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BSeuss Jul 2017
It's amazing, the ways that we can think about someone; when we know we love them in a certain way, many different lights can be thought up.
Even when a bulb goes out, it's still amazing, the ways we can think about each other, when we love another in a certain way.
265 · Jul 2017
wake to the light
BSeuss Jul 2017
I layed there in the dark,
waiting for perhaps a revelation.

I woke to the light,
hoping for a miracle of sorts.
For a transformation of my life,
in a way that leaves me better off.

But the truth settles in,
I can only do this with action.

A child like hope will no longer do.

I must move in life to manifest my own.
Although my dreams have lead my head,
I can no longer wish.

I have wished & wished again & again.
As if speaking with a dying breath.

I layed their In the dark.

Waiting, wishing, hoping.

I see that I have to be the life change.

I woke to the light.

Times have drastically changed,
& I must come back to life,
with all the strength I have.

Its not as hard as I made it to myself,
But It will never be easy.

And that is okay,
that is the way it must be.

I can make the change that I hoped for.
I can be the change I want to see in life.

I woke to the light.

To realize that the pain is only a teacher.

A lesson in a loss,
a siren of our own misfortune.

But it is not to the end we feel the weight.

Times change & so does what hurts us.

Darkness is not there to take away light.
The Light is not there to blind us.

Darkness is simply the absence of light.

Yet a certain amount of dark is needed,
to see the stars at night

There is no bad in light or dark in nature.
It is simply how life Coexists with us.

Your darkness does pass,
as does your light.

Just as they both come back,
but neither is present at the same time.

In the end your light will be all that stays.

Realize the good in the bad.
Accept the bad in the good.

Life slows down for none,
& it's never too late to stand back up

We layed there in the dark,
to wake to the light.
If it's too dark, turn on the light. If it's still dark,  open your eyes
261 · Mar 2016
BSeuss Mar 2016
all my life,
ive torn myself apart
and threw the pieces at other people.
because no one wanted me as a whole.
to this day, that truth stands.
228 · Sep 2017
BSeuss Sep 2017
where are we.
where did we come from.
where are we going.

we are here to learn the answer to existence.
not to fear the answer to existence.
210 · Jul 2017
The moon is beige tonight
BSeuss Jul 2017
The moon is beige tonight.
The moon is beige.
209 · Jul 2017
BSeuss Jul 2017
Heart minus art, equals he..
And people really bash males.
Fe, plus art equals, feart.. that's not a word..
Males and females both have souls. but we need art to complete our
he (art)s.

Furthermore; take the last letter of earth, and place it at the front. You will then know the secret obligation to survive in this world.

So what is your (h)eart without art?
Once again, it's just "he"

Donald trump is a he... & aliens decided that they don't like him.. after multiple logical discussions, of course.
He (art)
BSeuss Jul 2017
(the universe will watch you make heaven or hell without interfering. Staying positive is a "f* you" to the world. Because the world tries to get you down.  Not the universe.. the universe is raw power in stillness and motion. It would grant to you or take from you because of its own laws.  Other than that you are fully free in its eyes.. because it doesn't care. It just is)
There is evidence
(Censored. Forget about the swear word)
198 · Jul 2017
one megabyte too much
BSeuss Jul 2017
Imagine if you will.
The matrix is full.
Not a megabyte more of information can
be stored.
An eruption occurs, like a charge in the sky that collides to make lightning.
We see the light first; the sound comes as fast as it was far. Yet the light and the sound occurred at once.
We see this big bang, yet only talk about it later.
What we can see, afterwards, as we discussed, is our perception.
So we call what we can perceive the universe.
And that's what we are still likely to even want to discuss.
What we may never fully understand, is why we will never be able to perceive where the information is leaking from; growth seems to be infinite, but we come to understand more that there must be some limit.
One megabyte to much.
How ever, we will never be able to perceive the information that the matrix first contained before it had to let such pressure be released.
So what shall we call the non perceived reality?

Perhaps we could call it,


All in favor ?
Imagine your imagination being a branch into the infinite.
Fiction is fiction.
Passion is passion.
151 · Jul 2017
lessons from kindergarten
BSeuss Jul 2017
I guess I had to lose a lot of precious people, by treating others bad, before the universe permitted me to keep people in my life using the super power it gave me. its not hypnosis. It's simply treating people good.
I get it now.

— The End —