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  Dec 2014 Zayna
"Be happy." They say.
I can't.
"At least pretend to be."
"Because no one likes a sad person."
  Dec 2014 Zayna
the one with the eyes
so green or so blue,
stayed by the sea side
taking care of the view.
so she danced when it rained
and danced until night
and she stayed by the sea,
never leaving it's sight
  Nov 2014 Zayna
darling iridescence
I'm a ****** rose,
I'm deathly nightshade,
I'm angry poison ivy,
And my vines have seemed to strangle
everything else that tried to grow--
loving me might just **** you.

But maybe you like suffocation,
the taste of sweet poison on
lips that have spoken nothing but
infallible sin,
it is fated, written in the very way
you submit yourself to the storm
that I am.

If anything, there is one thing that I've learned:
as much as daisies are pretty little things,
you're not gonna find one that would make you
do all the crazy things I could make you do.
*kisses your ****** lips*
  Nov 2014 Zayna
Arianna Stewart
Family needs to stick together
Through the tough, hard times
When it rains at night
Family needs to stick together
Like birds of a feather
Peas in a pod
Family needs to stick together
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