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Feb 2015 · 324
A day to come
We dance we frolic,
spinning and twirling round and round
but now only in my dreams
we laugh we cry
both and neither made no sound
but now only on memory
we traveled and stayed together alone
visited all the far off places and made love at home
but now we cant breach the front door together
we talked the night away and fell asleep
in each others arms
but now our bones have wasted away
we love each other and live on this
but now only me
(please come back)
but I know you cant
So wait my love, please...
Im trying my best,
to catch up
Feb 2015 · 322
When I'm alone my soul fades away
It slides right out and fades to the grey
That I carve into the paper where my thoughts take form
Where I go to see straight
Where I go let my mind storm
Where I go to think true
That's where I go when I'm alone with you

When I think of you my thoughts melt away
They all come together and shout out and say
She's the one I care about
She's the one I dream about
She's the one who keeps me steady
She's the one who's always ready to listen to me and help me move
She the reason I make it through
That's why I think I can say
I love you
Giving up this rest of piece,
Climb up to the plain,
Where you and them walk,
Above where I've lain,
I want to seek you out,
And build back what we've been,
I want to be a piece of your love,
Yet here I must stay,
Some come visit me again,
Right here,
Feb 2015 · 301
Calm yourself
I don't write for you
not at all
so don't get all high and mighty on me
i write for myself and those special few
if your thinking like this
Its definitely not you
Feb 2015 · 225
There are other ways...
Writing is my escape
I write to disarm the contentious feelings I have
Because Nobody understands me
I know I lack empathy
I know because I cut it out of me
I function better without it
Smiling is my defence
It's my protection from people
It's my recompense
If they think your fine they leave you alone
They assume your fine that you'll make it home
Act dangerous people ignore you
Act homicidal they completely avoid you
I prefer the latter
Saves me the trouble of an emotional splatter (that feeds
my demons)
Less people less problems
I feel the haze that prevents me from finding who I am
It's clearing and I'm scared of what I see...
Feb 2015 · 233
Growing aware
Things to know
Things to see
Going wherever
Trying to be
The person laid before me
Isn't the one I want to be
It's forced upon me to be this man
To believe I'll comply and won't make a stand
To stay where i am and not deviate
From the path
But I will retaliate
I won't stand silent
I won't stand still
I be who I set out to be
Not who I was cut from to be
I'll go where I want
I'll be what I see
Because all I see
Is me
Feb 2015 · 229
Well I see you've found another
You turned you back
And sent me away
As you chose to move on with them
Nice choice.
I might go make the same.
Feb 2015 · 445
My mistake?
While I sit here
In the while padded walls of my head
In this straight jacked of other people's problems.
I sit and I struggle to get them off
To get them out
I want to help them I do!
I really do...
But sometimes it's hard
I want to help I do
I'm drowning
In the swamp of other people's problems
The swamp. That I jumped into
Feb 2015 · 812
A clean getaway
People blame me for who I am
and what I do
They make me turn and apologize  
But who do I do?
Nobody apologized to me
for making me this way
Who do I blame...?
sorta quoteing a meme that got me thinking
Feb 2015 · 253
the world we drown in
Know what i noticed?
In this world there are too many songs about finding love
and even more poems about losing it
(I'm one of the drones whos contributed to both)
there are not enough happy people  
and also too many depressing people
(and I'm no spring flower)
too many
there are too many selfish tyrants
and not enough selfless saints
(i wish i was the right one)
there are too many judgemental basturds
and not enough accepting freaks
(i have yet to cast the beam out of my own eye)
there are too many people outraged at something
and not enough willing to go out and do anything
(im too lazy)
but with all this propoganda for both sides
youd think we would have found a winner
and stop the stupid people fighting for the wrong cause
now tell me
which one is right?
and truthfully,
which one are you?
more of a rant sorry
Feb 2015 · 396
When i grow dying
During the time I let my mind wander
Off the leash and down on yonder
Sitting here contemplating life
Where I will go
What I will do,
When will I grow up and not be the fool
When will I learn what I want from myself
Will I be a doctor and care for ones health
Will I be a fireman and drive around town
Fighting the fires that destroy and burn down
Will I be the teacher that everyone loves
The one that pleases and eases the kids through
their time at the building of perdition where they do their crimes
Will I be an astronaut and reach for the stars
shot past the moon and land on mars
Would I go and be the first of my kind
to make friends with an alien mind

