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Zack Phillips Sep 2014
Don't blame the lion for the pride
Don't let yourself whisper those insults
Don't see the bad and push away the good
Realize there's more to the pride than that
Because even though the Alpha Male
May not be who you'd choose
It's not up to you
Or me
Or he
It's up to the fittest
And his mighty roar may petrify the gazelles
Who ignorantly graze on the pride's land
Who sheepishly bolt away from danger
But the pride should have no fear
The pride should rally around the fearsome roar
Not be scattered around like gazelles
And when one member
Leaves the pride
He steps off the captain's seat
And begins to eat the grass
For you, gazelle, hopefully this means something
Zack Phillips Apr 2015
Lonelier than wind at night
Sitting there, in the light
A man looks down
His face a frown
Sighing because he's
Lonelier than wind at night

Long ago he felt the love
Those feelings out of his mind he shoves
Doesn't want to feel the pain
Doesn't want it . . . not again
Memories float 'cross his mind
Lonelier than wind at night

I see him there, full of grief
To see this torture is beyond belief
I want to save
He wants to stave
Wants just to be left alone
Lonelier than wind at night

He walks down the street
Not wishing with anyone to meet
He ducks his head
He'll soon be dead
Pulls the trigger,
For he has become
Lonelier than wind at night.
Experimenting with writing different ways!
Zack Phillips Apr 2015
It may be the hardest thing to do
Though it may come easy to you
Reject ideas you're used to
Try to find the meaning of 'truth'

But maybe if you try to see
The world may just clearer be
From lonely mountains to chopped down trees
From big blue whales to bumblebees

And you may just wonder how
Can you change yourself right now
Your question answered with a scowl;
Immediate change is not allowed

Instead you must take years to wonder
To speak the lighting and draw the thunder
And in this time, you'll no doubt blunder
Just don't let the setbacks take you under

Just try from each mistake to learn
Try not to reject, lest you be spurned
Though the world is endless turns
Don't just seek knowledge, yearn

And if you follow this advise
Realize this world may not be nice
Just remember to think twice
Unless you want to pay the price

Take your life in your own hands
Do everything you think you can
Before the hourglass is drained of sand
Make your living, Make a stand
Zack Phillips Apr 2016
Wanting to love you as a friend
But also to start this over again
For sure, my heart is on the mend
Eyes that are closed can't see the end

But that doesn't mean that I won't care
That I will never again be there
I just want to make sure we're fair
While Moving (on) to the next stair

We are in this together now
And will make it out somehow
No matter how much sweat drips from our brow
We'll steel our resolve and grab a towel

I wish that we could forever be
That would be so perfect to me
Eyes still closed, so I don't see
Trying to escape from reality

It's not your fault that I'm this way
I wish so bad that you could stay
Eventually, I will be okay
But eventually is not today

Please don't let this make you sad
I hope this doesn't make you mad
Just know that in the time we had
You made me feel much more than glad

You made me love more that I could love
You became all I was thinking of
But like in a wedding, I release a dove
In peace, I have to set free my Love
Zack Phillips Sep 2015
Now that I've seen you
Things don't seem as bad
We've seemed to figure it out
Trying to embrace the new
And block out the sad
Never farther from you than a shout

I wish we could be
Together right now
But we have to go through this trial
And someday maybe
Somewhere and somehow
We can be with each other a while

And if that's not
What's supposed to happen
There's nothing I can say in retort
I can say that I fought
That I was fully wrapped in
Our love like the best pillow fort

I'm not letting go
Of my love just yet
Though there may be I time I must
I still want to show
I'm glad that we met
And in our combined strength, I trust

It's hard to believe
We're in this position
I've really never been here before
I will not just leave
I've made it my mission
To give all I can and more

So take heart in this poem
Don't let it distract
Keep your head held high in the sky
Let's together show them
That we are on track
To make it out of this all right
Zack Phillips Sep 2015

Dedicated to a college buddy in need
Zack Phillips Apr 2014
Please don't worry baby
It's just a night alone
I'm staying safe
I'm staying sane
I'm staying in your heart.

Please don't worry baby
She's just a friend
Just trust me honey
Just trust me doll
I'm staying in your heart

Please don't worry baby
It was just one time, that's all
I know I was wrong
I know I betrayed you
I'm staying in your heart

Please don't worry baby
You'll make it out alright
It's not you it's me
It's not you it's her
I'm leaving from your heart

Please don't worry
We're not together
It wasn't healthy
It wasn't right
I'm tearing out your heart

I'm sorry that you worry
I'm sorry I wasn't there
I'm sorry that I ****** it up
You're still here in my heart
Zack Phillips Nov 2015
Poetry shouldn't make you sad
Or bring you to your knees
It's not always about something bad
A fact few choose to see

