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 Apr 2014 y i k e s
FYI (10W)
 Apr 2014 y i k e s
When you stole my heart,
I didn't want it back
 Apr 2014 y i k e s
Her Understanding:

Hands that caress
melt my stress
are silky smooth
in a rhythmic groove
that's hard to regret
and impossible to forget.


His Reality:

My hands caress
what fills me with stress
her skin is smooth
but that doesn't soothe
all my regret
he's just impossible to forget.
I saw you on the first day of school
To think that you saw me made me a fool
I couldn't say why you made me inwardly smile
I kept my delicious feeling secret for awhile

You, and I were schooled together
I thought I'd keep my secret forever
But, children know more than we think
When they'd worked it out, it made a stink

I felt embarrassed for you
For me I felt cold, I let anger take hold
I denied any feelings and retreated to words
A new name was passed to me, I was known as a *****

Yet, still my itch of wanting you lasted long
I clung to the notion that you'd see they were wrong
But, at nineteen we went our separate ways
I think of you still even these days.
A stream of tears fall down my face
All hope is gone and in its place is now sorrow
No room for laughter
No room for joy
Just a sad girl feeling

-Andrea Christine
It's strange
Not black, not white
Just gray

Not good, not bad
In a special way

It's all alone
No where to go
No where to stay
It's like me
In a hidden way

       -Beth M.
 Apr 2014 y i k e s
I don't get it
One minute, you're full throttle
All over me
Wanting every piece of my body
Telling me to give it all to you
And then the next minute
You're distant
Not wanting to be close and intimate
Like we were before
That screws with my confidence
And worsens my insecurities
It's like a switch went off in your brain
It's hard to deal with these inconsistencies
Makes me hesitant
To give a piece of me
To you or to anybody
© Naomi 2014
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