Would I be the first to travel to the centre of the earth
or would I stay home with my wife and give birth
to a child
and be able to make their world a better place.
Could they be special and be the first of our race
to do something special
To do something great
To watch them grow up and let that light shine
To be proud of who they are and know that they will
Always be mine
My child my legacy

To go and do what I could not
To have a chance and take their shot
To make a difference and make me proud
To make me happy, to die in peace
To drift away with ease
So when I'm laying down for the final time
I can say boldly "you will always be mine"
Mine to hold
Mine to cuddle
Mine to love
Mine to huddle
Mine to teach
Mine to learn from
Mine to tell and say to go on and live your life your way
Learn from your mistakes and don't give yourself
reason to sit at those lakes in your mind
Full of regret and times where
you wish you had done it different
Said something else
Made a different move
You must live on
You will be great
You will be remembered
You will make a change
You have the potential to change the world

But don't forget the ones you hold
Most dear to your heart
because they're the ones that will stay by your side
Right through your darkest times
They will follow you through
Your blackest hours
and carry you through your hardest times
They will be your lifeline, your life
Even when your drowning in sorrow or feeling alone
They will be right there when you get home
to bring you up and pick you out of your rut
They will make your life worth living
They will offer all they can and keep on giving

So long as you keep on living
A righteous life helping others and showing them light
In their darkest hour and blackest times
Because your words have power
a power to change
a power to wound
a power to heal
a power to be kind
a power to brush away the scars of verbal
blades dragged deep through the recesses of our
Your words have power
so use them well
Because most times it is hard to tell
How much someone needs them to help them through
Because most times the only one who can
help them through
help them move
Is you
found an old one I wrote when i was younger. i see a man on his deathbed giving his final words to his son. other have seen a sunset beach walk with lovers
Feb 2015 · 395
Maracas in the setting sun
Cheche Cheche Cheche
Those special few basking,
standing and relaxing in the starlit rainbow rays
Cheche Cheche Cheche
We party and glee till the daylight dies and opened the night sky's eye
Cheche Cheche Cheche
The sun says as it bleeds across the hot silver sky
Cheche Cheche Cheche
The maroon navy water echoes as it laps up our prints as if we were never here
Cheche Cheche Cheche
As the moon and we reply
We're gonna sing the sky awake as the stars shine their ghosts down to us
Cheche Cheche Cheche
We hear they come and gently lead us back to our place amongst the stars
Cheche Cheche Cheche
Echoes across the empty wake as we fly home the Angels of the night
A quick write
Feb 2015 · 306
My past Siren
The serpents of song
serenade me awake
and back down to hell
where your arms
they await

To embrace me once more...
As I struggle free
but no
you hold on
your killing me
Feb 2015 · 335
Wake up call
Walking down the moonlit isle
skip on the sidewalk and
breath in the air so ecstatic
and fresh and full of wonder and bliss
walk down the middle of the road
the nighttime
that the sky serenades with its starry-eyed kiss
so free
the wild time
I'm me
only until morning comes
and and hits me with its pickup
**** the rising sun
Feb 2015 · 358
Why can't I...?
Who says that we can't party all night?
and make memories we'll never forget
Who says I can't skip class for you my love?
and make your day with my smile and a strong gentle hug
Who says we can't have those late nights?
where we put off homework and stargaze on a hill just us two
Who says I can't take a day off work to pick her up?
when she is crying to her pillow
Who says I can't fall into her arms?
when I have no place left to fall
Who says I can't be careful of what I do and say?
because I don't want to ever want to cause her pain
Who says I can't take some time from life?
to write her little love notes and poems and hide them for her to find
Who says I can't say "I love you" to her in public?
because its a "too personal" thing for strangers
Who says I can't take those little moments lost in her kiss?
to mouth I love you Right onto her lips
Who says I can't brush the hair out of her eyes?
and brush a tear away and comfort her as she cries
Who says I can't love her with all my heart?
And call her as mine until death do us part
Who says I can't?
Who says?
Who, and why?
I fell like I'm gonna be constantly adding to this list
for example :
Who says I can't wake up to her at my side?
and love her just being her and there with me
Feb 2015 · 188
My love life
Trying and failing and falling each time
Well that's it
Feb 2015 · 255
A field of lovers
Wilting and blooming and starting all over
Just as the flowers in spring
Winter comes soon and leaves all too slow
Just as the flowers in spring
Lovers come and pick them free
Slow to grow back and quick to die
They come and they go
They stop and they show
Everything that I need
To help myself grow
**** these happy thoughts
Feb 2015 · 975
A declaration to the world
You know what I hate?
Backstabbers and Liars and users all threee
They take you, and play you, and **** you,
A spree,
I've had my fair share and here I've had another,
Come, take me now, as I have nothing left to lose,
But beware to all those freaks out there
Who do this and find it amusing
The next time I jumprope
It'll be your intestines I'm using...
One of my pet peeves
Feb 2015 · 394
You came back to me
But we've long since been through
You keep coming and I try and push you back
Yet you come and try even though your promised to another
This is hard to keep you away
Because somewhere deep
I want you to stay
Jan 2015 · 549
A friend in wolfs clothing
How are you here?
when you were just over there,
How and why, would you come back to me.
wearing what they gave you
How? You? What? betray. now,
My don't thoughts make sense anymore,
and neither do your motives...