Poetry should be pure happiness
A candle in dark night
Not that Poetry's always bliss
But not quite so dark as bright

Poetry shouldn't be your pain
The source of all your woes
It shouldn't blot your sunny days
Not send you sinking to a place below

Poetry should be your armor
What reflects away the hurt
Will the metal get dented? Sure
But Poetry's a friend that won't desert

Poetry should be your crutch
What you use to cope
Poetry can mean so much
Poetry is hope

Poetry should draw you close
Like a warm fire and blanket in cold
Comforting when you need it the most
A voice when yours isn't so bold

Poetry is a magical thing
Because it's much more than lines
It's the emotions that from those words spring
That makes a poem fine

Poetry is not just for sad;
It is for happy too
I hope this poem's made you mad
Now you can write some too!
Zack Phillips Jan 2014
All she wants
Is for her body to be wanted
Screaming, clutching, *******
Longing for the childhood she left behind
Longing for the father that left her childhood
Longing for the sweet stickiness
Longing to be wanted
She's finished with work
Pleasure is her job
And the man she pleases on screen
Tells her that her hard, painful effort
Was second rate
Was not pleasurable
Was not worth it
She closes her bedroom door
Knowing nothing else but pleasure anymore
Pleasure now means pain for her
She's caught in a trap
She's scared and alone
She's seeing the consequences of her actions
She cries out to the night
But only the sun and another day of work answer
Zack Phillips Apr 2015
I love you Lauren
You know it is true
I hold tight to Us:
To me and you

And I don't expect
Us to always agree
I only wish
For you to love me

And because you do
It makes me happy
I only want you
Even though it sounds sappy

You make me Me
Without even trying
When I am laughing
And when I am crying

You mean so much
To me as a person
I want my parents to say
You have done well, Son

Because you are with me
Even when you're not right there
You've made me see
That love should be shared

That love is a wonder
That love should be held
As closely as you can
No matter what hell

And I don't mean to say
That being with you is bad
Because it isn't baby
Being with you makes me glad

Being with you completes
Where I alone cannot
The love I found with you
I would have never have thought

So thank you baby,
For all that you are
For being my baby
My bright shining star
Zack Phillips Feb 2013
Push and Pull
Tug and Drool
Scratch and you're done
Who thought you were the one
To act so childish
In this serious manner
The louder your voice
The higher my temper
Breaking point
Boiling over
Nothing to do with me
I'll show ya

Push and Pull
Tug and Drool
Adrenaline courses
Situation forces
Me to be calm
And stand my ground
Who would have thought
That I have found
The hesitation
Of throwing a fist
Knowing the consequences
Knowing the risks
Take a deep breath
And relax your hands
This isn't the way
This is not the plan
When screamed at
Shout louder
This moment is like gunpowder
Waiting for a spark to set if off
And I refuse to be 'er
I may be soft
But inside I'm full of steel
Zack Phillips Apr 2015
Starting up, the engine roars
The car lurches forward hard
Way too fast for us
We both grip the door, and
Have all four feet pressed to the floor
Has our chauffeur lost his mind?
Made a petty issue into a deathly lesson?
Me, I can't say for sure
Love makes me believe that's not the case
You, not so easily convinced
More sensible and logical
Than I can be at times
I let my emotions control me more
Could this have grown out of control?
Have we made a final mistake?
Ever foolish in our words and deeds?
Hoped it wouldn't end like this, because
Baby...I don't want this ending
Starting The Way We Have Has Made Me Love You More Than I Could Have Ever Hoped Baby

Content is polar opposite to the acrostic message, but I wanted to give a new style a shot
Zack Phillips Sep 2015
Talking to you last night
Helped me to understand
Understand this wasn’t right
Which is why we changed our plans

I’m not going to lie to you
I’m better than before
I’m not 100%, that’s true
But I don’t think you as a *****

I know that this is hurting you
As much as it is me
I wish there were things I could do
To help you forget about me

*I’m shadowed by the memories
I’m hollow with the loss
I’m weighed down by my heart of lead
I bear it as my cross

I know we did what’s best for us
I know we did what’s right
That doesn’t mean I don’t still miss
You holding me at night

Forgetting you is not my goal
My best times that would take
I cannot lose that part of me
I only want to numb the ache

I wish that you could say the same
But that may not be true
Forget me, if that’s what you need
I want what’s best for you
Zack Phillips Sep 2015
I think about the words wrote before
Wrought with the iron of anger
Dripping with meaning, emotion and more
Each word expressing some danger
I haven't written like that in a while
I guess I've calmed down a lot
I prefer now to take the world with a smile
Learning the lesson not taught
More mature now, maybe
But more childish than ever
Perhaps I'll never lose that part of me
Perhaps it's already gone forever
I'm trying to correct my perceived fault
Trying to change who I am
To reset my personal default
To become a better man
I am no longer a boy
That much is clear
I've put away childhood toys
And held 'adult' things near
I do not want to claim
That I think myself a man
Though I am not the same
I'm not yet finished with my plan
I have a rough outline
Of where I want life to go
I want what I attain to be mine
Skills working in unison to put on a show
I will say for certain
There's no turning back
I'm pulling back the curtain
Releasing light from the black
I've decided a few things
About what to believe
I believe in what God brings
I'll trust Him fully when I leave
I'm not sure of a lot
But I'm not that worried
I still have years left of thought
My life needn't be hurried

