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Carlyy Aug 2017
She left for New York City
I told her
"Don't miss me too much."
Silence grew.
I reassured,
"We share the same sky"
She told me I was poetic

I just recalled this memory of my photography mentor
Carlyy Aug 2017
I see you.
Carlyy Aug 2018
I’m emotionally claustrophobic.
Pressure pressed upon my shoulders.
My chest doesn’t rise as high as it used to.
I am not lost but I’m losing.
I’m crawling out as I’m pulled down.
Give me a reason.
Carlyy Apr 2017
I think of going away (sometimes)

Can I think we all been there?

Deep in our thoughts & feels,
Lost down a lonely road,
Confused of direction,
Sentimental with nature,
Filled with want & need
Pained with, well everything.

I go but will always come back

From ___  to reality.
A solution won't always be there but hope for one and believe in yourself'! Trust yourself . Put yourself first. Love yourself(:
Carlyy Apr 2017
There are songs about you
Poems and stories too
I have never met you
Not sure I'd want to

If I were to never meet you,
I'll throw away my hopes
of becoming a "we"
The story of us won't ever be
                                            I want you
                              But I will convince myself
                                          I'm better off
And I don't know
who or where you are
Do I find you or do you seek me?
Do "we" ever become more than ourselves

Why do I feel like this?
Are you even out there?
Everyone has (a) you...
                                             Where's my you?

I believe in soul mates and I'm so ready to meet mine, it hurts. My  belief may be fading. (Idk how to italicize or bold my

— The End —