Get lost
Jan 2015 · 196
Thoughts of a child
I can look for those that need a friend
Those who need attention
Those who need someone to talk to
Those who need someone tot play with
Those who need someone to understand how they feel
Those who need a pal

I look for those
Who need someone to share their feelings with
Those who need someone to share their interests
Those who want to be sociable
But are shy

I can look for those
Who need a rescue
Those who need a companion
Those who need a friend

Those who are terrified
Those who are petrified
Those who are terrorized
Those who need a friend

Those who want to frolic
Those who want to dance
Those who are frowning
Those who need a friend

I will look for those in pain  
Those that wish to rise again
Those that only want to be heard
Ignored by most and called absurd
Those who feel lost alone picked on and baited
Those who are
Those who wear a mask to hide their pain
Those who are stepped on for others gain
Those that are pushed down and can't get back up
Those who are feeling put down derived and stuck
Those who are on the brink of defeat
Who need people like me to get them back on their feet
Those who want to be able to follow their dreams
Those who have opportunity and potential that's bursting at the seams  
But are depressed and told that they won't succeed
Those who retreat from life into themselves
Those that believe that the world would be better without
Them there to burden the place and consider themselves a waste of space
Those who need to helped from hurting themselves
And believe that the life their living is on the plains of hell
Those who need a friend
A friend to help
a friend to confide
a friend to that will stay by their side
Those who need to see that the world shouldn't be a place of torment and terror
But a place they are needed and have those that care
Those that want a place where love fills the air
Where every one has time to spare to help a person in need
A place left untouched by pride and greed

Those that want to live their life
Free from those who cause them sorrow and strife  
Those that are pushed over the edge into a pit of grief
And wait for someone to come and give them relief
Those who are kicked and beaten
Those who are left in the street and
Wait for people like me to show them that they have more to be that just trash that people like we just throw away and leave it there cuz I'm am here to share that you that there are  those people out there
Those that want to stand above the crowd
Those that want to shout out loud

I.can make a difference
Something lost now found
something drafted now finished
Jan 2015 · 1.0k
My last request;
someone please get this
someone please comeback
someone please pick me up
someone please push me back

somebody please take them away
somebody please make it stop
somebody please help me to tomorrow
somebody please push me back

everybody please stop looking
everybody please point away
everybody please don't leave me
everybody please don't let me fall

nobody please come to me
nobody please let me be
nobody please let me cry
nobody please let me die

can you please?
Jan 2015 · 248
A letter for Nobody
Dear whoever,
   I hope your getting this...
cuz i have nothing to say
Jan 2015 · 215
This and that and and. ...
And I need something to make me speak.
Make me think. Make me write.
All I can do in this state is hold the secrets of the universe
at my fingertips
useless and without purpose
until I give them one...

Yet as soon as I say that,
and my thoughts brush paper
My mind goes from its beautiful confusion
Sea of tangles and knots that all make cents
to the taught strings of my droll
that BoRe me with its understandable simplicity
Jan 2015 · 200
Sometimes you don't write words because they sound write,
or because they make sense.
Sometimes you write them because they feel write.
They are beautiful confusion.  