I've learned a lot about life
In these 4 short years
They've not been without strife
They've not been without tears
But what I've gone through
Has made me who I am today
I've learned some things that are true
And things that aren't, decay
I'm glad of my trials
Because they could be much worse
They've been softened with smiles
To lift some of the curse
I am the person that I am today
Because of the following:
Because I thought I was in love, but realized that I wasn't
I turned into someone I didn’t want to be me
I found true love in someone unpleasant
And found out that love isn't always meant to be
I've found what true love means
When you're connected with another
I've learned what is needed
To be considered a brother
Knowing what I know now
And knowing that I'll never know all
Gives me hope through the doubt
That I'll be helped up when I fall
Zack Phillips Feb 2015
As I reflect back
On previous poems
I remember the feelings
That each one contains
They're there in the words
Not visible,
But palpable
Speaking more than the symbols on the page
Could ever hope to convey by themselves

I think of my anguish
The pain and hurt I've been through
And as I hear stories from others
I learned what to do
To keep my head up
Even if I'm alone
To let it out, and let it in
No matter what feelings they are
To cry when I'm sad
Or laugh when I'm glad
Or sit there when I have nothing to say
Not to intrude
Not to delude
Merely to Live each and every day

I don't mean to Live
As to possess life
I mean to Experience
And value your life
I take much for granted
I'm realizing more
Whether it's a long talk
Or laying on the floor

I think Living is contingent on Loving
Not anyone or anything in particular
But Loving the world wholly
And knowing that you don't know
You and I don't know why the trees grow
You and I don't really care
You and I can't tell if it's a Heavenly glow
We just hope to make it there

Believe in what You choose
I'll believe in my choice
God or no God
Take hold of your voice
And proclaim out loud
What you believe
Because though some may shun you
Some may shut you out
Some may tell you you're wrong
Some may tell you 'what it's all about'
I ask you to answer
When criticism knocks
To stick up for your feelings
To stand up for your thoughts

And when you stand strong
Head held aloft
Know that I'll listen
And Learn from your thoughts
I may find it silly
I may not agree
But one thing I promise
You'll receive no critiques from me

I've learned through others
And through myself
That we each have our own paths
Our own crosses to bear

And I will never know
What lead to our paths crossing
But what I do know is
That I owe it to you
To figure it out
To learn who you are
To seek out the answers
To drive in your car

See, to me it seems
The world has become mean
And discontent with being a part
Of the Evil, Greed, and Misery
I choose instead to seek out the Good
To seek out the Giving, and the Elation
Because though I'm glad
That I've been sad
And that I've learned from it
I'd rather be Happy
And spread Goodness
Than fester in this rotting pit termed Humanity

People together can do great things
People alone can too
People in general are maddening
People specifically are True
True to themselves
True to others
True to their Values
True to their Brothers

Beware the false Prophets
The ones who reach out
And try to tell you
What it all is about
They tell you to conform
To go with the flow
And pretty soon you're converted
Content not to know

Please avoid this Fate
If you so choose
Try not to Hate
Yourself, don't lose
At the end of the day
You're nothing but yourself
So be the best you you can be
The rest will handle itself
Who are you? I'd like to know
Zack Phillips Mar 2013
A love that was lost
May yet be found
Please when you cry
Make not a sound
Stand strong with your feelings
And rise up to the call
When you're thinking things
Please don't let your world fall
I'm not changing my views
At least not now
But I'm starting to see cues
That this will all work out somehow
Zack Phillips Apr 2015
It didn’t mean for it to go
This far into the dark
I didn’t want the friendship glow
To be extinguished in that way

But I could not take anymore
The way that you behave
Your lies hurt like an open sore
All I wanted was to save

I wanted you to trust me
Just like friends should do
I just wanted you to see
How much I trusted you

But your words reflected a deeper thing
Something I’ve seen before
Something I wished never again to bring
To let into my door

And now the friendship glow
Is shut out completely
I just want for you to know
It really hurt me deeply
Written during a trying time with my roommate
Zack Phillips Oct 2013
Your crisp blue eyes gaze steadily into mine
A tear sneaks from it's place
As I hold you close, I try to find
The cause for the sadness on your face

The  strain in your eyes is all too real
searching, needing, begging, pleading
looking for a trace of what I feel
but it's for you that my heart is bleeding

