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you said my hair,
so awful red, set fire
to the gorse petals,
you said my eyes,
darker, more green,
than any kelpie seas,
were sunken treasures,
skins on the stars, murky,
pearls to milky velvet face
of freckled, violet heavens,
you gave me wee flowers,
wilder than heather bloom,
you kissed me so deep
i fell over the moon,
you breathed bare
my holey soul,
you, my lad,
were rare,
my only,
What I want is a traveller.
No, not even a traveller who goes the further distance, for the longest time.
Just one who will be willing to cover miles and spend endless seconds with me.
What I want is a thinker.
No not even the deepest or the wildest of spectrum.
Just one who’ll broaden mine.
What I want is a fighter.
No not even the strongest, toughest or best at battle.
Just one day who won’t allow me to forget the purpose of fighting.
What I want is a believer.
But no, not one of little.
But one who’ll crack perspectives, defy gravity, induce love, dance in storms and build dams in deserts.
To man I'm hoping I'll end up, waking up to every morning.
 Jul 2015 Sacrelicious
for your words excite me
beyond mere imagery
I'm ****** thrown
into a universe
that drowns me
in soliloquies,
sonnets and haikus
10 words painting
thousands of pictures
and a very personal view
of a free verse
where words flow a waterfall
tumbling against rocks
smoothing a path
that cuts like razors
but smells like rain
on cut grass
that silently lays
in the cavern deep
a well of pain
a gentle river feeding
dry hopes and gifting
life to those that repeatedly
suffer the excess
of one who seems insane
but sits beneath the winter tree
devoid of capture of the suns rays
and the gentle mist of tears
that fall through barren branches
tickling the cheek of agelessness
counting on a single hand
the many years
it took to get here
never going to give it up :)
My tired heart revives
when Fall arrives
and Summer dies.
Yeah, it comes back to life
at least part-way, sometimes.
               So paint me
               red and gold
       and washed-out green
                  in sunset.

The year seeks sleep
                              I'm piling leaves.
A breeze on evening,
                              Autumn flesh.
October's weary, ragged breaths
time out these restless, rustling footsteps.

               I can smell the solemn things
               the dying year would say to me
               if it could force its sibilant wind
                                into shape--
--if it could speak in consonance
to my own alliterative silence
and I could keep beats
               as stresses released:
"Where were we          when water froze
for the first time          in the fast waning warm?"

I seek out the sanguine;
                              I've been too combustible.
                              But I'm finally comfortable
with speaking dead language
with tongue all languid.
                               Let languish
cloying heat and raise bumps
               on the skin of my arm
                       like you did
                   when I was four,
playing alone in the rain in the Langleys' yard.

Held up under heavy arms,
buoyed by cool Autumn breath,
I found a way to quiet alarms in my
           when I was 27...

Nothing's ever real red gold
except for in the Fall.
So guild me slow and let me go
               if all you've got
               are Summer arms.
Not quite my usual style, even if it's pretty typical content.
 Jul 2015 Sacrelicious
Jamie Lee
Into the shades of black,
she walked alone.
Down the narrow path,
covered with stone.

Creeping in the shadows,
the unknown lurked.
The darkness lay low,
displaying a smirk.

The moment of silence,
a rise to the peak.
Controlled patience;
not for the weak.

Suddenly, she turns,
to face her attack.
The feeling, it burns,
everything is black.

Not a sound heard,
or a glimpse to see.
No spoken words,
during our flee.

Executed perfectly,
she lay as we wait.
Surely she will plea,
in the dawn of her fate.

Anticipation rises,
as her eyes open.
Wearing disguises,
we begin the fun.

Fear covers her face,
as the tears stream.
Dressed in all lace,
just like my dream.

"It's time to play,
don't be afraid."
Behave and obey,
you will be laid."

Sweet pleasures,
delivered to you.
Soft like feathers,
a fantasy come true.

Feeling your touch,
she is lost in delight.
Liking it rough;
no longer a fight.

She has succumbed;
gaining her appetite.
Moaned and hummed,
knowing it's right.

Once unwelcome,
yet now begged for.
Each time she comes,
she still wants more.

Taken to a new high,
she is now an addict.
Spreading her thighs,
she asks to be licked.
Copyright © 2015 Jamie Johnson
 Jul 2015 Sacrelicious
Arun C
I fell asleep
and trusted my soul to keep
but then I entered a lush garden
which I entered without a pardon
over at the far end
yes just around the bend
was a women standing
on a marble landing
her back was turned to me
and I could see
snakes in her hair
yet her skin was quite fair
and she had quite a nice derrière
I turned to flee
but that's just not me
she had the snake hair thing
but I heard that wow could she sing
a lonely broken hearted song
about so many things that were wrong
I looked again
around that bend
in addition to the skin, voice and ---
her body had more curves then a racetrack
so adapting my best tack
I picked some red flowers
by the big ivory tower
and walked up to her and bent on one knee
presenting the flowers I said see
this is for you
because your song was sad and true
she turned and said arghh now you turn to stone
but instead I said I do not wish to spurn
but stone is not really my thing
I can show you my yo-yo on a string
or perhaps juggling maybe a little mime
I can do many wonderful things if you have the time
so she pulled out a gun
suprised I said no no thats no fun
then I looked as cute as I could
and stayed as still as wood
I don't understand she said why you don't attack me
you are a hero and I am hideous can't you see
I said nah handing her the flowers
you are quite beautiful here by your tower
I would rather take you out for coffee and cake
so I leave the rest of the story out for you to make
If you want to believe,
all you have to do is,
find the reasons why
A mind that is stretched by new experiences can never go back to its old dementions
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