~Written by A.C. (one of my very good friends)
My namesake I guess
Jan 2015 · 341
Bluejays and vultures
Have you ever?
Have you ever tried to fly?
Above the clouds so high
Over the treetops and clear into the sky
soaring and living your life
so wild and free
free as a bird
yea ive tried to be
so free yet so frail
yet they've got what it takes to go forth and sail
so high an liberated from things that normally would
bar me d
                          n   to the
ground bones as lead filled
with the acidic anxiety that i let
plague and beguile me
these magnificent creatures are smarter than we
they're so hollow so happy so in jeopardy
of something to break them apart
to plummet back
to me
but they're still up there
looming over me
Sorta a spin off of another poem. So many stories from the first few lines. A branch off. A poem tree.
Jan 2015 · 220
Soul therapy
I'm trying to write
again and again
Trying and feeling
I grab my pen and
draw my lifeblood as ink
From my heart and wrists
as I brand the page with what im feeling,
So strong so raw,
So bare so queer,
But hey,
Better there then here
(in me...
Ive tried to soar free as a bird,
Free of my cares,
(these scars)
My emotional wares,
Yet I've failed each time
Its not my fault though
You have to believe me its not
Im not the one to drag me down with these acidic anxieties
that fill me up and burn me out,
Your the one that makes me this way
hollowed out and broken,
Whats left to say?
Is that im here and I'm used
broken and thrown away,
"you must pay"
they said each time
as if for a crime I've (never) committed
a wrong that I have (never) done
Call me a liar,
but I think their wrong
I think they're out to get me
I think that I'm their chew toy
the one no matter how bruised and broken
seems as though it can go another round
In this maelstrom of hate bitterness and plagueful actions
I know I'm crazy for saying this but,
I know its not my fault its not.
(it can't be...
Jan 2015 · 241
It's your fault
You drive in your fists of hate,
You kick me and beat me and spit in my face,
These countless times have weathered away
All that I was but your going to pay,
For what I've become
This shell of a man
This hole of a soul
This pointless existence
To which your demise is my goal
As I advance and drive in my blade
your eyes grow wide as your hearts cut away
"Why" you ask as you crumble to dust
"Because" I say,
"You've made me this way"
Jan 2015 · 995
Inner conflict
They say that love can come from within
That it can heal all as there is no enemy of kindness
But I say different,
I say their wrong
When you without your love its not just
something wrong with you,
Its as if your missing a piece
A giant gaping hole right in your chest
There may not be an enemy to kindness
But theres always a war on love
You sometimes lose you sometimes win
But don't let anyone tell you that it comes from within
It my not come from there but something sure does
how can you possibly love another
when you hate yourself?
just a random train of thought
Jan 2015 · 287
Thirds thoughts
Those moment never should I miss
Lost in your gaze
and drowned in your kiss
Those seconds lost now missed
You left me here
How could you?...
How could you do this to me?
All these things I did to see you smile,
Yet you came by and let me fall all the while
You made away and behind my back you
stabbed me through...
I may not have smiled then, but as I fell
I saw your face and smiled like hell
but then again who wouldn't,
your the one who pushed me
A partial sequel to second thoughts
Jan 2015 · 300
Writers block
i can't think what to write
i want things to make sense
and get no sense at all
the words won't make sense
they're just jumbled
on the page
you understand writeght?
Here there up and around
thinking this and
there goes the ground
I'm thinking I'm flying
but here I can't even walk
here the inane is normal
and the normal is not
Jan 2015 · 255
I can't think
Do many **** thoughts
Like digging for something lost in the confusion
but having to sift through the debris
Grain by grain
Speck by speck
Jan 2015 · 334
Second thoughts
My love, my sweet
My only, my complete
Those hours wasted away
Lost on your thought
Drowned in your kiss
Those lost hours
Never will I miss
Not till now
Jan 2015 · 219
STAY GONE (come back...)
I missed you once
And I miss you now
But it's fading away
As the stars at dawn
I saw you off that day right there
I longed for your return
I wished for you to stay (away)
You cut me deep
With your lips so soft
Your touch as acid
I'm glad your gone
I've woken up from your lovely stupor
Your gaze
Your kiss
That withdrawal
This bliss
Jan 2015 · 178
All for one. One for you
I for you and you for me
Together in this we be
I support you and you me
But with all this why must there be
Secrets and lies and hidden scars
Shoved deep down hidden and barred
Hidden from both to save just one
It doesn't work like that no
If one falls we both go
So we must find these scars
And gently heal anew
Deal and heal and be whole again
We are one in this battle against life
I hope you see that
Because I sure do
Jan 2015 · 642
That little red balloon
The little lame balloon man
He holds my
He beckons my presence
And I beg him to stay
But            far          away is he
He turns solemnly and skips
With that little red balloon
He's left it here
it's here to stay
The little lame ballon man
solemnly away
Inspired by e e cummings [injust]
Jan 2015 · 417
For you? Anything
False truths
True lies and bittersweets
These you offer my only, my complete
They're shoved as stones down my throat
I swallow them whole as I do it all
for you as they keep coming i
Just sit submissively silently as you
plough my skin and sow more corruption
More pain more lies
Jan 2015 · 193
Me myself and you
Confused and who knows what else
My soul it bleeds and has lost itself
It's gone to drown it's sorrows
who's know if it'll come back
Just look what you've done