Your pain is now mine and mine is now yours
But help is all I wish to give;
Please explain to me more
Please allow me to live.
Written during a prolonged study session with my girlfriend.
Zack Phillips Nov 2015
Hair of an angel
Finer than harp strings
More golden than the sunrise
In perfect temperate springs
Her face contains her kindness
Her willingness to help
Her understanding of the world
Her understanding of herself
Her lips are red like fire
I can feel their heat right now
They fill me with tremendous desire;
Desire that only begets a frown

Her eyes, Her eyes the most of all
Drawn me in and make me weak
Her eyes have the power to make me small
Make light out of all that was bleak
Her eyes are like a spider's web
And I am but the fly
I'm ensnared in her eyes again
Waiting, ready, to die.
Zack Phillips Mar 2014
We just got through the toughest time
We made it out of the valley of death
We finally seem to be making things right
And then, again, it happens.
The worry
The aching heart
The tear-stained face
The devious mind
The thought of you with another
That's what sets me on edge
You act like you're innocent
When you're actually ignorant
You don't care why or how I feel or do
You just care about finding fun
You should care for me, you love me
Then again, I love you
It's okay for you to get jealous
Of course it is, it's fine
But God forbid I say my fears
Because it's fine, it always is
Just forget about the past
When you didn't love me too much
When you decided to choose another
When you tore out my heart
I can't just forget about them,
Though it is almost a year since
You're a prime target
It doesn't matter if you think you are or not
Because half the guys at the party
See you as prettier, which already you are.
I'm just stuck waiting around
For you to mess up
But don't worry, if you do
I love you
It's okay.
Zack Phillips Sep 2015
Sleepless nights and thoughtless days
Remind me that I'm stuck in a haze
Cloudless skies and thunder clouds
Both, amused, by my persistent frown
So much time free that I'm so busy
Not understanding what makes me be
Screaming depression, silent mirth
Making me wonder what you're worth
Liberating guilt and crushing fantasy
You don't wish to know the true me
Open locks and barred arches
This protest doesn't require any marches
Awake when I sleep, asleep when awake
A long time to heal cause so much is at stake
Blissful life and depressing death
All you can hope for when you have nothing left
Zack Phillips May 2014
With tears in my eyes
I think of you
I think of what was
I think of what could have been
I think of everything you brought me
And cry harder because it's gone.
I have no one to depend on anymore
I have no comforting figure
You can't make me feel better
When you're why I'm sad
I hate this life, and what I've become
Sullen, despondent, distant
My emotions kept hidden
You look at me now and you say this man's diseased
Well I am.
Or at least it feels like it
What's it called when your heart feels like it's dying?
What's it called when someone talking about you makes me sad? What's it called, where I wither away, a dead flower, lost in a sunlight world without life giving water and gently slip into the night?
This disease is called love, and it's more dangerous than greed
Because what love is
Is a need
A need for somebody
Somebody to be there
Somebody forever to hold you and cradle you gently while you weep
Somebody to grasp firmly in your arms like only time can break you apart
Someone to kiss so passionately that the 'cute couples' are jealous of that love
Someone worth dying for
And when love first grabs you
It treats you like a king
It pampers you
It spoils you
And then it spoils
Then it becomes sour
3 month old milk
You're an old plaything Woody,
Don't you know there's so much else?
There's the parties
The drinking
The drugs
The hot guys
Don't you see, Woody, you helped me one time
To get through the tough times
But that doesn't matter now
My new friends are calling
Good bye Woody
And just like that
You cast me aside
Threw me in the trash
And went along with your life
You may be broken
But not as broken as me
You crashed your car at 20
You crashed mine at 80
I desperately seek the only one that can comfort me
But you're too far away
Too busy.
Zack Phillips Apr 2014
The words used to describe you
Don't matter to me
I know who you are
I know where you're from
I know what you're like.
These people don't know you like me
They haven't obsessed themselves to you,
In other words, I know you better
Inside and out.

You're beautiful
You're a caring friend
You're a friendly person
You look out for other people
You love to sing
You love your family
You love your friends

You're beautiful
Your face is soft, begging to be held
Your eyes, gentle and inviting
Your lips are smooth, caressing
Your body is perfect;
Healthy, and gorgeous

Which one of these descriptions
Fits the name you wear?
None of them
Reflect the opinion of the describers.

