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 Nov 2014 Yesi
Kelly Rose
Music fills her soul
as different
melodies capture her moods
who hasn't yearned
for that country
somebody did somebody wrong song
or just feeling
or want to jazz it up with
a little of the Latino explosion
visiting Birdland when all else fails
dancing the night away to Donna
saving that last dance for someone special
chilling to the smooth blues' riff
as Michael Grimm crones
how you don't know him
every now and then
when the mood is
moonlight sonata calls
and romance and roses win the night
who can resist
when a gal's
in the mood
or sitting before a campfire
signing of the harvest moon
sometimes a body just feels lost
looking for a way to get "closer to god
and f#@%ing like an animal
to feel alive
or banging it out
to AC/DC
beebooping to Madonna or Lady Gaga,
or justifying that
bad love
trying to convince
that you *like the way he lies

maybe relaxing and
using your imagination
while you talk about stupid girls
and all that garbage
listening to the B52s
doing the *rock lobster
Inspired by Quinnfinn aka Wolf Spirit
variety is the spice of life
 Nov 2014 Yesi

Walk with me this path does lead us
Curved and twisted through the fields
Tempting is the destination
And the secrets it may yield

Around the bend an entrance beckons
Long before the skies turn grey
Shrouded by the lost horizon
Wishing us to come and play

Golden grasses form the boundary
Step between the flowing lines
Quickly now the leaves are blowing
Listen as the wind it whines

Nestled in a frame like forest
Set amongst the grandest view
Love awaits our storm chased folly
Calling out to me and you

Fade the darkness from your vision
Follow me to where I roam
No need now to brave the weather
For we have found our way back home
 Nov 2014 Yesi
prasad bolimeru
like pyre,
a piece of wood
i am,
the spark
with love
if not,
with hate
-- but
deep in
is the spirit
of phoenix--
the fire,
in wood--
 Nov 2014 Yesi
Silence Screamz
Color blind to deception
Color blind to destruction

Seen is the fires
Seen is the desires

Bent on amends
Bent on revenge

Indicted by our mind
Indicted by our kind

Protest in the street
Protest in the heat

Tears streams down
Tears streams abound

Violence is unjust
Violence is not a must

Hearts must mend
Hearts must not bend

Stronger we must pray
Stronger we must stay
My response to the violence in Ferguson  and across the nation
 Nov 2014 Yesi
Ember Evanescent
What a good system
I can cry for hours all alone at night
But in the morning
If I smile
No one knows
Smiles are just emotional makeup. To hide the ugly feelings
 Nov 2014 Yesi
Ashley Browne
dad left
for his second tour of duty
on my third birthday

mom kept
a jar full of jelly beans
on the living room coffee table

every night
she gave me one to eat, saying
"when these jelly beans
are all eaten up,
dad will come back home"

i would sneak another,
to help dad come home sooner

one night
the phone rang
and i watched mom
wipe away a tear
as she filled
the jar
On this Remembrance Day, I think of all those who have served, with a special thought for Dad.  And though she has no medals, I also think of Mom; every tour of duty Dad went through, she went through too, taking care of us on her own.

*** Edit: Thank you for all your kind words!  Due to a recent outpouring of sympathy, I feel it necessary to clear up the fact that my dad did in fact make it home from this mission; his tour had simply been extended for an additional 3 months.  Still, it isn't easy being part of a military family - and that's what I meant to show. ***
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