It's gone not soon to return
You burned it with you gaze
you cut it with your words
You going down and taking it
hand in cuffs for the ride
We wanted to keep you safe and sound
But look at this mess.

You already dead in the ground.
I've bled for you
I've cried for you
Do you care?
Not even a glance as we break down
In your wake
We take the fall
While you cut a break

You get away clean while we collect scars
From all the times you fell
You fall from wrong doings
You fall to relieve
These deadly mistakes
Just a moments reprieve

Child when will you learn
That you can't just escape
Hide away the hurt
For us to carry
That just can't stand.

We won't always offer our hand
Goodbye for now
As I must retrieve my friend
From the bar of inseverence
You'll come to see soon enough
All that we've done.
Sorry just sorta a half finished rant.
Jan 2015 · 662
The Isle of broken dreams
This is where I go to think,
The isle of banished dreams,
A place long forgotten,
But bursting at the seams,
I come here to think,
I come here to wade,
In the waters of regret,
In here I feel at peace
But no not just yet...
I come here to banish all those pointless goals,
To let go of al those broken dreams,
This place is always locked from me,
But sadness is the key
This place,
This place, is always open unto me...

This place, I come to lose myself in fears,
In anxieties, in dilemmas, all those wasted years,
I come to think, and let my tears build the sea,
This place,
This place, is the true definition of me...

I come here to wonder,
To sit in the sand,
To wonder if I'll ever leave again,
I stare up at the clear night sky,
I wonder and ask "Father can I leave?"
Can I leave this place of sorrow,
where my tears build the sea?
Can I leave this place of tragedy,
where my doubts grew the trees?
Can I leave this place where my questions
and dreams are the sand
and litter this beach?  
Father can I come home?...

I sit here in the dawn of night,
Sitting, questioning, is it ever worth the fight?
I sit here and ponder,
and let the ghosts of my broken dreams
come to my aid,
I feel fractured, hollow, unmade,
I let the voices swirl around me and scream
in my face,
They bellow and shriek,
I hear all of them,
I take in their council,
I understand their speak,
They speak of my wrongs,
They speak of my failures
I've given them reason,
I'm the reason they're here...

I come here to wallow in my pain,
To wash off all hope,
To be clean once again,
I come here to question to ponder to search,
To want to be better so I walk and I think,
Think along the waters edge,
Along this beach of broken dreams and
I hope I don't sink,
I want to be better,
I want to be great,
These dreams, these morals, they have yet
to break
I cling to them dearly,
As I tear out my heart, and feed it to the sea,
I want it to drown there,
But it always returns,
It always comes back,
My heart is half the reason I'm here,
It takes you by the hand,
and whispers in your ear,
And you follow it without fail,
Through storm, through fire, with no hope of
I follow it too,
I follow it in and out of this place every time,
She controls it, "Your heart is mine",
She knows it very well,
It's the reason I'm here, this place
This hell...

I walk deeper, and deeper into this place,
To  find where I've hid it,
I must find that place,
It's new every time, but yet, somehow the same,
This thing holds my future, it is my fate,
When I find it I can leave this place,
I can't find it here, not here, nor there,
It's inside me and I must find it but where,
where WHERE?!
It's not a key, but it is of sorts,
It's more of a conclusion, an answer, to why
I'm here,
I feel it close,
Im almost here...