So don't be sad
And don't me mad
Just let ignorant people be
They want you to be a certain way
It's up to you to prove them wrong

I'm here for you
I always will be
I'll be your armor
When these sticks and stones are thrown at you
And I'll be your slingshot
When you fire back
And I'll be your hammock, and teddy bear
When the world's too much and you need to cuddle
I won't let you face it alone
I love you
Sticks and stones
May break my bones
But names will never hurt me
Zack Phillips Sep 2014
The cross-tressed paintings on the wall
Let light in, but hide it all
Not to short, not too tall
The cross-tressed paintings on the wall

The gilded handle on the door
Will enclose me here no more
An hour long in this bore
The gilded handle on the door

The piercing sunlight through the trees
Doesn't seem to bother me
Now outside, I'm finally free
The piercing sunlight through the trees
Zack Phillips Mar 2013
The smell of flesh lingers freshly on my wet snout
italic Don't **** me....please....God...please
I stare at this creature, curious at it's noises and mannerisms
italic Oh God.......God.....
I sink my teeth back into its leg
italic AHHHH
Its screams take me aback. No prey, you are my dinner
I step back as the creature uses it's fore legs to pull itself inches
italic no..........No...........NO!
Its sound becomes as strong as its scent, piercing my ears
italic N-n-not today wolf.......n-not today God
It reaches a shiny object that hurt me. I do not like what my prey is doing
I am troubled by the noise my prey is making. The others did not put up a fight
italic COME ON!
I leap onto my prey, expecting my mouth to be filled with warm blood
italic I GOT YOU, YOU *******!
There is a pain in my stomach. I am thrown off by my prey. This is not as it should be
The yelping noise of my prey is drowned out by my own cries of pain.
I pull away from my prey, and see my own blood saturating the ground
italic Ugh.....ugh....
My world is swirling around me. I fall down, and blackness envelops my vision.
Hopefully the italics worked..Also, tagged as explicit, purely because of the blood and word *******. Not here to offend anyone.
Zack Phillips Nov 2016
The Journey winds down the lonely Road
Flanked on the sides by Spirits
Recognizing the faces nearest
They stuff my backpack, add to my Load
In their countenance is where their fear is

Starting out, weak dumb and small
With no mind for allegory
See the winding Road before me
In this beginning, I have to crawl
In this humble beginning, I begin to see

Standing now on my own two feet
Toddling down the road
Now I'm in exploring mode
Hoping for someone nice to meet
Hoping for a special Someone nice to know

Getting stronger, day-by-day
Trying to conceive the end of it all
Hoping my missteps don't make me fall
Wondering what Price I'll pay
Lost deep in introspective thought; my mind's enthralled

Now I pause along my path
Knowing I'd have to find some meat
Seeking this one special treat
Sneak away to divert His wrath
I look eagerly for a baker to entreat

The glowing Angels guard the sacred Ground
Forcing me to cut short my break
Showing, not telling, my mind to stay
A breathless whisper without a sound
That breathless whisper said all they needed to say

Now strong and tall and unperturbed
I wonder what lies beneath
The Road spans o'er what's underneath
I let my mind wander, undisturbed
And wonder about the secret hidden heath

Wiser now but youthful still
Talk and research of subjects profound
None of which fail to confound
Waiting patiently, I walk with Time to ****
While words of thoughts buzz lazily around

No longer Young but I am not old
My appetite for destruction, curbed
My longing now for just a Word
The One that can be forever untold
But only Once does It need to be heard

I am old now and growing weary
I see now the end of the Road before me
Winding up to those Benevolent Three
As I draw closer, my eyes with old age, bleary
I heard them say 'I love you dearly'
And slipped into Their Grace.
Thank you for the inspiration Dr. Lewis!
Zack Phillips Apr 2013
I see the moon through my smoke tinted glasses
It's crescent shape caressing the early morning sky
Before I went out, all of my thoughts were of classes
Now, returning, I am filled with delight
The simple occurance
Of the Sun silhouetting the rock
Brings me joy
As I draw inside
Life is but a collection of experiences
And this one won't be easy to forget
As I stayed up all night
The grandeur of nature seems to beget
The beauty in little things
The sorrow in the world
All at once emotions hit me
And my thoughts begin to be twirled
After staying up all night to study for an exam, I went outside to smoke a cigarette to keep me awake, and perhaps focused. Immediately upon exiting the warm place of study, I saw the crescent moon, and spent the next few minutes admiring it. I felt that it was fit for a poem, but this was written rather hastily, and is not my best work. But to experience that moon, and not respond positively, I think, is a travesty.
Zack Phillips Mar 2013
Tie up that snake
Make sure it's tight
Stand on the chair
Give up the fight
Take your last breath
And end it for good
Jump off the cliff
The noose clamps down, as you knew it would
Drift there hanging
Ending your life
No more will it be paining
Your thoughts tonight
Zack Phillips Jun 2014
To whom it may concern
I'm leaving this world
I realized that life is short
So I did my best to live
And I did, for a while
For a couple of years
I did a lot of things
Got a lot of experiences
But now I know
I'll never be married
I'll never live till 30
I'll never get to hold my newborn daughter in my arms
I'll never have a house
I'll never own a nice car
I'll leave all my friends
Well, if they see it like I do
It's better that way
This isn't a call for attention
I just need you to know this is real
All of these words I meant.
Goodbye mom, dad
Goodbye sisters
Goodbye friends
Goodbye my love
The one who gave me everything
The one who I turned to
The one that means so much
I'd die for you
In fact, I probably will.
Zack Phillips Oct 2015
I miss you so much
I couldn't help but kiss you
Though I don't think it will help us along
I couldn't help my leaning
I couldn't fight it again
I just don't know if together's where we belong
It kills me to say that
Please don't think it don't
For both of us, I'm trying to be strong
I just don't know if
I just don't know when
I just don't think this can last too long
Zack Phillips Mar 2013
Drifting through life
Like a bottle in the ocean
Only with me there's no note
What you see is what you get
And unfortunately that's not much
Although I try not to regret
In my mind that idea is crushed
What if game is played
My confidence is rent
I don't know
If I like what I've become
A feeble mouse
Still ******* on its thumb
Fostering no respect
Because I don't have any for me
Yet at night I sit *****
With my hands on my knees
How do I live in a world so different?
How do I die when I'm scared?
People flash before me as acquaintances
Friends, if any, aren't there
Try to be
What people expect
I ******* hate
When myself I try to correct
But still I carry forward
With this self bashing nonsense
Turing my attention toward
Those who seem to be against
Zack Phillips Apr 2015
Smiling in the morning
I'm rising as you shine
Brightening up my day
By waking up in bliss
I love this love and tenderness
I hope it never goes away

