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Kyle Duran Feb 2020
It hit hard
Warm water streams
through your hair

It’s salty, or so you think

Eyes open up, fireworks
Sitting on a blanket with friends

More water, though not as noticable
as the first wave

A tree, glowing with lights
and family all around

Hair wet and your shirt
changing colors

A field, full of trees
of silver

Walking in peace

The surf’s up

The poem has many meanings, I'd love to hear yours.
Kyle Duran Feb 2020
The rain dances across
the windows

Hair in face,
unknowing what will

As you look out,
the window
fogs up

Hold your breath

I remember where
you sat

When I awoke
I was walking in a field
holding only a piece of

On it, it said,
“Will you miss me?”

The aftermath of a horrible road trip with people I didn't know.
Kyle Duran Feb 2020
From the doorway
to the table and chairs

Things are starting
to happen

At ease never
felt so lasting

Welcome being

Shine when
credit is due

Our minds harbor
true forms

It just takes
time to foster

When found
wear it proudly

What do you think?
Kyle Duran Feb 2020
We all have something
to hide

Accept it

Feel it out

Learn how to break
the disguise  

Laugh at it
make it feel warm

Sit and watch how others deal
with their problems


Do they lie?
and if bad at hiding it
make them laugh

Try to make them feel warm

It’s so easy to get
cold and locked up

We don’t need anymore soulless meat
walking around on this cold
and frigid world

Warm up

Break out of the disguise

Hold on to something
that matters and run with it

Try and find
your heat wave
to happiness

I remember writing this after realizing I had to do something with my depression and friend group
Kyle Duran Feb 2020
Time is the metaphor of life

It can't be paused
or rewound

Time must always
go forward

This came to me in a dream recently.
Kyle Duran Feb 2020
Two sets of three

One on top,
lost in hymns

The other sitting
crossed legged on
the floor

Air passes by
words follow

The sets move
they change

Time is neither
friend or foe,
a guide for
the sets

From song to song
topic to topic

Until the lights
grow dark and
the eyes start
to dim

Call it a night

The sets break off,
six to four
four to two
two to one

Lock the door,
dampen the lights

Good night

People at a small house party and the groups they make.
Kyle Duran Feb 2020
They kept up their banter

Pouring words on my screen

Losing yourself
in the living room
lost its cool months ago

I decided
to join them

Bundled up

The lights grow brighter
when you're walking alone

Made it there,

Something started,
hot tea possibly candles?

They talked, but I felt more isolated
with them than in my living room

I would leave their alienating conversations
and walk around their house

You notice things when living alone

Like a woman's touch on their decor,
something I cannot represent

Leaving them, I left more hollow than
when I arrived

Walking in the wrong
direction home

The lights always seem to get brighter

In the dark spots
I looked up and saw them
in the sky

My long lost
brothers and sisters

All shining at me

With them I am not drifting
or empty
Depression and friend's failed attempt to help.
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