I'm almost here, it's very close, it's very near,
I've thought, and thought, for what feels like years,
I want to come back stronger than before,
I've done it before, and I'll do it once more
These voices I've unleashed that storm inside my head
and help me think,
They help me, they've shown me the way ,
The way back up,
From down here below,
Im leaving now to return soon,
But for now I'm gone,
Until the next blue moon...

Comment some tags as I cant really think of any.
Also title suggestions as this one is dear to me and mine doesn't seem to sit right.
Jan 2015 · 214
Have you seen ______?
Have you ever thought about those who dont say anything at all?
Those who are so good at blending we walk past them in the hall?
Of course not, we never do

Have you ever thought why?
Jan 2015 · 689
sticks and Stones and lies
Lies swirl around
they whisper in your mouth
and make play from your tongue
they slide in and out of your mouth
a snake with venom potent as tears
as healing as acid
it trickles down your throat,
Burning others from the inside out
Jan 2015 · 474
There are those times,
Along down the road,
To which we skip
We frolic,
We grow old...

Best friends forever,
That childhood phrase,
The power and bond it bears,
Never ceases to me amaze,
Simple as that,
We saw
We made
We laughed
We played...

I with you and you with me,
We sat and played in the grass,
We let our imaginations spiral free,
We sailed on a pirate ship,
Across all eleven seas,
We fought dragons and flew in the breeze,
We rode horseback across the savanna,
We rocketed through space and commanded an armada,
we continued this way through all night and day,
We imagined the things we'd never see,
We imagined the people that we would never be,
We laid on our backs and stared up through the clouds,
To the great beyond then back to the ground,
We saw the wonders of our world
From our own backyard,
Best friends forever,
Our calling card...

We climbed we fell
But we did it as one,
"Best friends forever" we always said
Though not with our words
but those secret codes inside our heads,
We were happy,
We were free,
It should always be this way,
"Should we grow old?"
"Should we grow wise?"
There hasn't been a "We",
Not since you died,
Best friends forever,
What a joke,
What a lie...

I just sit here and bring you alive,
I guess in a manner of speaking you never really died,
You live on and there is always a "We"
Because we live on,
In me,
Best friends for eternity ...
Jan 2015 · 236
finding myself
Who am I?
Where have I been?
Look to the past then side to side,
The voices in my head seem to remind,
Me of a place once found now lost,
I found it,
Didn't like it,
Wished to hell I could forget it,
Cuz this man I used to be
isn't the one thats set out for me
This one isn't right,
So with all my might I
take my face to the grinder and
Remove him.
I can start fresh from the remains...
Jan 2015 · 201
Im thinking
Truth is trust
Yet, truth is lies
And lies are what this world feeds off of,
We sit here idly and lie to ourselves,
There's nothings else we can do
to help all those who suffer,
Beneath our feet..
Jan 2015 · 231
Never let anyone in because the less you
trust the less you'll pay,
You can never truly have what the heart craves,
It will only bring fleeting supplements
Then unbearable pain
Jan 2015 · 260
My massacre
Taken broken sewn back together,
Ripped and torn and burned out forever,
My heart is mulched by your sharp tongue,
My eyes bleed from your distance,
I humbly stoop to pick up the pieces of my old shattered heart,
I hold them close so that they don't come apart,
I try to piece together this hole in my chest,
Yet all i'm really doing is waiting, for death...
Jan 2015 · 236
Tick Tock
The pendulum swings
back                          forth
forth                          back
I cant change it, nor can you,
So take a step back,
This life is all, not just you and I,
This place is more than just one mans crime,
Its everything, everyone and
Without me,
It'll still swing, just, fine...
Jan 2015 · 345
Walking down the shores on nigh,
Hand in hand,
Side by side,
The waves that quietly lull the sea,
I walk with you and you with me...

We walk in silence with the song of the
Sets as we sing to the sand almost done,
And let our cares wash away on the

One last time we lay down here,
Again so far and yet finally this near,
I stroke your cheek as a tear falls free,
And kiss your lips as the stranger I be...

One last time i hold your gaze,
I drown in your eyes as I slide away,
Into the wake so far so fast,
One last time one last...
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