That's not to say,
That I think it will
That all things fade with time,
But rather to say
In a happy way
That things like this should shine

And while some may doubt
And think it won't last
And curse our brand new love
I don't quite care,
The love we share
Is given from Above

So hearken, hear
And listen closely
For my feelings can hold no longer
I love you honey
I love you babe
And each day, my love grows stronger
Continuing with style experimentation!
Zack Phillips Apr 2015
I'm writing a lot
So I want to talk about you
I could go on and on
About how 'us' is true
About how we
Should last for forever
No matter the problems
No matter the weather
No matter the goings on
No matter the fights
No matter the evil
No matter the nights
Where we don't agree
Where our different opinions
We don't seem to see
But more often than not
The way you treat me
Our smiles and laughter
Allow me to be me

And not that the sadness
Isn't me too
I just want to be happy
Because I'm with you
And when I'm not super
I know that you're there
If I ever should need you
If I ever get scared
If I ever need someone
To blot out the black
I know, no matter what
That you have my back
That you will be there
When my cards are down
When my face shows
The grimace of a frown
And you will drag
Me up by my shirt
Keeping my honest
And out of the dirt
Keeping me clean
Keeping me safe
Keeping me close
Keeping me honest
Which means the most
Because though I love you
Sometimes I lie
Not to hurt you, or anyone
Just to get by
But I don't want
Merely to get by
I want more than ever
You in my life

Your smile shines brighter
Than the sun in the sky
I would do anything
To prevent this from dying
And when I say such
I mean it as true
Meaning as much
As I hope to mean to you
Smelling your tender,
Loving, and caring person
Wafting your greatness
I'm in total immersion
Zack Phillips Mar 2014
I just realized your pain in this
You hid it down, where it was easy to miss
I glossed it over, distracted by mine
But then you told me, with tears in your eyes
You told me how rough it's been
You told me the demons you're fighting
You told me of love, and of kindness and spring
You told me of hate, and of suffering and fall
You told me the in-between in which you are caught
You told me not to worry, but I worry a lot.
You told me it's okay, when I know it isn't
I tell you it's okay, when I know it won't be
It can't be, can it?
That we so young
Can be so in love
Can feel so comfortable with each other
Can see the emotions written on our faces
Can long for the feeling of each other's embraces?
All that we have
It's so special, you see?
I feel like you're perfect
If only to me
Your face gleams so bright, when a smile adorns it
And when a frown appears, the world around you plummets
When I see this side of you, my heart falls
I feel like it's my fault
I'll do whatever you need
Whether leave or stay,
I just want you
To be happy some day
Zack Phillips Aug 2014
As I lay here inspired
I try to think of the things I want to say to you
I want to say I know exactly how you feel
I want to say that someone is waiting for you to come along
I want to say that you're a good person
But I don't know you
I don't know if the words spat, spoken, and whispered
Reflect all of you
I have no doubt
What you say is what you mean
But I think there is more to you
Than the letter type that I see before me
Your words are beautiful
Your emotions seem sincere.
As someone who has hurt,
I yearn to help
It's hard to fix what isn't broken
It's hard to see what isn't shown
It's hard to be let in without a key
Though I believe that it's true
Though I feel your pain
Though I want to reach out
I won't.
I can't.
Because reaching out means letting you in
It means hard work
It means I'm ready to help
and I'm not yet.
My mind is broken,
I had a mental car accident
2 broken legs and a fractured wrist
The legs have healed, and I can walk with my head high
But my wrist hasn't healed yet
And though I try to pull you from the water
We both end up drowning
Zack Phillips Aug 2013
I hope you got to sleep tonight
Dreams run rampant but not in light
In the dreamworld, nothing's real
Even the feelings you think you feel
Here I am, stuck where you're not
Thrown inside this cell to rot
I hope you got some sleep tonight
Because I'm awake, trying to fight
I need your presence here
I yearn to have you near
Here am I, in this cell
Forced to live my waking life in hell
Zack Phillips Jun 2013
We're two trees in a forest.
We are unique, but the temptations of conformity surround us every day.
We choose instead to reach for the stars, our canopy thick because our trunks are close together.
We may be two, but we are one.
Zack Phillips Oct 2016
One White, pretty and clean
One Black, shady and mean
Their Puppy perceived as crazy, nice, even humdrum
The Truth is none, maybe just a conundrum

