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 Jun 2015 Zoey Brandy
A flower so grand
in itself, vivid in
details, following no pattern
like the leaves of the plant.

All the leaves are the same
but a single flower so distinct
one does and the other doesn't
add to the plant's fame.

In its life of just a day, it steals the show
and spreads so much happiness
though the leaves may, in silence keep low,
diligently work for air's cleanliness.

Even then it sticks to the branch
as its life is given by
the apparently dreary plant.
Here, all its coming generations
will choose to be born,
and this plant only will they adorn.
We may be so much accomplished and successful in our life but we should not undermine the value of our roots, things which have helped us to reach where we are now.
 Jun 2015 Zoey Brandy
 Jun 2015 Zoey Brandy
i am a collection of what people want me to be
of what i assume people want me to be
of what i hope people want me to be
acquired meticulously over time
and pressed out in my words and on my skin
like spread sheet data.
if you look closely enough you can see the insecurity and ambiguity in us all.
 Jun 2015 Zoey Brandy
Joe Cole
Bread is the staple food of life
We feed and nurture the delicate shoots
Lest we have no bread in the future

Words are the future of poetry
We must nurture and care for those
Delicate gentle words
Lest they wither and die on the vine
I've anguished quite a lot
From the torments inflicted unto me by this life
Though I might seem fine in their eyes
Believe me, I never was

I have endured all of this
'Cause I believe that solution will come to me piece by piece
Yet with each passing day I become less and less hopeful
Because as every day ends, my life becomes a bit blur and no longer colorful

But even if that's the case
I still have to maintain my stance
Because the only outcome of quitting this fight
Is losing the battle at night
Now I need to summon courage and strength
So I can win this battle
And see the light at the end of the tunnel

— The End —