I might tell him I developed a crush on someone else and that it's left me confused, and I don't know what I want.
But I want to be alone this week.
I want him to go stay somewhere else so I can have the house to myself to figure it out, figure myself out a bit.
But I'm scared.
Of how it will make him feel, and of how he might react.
But I have not cheated. I haven't.
I just feel something for someone else that I should only feel for him.
And I can't go on pretending anymore.
It makes me sick to my stomach and depressed and so utterly confused.
Maybe I'll chicken out by the time I wake up, but I hope not.
I don't want this to go on any longer.
I can't take it anymore, I want to be honest, I want to put myself first.
 Jul 2018 ccd
Hae Sun
Today I saw Picasso’s self-portraits only to realize that at 14 years of age, he painted a man 5 times as old as him, believing that it was how he looked like or at least how he sees himself. At 15, he painted a woman who, under any circumstances, does not look like him nor his mother. As he grew older, the paintings became more distorted or rather abstract and surreal that some even looked like there was more than just one person in the frame. His last painting, I assume, is a face but if you look closer you will realize that they are pieces from different puzzles, that somehow, although they fit together, they are not from just one thing – but aren’t we all are?

Picasso, consumed his days thoughtfully to paint such masterpiece that reflects who he is – that he is not just any other person, that he is not just one person. He is a combination of many, the past and present, his mother and his father, the anima and the animus – all these are parts of himself, who, when put together become the Picasso who he knows.

Picasso has mastered it ahead of us – that we are more than just a face, we are a parade of many and if we do not recognize it, we might end up painting faces we don’t know, becoming a stranger inside a home.
 Jul 2018 ccd
Belle Spiese
 Jul 2018 ccd
Belle Spiese
She had a thousand faces,
Each hung and turned gracefully on a rack,
A rack that only she had the strength to balance,
And each of her faces spoke in a different tongue,
But when all thousand voices synchronized the harmony mimicked that only produced by love,
With a lavender scent and a porcelain face,
Royal embers burned in a powdery rage,
For behind every cracked white faith,
Is suspended a hidden strength.
 Jul 2018 ccd
tompoet rwanda
The fact that i didn't care
The lisses that i didn't share
Was just a matter of welfare
And so she sat sadly on her black chair
Waiting for my spare
So that she doesn't hear any sound
of despair
And i had gone to work somewhere
Not cheating her ,i swear
But she didn't listen not even dare
She took time to get dressed
And brush her black shiny hair
Sitting there in a short armchair
She took all  her clothes even the
Then she left me unware
I should have released all my tears
but i realised that what she did
was not fair
and i had to move on for better.
True story
 Jul 2018 ccd
Belle Spiese
You crumbled like a corpse underneath the facade of fresh rose petals,
Lavender pressed finger prints,
Like warm blood on cool cracked lips,
You are not in love,
But you are on it,
Like a drug that must be snorted,
Too sour to be swallowed,
And too hot to be inhaled,
Too good to be real,
And too much like a dream to be held.

— The End —