Picture a big Dog, a ******* risen from Hell
None understood, to many, just a mere shell
He loved many *******, therefore fathering many puppies
His intentions were redeeming, his soul would be condemned

Picture a small Angel, genius incarnate
She walks a lonely road, always menial, not subordinate
Angel carries a curse, and that of a strong will
For it was the choice of life that brought her thrill

Two Dogs from opposite litters and homes
Harboring different triggers from opposite roams
Meeting in a place of retribution and salvation
Trying to end the Common Search for Reconciliation

Two dogs, one Black, one White
Seeing them together, a very odd sight
Only one Puppy would leave their nest
Always in turmoil, never knowing which Dog barks Next.
This one was written by my good friend Ian, an aspiring poet
Zack Phillips Nov 2014
You say I should be unashamed
I should proclaim on high to all
About the Man, the God, who saved us
And I should devote my life to him.
But see, you twisted serpent of Scripture
You're reaching for the apple
And I, like Newton, merely observe
As you, and the apple, fall
I don't claim to be better than you
Because I'm not in any way
But neither are you.
I'm embarrassed to say I follow Jesus Christ,
I mean, Jesus Christ, have you seen the others?
The self-righteous ones who picket the streets
With their crosses held aloft
Meant to guilt trip the masses into faith.

For all the Christians:
Speak your faith, don't scream it
Because the more you try to force it
The less Christian you become.

I'm unashamed of Jesus.
I'm ashamed of those who claim to follow him.
Zack Phillips May 2014
These cigarettes
Are keeping me alive
Without them, I'd cry
All the time
With them I'm broken
Needing a fix
Where packs turn to cartons
And ash piles high
I sit on my throne of ashtrays and ****
Wondering how I became King
My loyal subjects:
Marlboro, L&M;, Camel
Ready to let me die
Helping me to die
Without blowing my head off
Just smoke more cigarettes
Lung cancer at 25
When I was living, I was alive
Live fast, die young
That's the plan
I just didn't know
I'd die this young
Zack Phillips Nov 2015
I wish these lines in my mind would straighten out
Not really sure how they got twisted about
All I want to do is break free and shout
But no, that's not what it's all about

I wish I understood where I stand
I am, after all, only a man
I just want to reach out, and again feel your hand
But I can't, after all, I'm only a man

I'm so tired that a forever sleep is too short
I'm so confused and my thoughts must be sorted
I don't know if I want or need you Lauren
I need my thoughts to be sorted.
Zack Phillips Oct 2015
Sitting on this floating couch
I'm drifting in and out
Notes float around my head
I can't hear, but I can see

Floating through this bitter life
Alone is how I spend most nights
Thoughts floating like the cursed notes
I can't think, but I can feel

Bitter as a butterscotch
You all turn your heads to watch
My body slowly fades away
Eaten completely by Love decay
Zack Phillips May 2015
Perpetual clouds dominate this place
I long to be rid of this loathsome place
Wishing the depression, the fear, the pain
To be swept away like leaves in the rain

I know that nothing can be known for sure
I hold on to the things that can be sure
Not wishing to dwell in the darkness around me
Wishing to come to light, wishing to see

And though the darkness keeps pressing in
I do my best not to let it in
I do my best to stay true to myself
Not to put my beliefs away on the shelf

It's hard to stay strong when you're pressured to change
When everyone around you wants you to change
When you see the people, riddled with sin
Try to explain to you why we should be kin

In the perpetual darkness, for now
I have to escape, but not now
I have to keep going, I have to stay
I have to understand why they say what they say

And though I am surrounded with no exit
I don't want to leave early, to walk out the exit
Because though the darkness presses hard
I want in my deck, the darkness card

The card that shows the world where I've been
The places, the splendor, the sadness within
The memories of times not so good
I don't think I should let them go, but maybe I should
And maybe all I've said is for naught
I just want to show the world that I fought
That I didn't give up when the light seemed to vanish
That I didn't curse it, so I shouldn't be banished
That I sought to find the bright in each day
Well that's what I want,
I just don't know if it will end up that way
Experimenting with different patterns and such
Zack Phillips Oct 2015
Shh my baby, please don't cry
I'm here to help you out tonight
Things may not seem alright
But now you have my by your side

I know this change is confusing you
And it's confusing for me too
I'm just content in doing what we do
Not trying to end, nor begin anew

I know you know how I feel
I know you know my Love is real
I know you'll be okay; you're made of steel
I know this seems like a turning wheel

Give me this chance, and nothing more
I hope there's more of Us in store
And like you said, when it rains, it pours
But I've not forgotten the oath I swore

I told you always, and that's what I mean
You'll always on me be able to lean
I'll take you to sunny skies, and pastures green
I'll be your king if you'll be my Queen

I know this may not be what you want to hear
But it's come from my heart, so take note my dear
Zack Phillips Jul 2015
I love you baby
I know you do
Don't you...
Want to tell me you love me too?
That we're held together like glue?
That nothing can stop a love this true?
Well, that is true
And I do love you
But we're far from being new
We're turning from yellow to blue
And I think that soon
Something bad will bloom
And you and I
Will be doomed
But my love don't you see?
Love can set us free!
Be who and what we want to be!
Baby girl, are you listening to me?
I am listening
And I hear what you're saying
But what if...
The sky turns black
I lose my Zack
And turn my back
Memories stacked
Burned, turned to ash...

Baby, this negativity
This negativity will be the end of you and me
While staring at the sights unseen
You lose track of the present scene
And I don't want you to think I mean
That you live the world in a dream
But that you could do for positivity
Please baby, please. For me
Zack Phillips Jul 2014
Even now
A click of your send button
Has the power
To break my heart
Zack Phillips Jul 2014
Oh you know her?
She likes you
She wants you
She's into you
Go for it man
Go for it Zack
Go for it Bud
And then, standing,
Choking on the words I pretend to mutter
Sputtering with embarrassment at not being heard
But unable to speak louder
Caged behind a wall of glass emotion
The pane holds it in
So I let nothing out
Blank expression
Relaxed body language
Are you tired?
Yeah, I had a late night
Not a lie
But not the truth
Hide behind the sleep
Or the ****
Keep to myself
Who cares to know me?
Listen instead
Learn secrets
Maybe about you
Maybe about other people
Could be interesting
Wonder if I look that way to the customers
They tip well
or not at all
Hard to tell
Spiraling into control
Learning to live again
You've degenerated me
Back to the middle school
Wanting to escape
Nothing to say
Nothing that would matter to anyone anyway
Zack Phillips Apr 2014
I'm back where I started:
Ground Zero
I hear the same insults
The same snide remarks
The same character judgments
Supposed to make me better
At school
At life
Instead all they do is push this knife
Further and further into my bleeding head
Twist it around, hang out with him
I can handle this pain
I know you love me
I know you're here
But believe you me,
I get the same amount of jealous as you
I just do a better job of hiding it
I don't have to be childish about it
I don't have to delete your messages, your contacts
He wants you, you know
And if I'd guess,
I'd say you do too.
You're longing for respect
You're seeking it with these strangers
But they don't respect you,
Not like Me and He
Those strangers hit and ran
Not like Me or He
We stuck around
For whatever reason
And we have your back
Whenever you need it
He's respectful of you
He's interested
He wants inside
You want to let him
Here again I am
Outside looking in
It's like watching someone get shot in the back of the head
You know it's coming,
You try to warn them,
Then BANG, dead
I'm trying to warn you
He likes you like that
Remember the last time
You had someone like that?
How it ended sexually, with you feeling awful?
Or what about him, will you break his heart?
Does he deserve that?
No. He doesn't.
He respects you
He likes you
He is nice to you
He takes care of you
All of these,
I cannot do.
Not because I can't,
But because you won't let me.
I need your help
I need you near
I need you to stay home
I need you to isolate
Because while I'm sitting at home,
Getting yelled at again
I'm thinking of you and He
Spending time, holding each other
Talking, *******, Kissing
Smoking, Drinking, Snorting
I hate this.
I can't break free
I just want to leave and be with you
But you don't want to be with me
In Memory Of: Clark, Tad, Chuck, Matt, Zack, Arnaud, Ben
Zack Phillips Apr 2014
I saw a text message from my friend
I thought it was you
My heart leapt
Then it wasn't.
Zack Phillips Feb 2013
I'm not just some mindless drone
I won't repeat back
In monotone
I refuse the shackles
That before me are placed
A free spirit
Needs its space
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