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Brandon Cotter Sep 2017
Just another hovering face amidst the millions
Clammy hands twitch like newborn foe
Instinctive to endless madness within us all
As a single entity, we gaze upon the heavens
Tattered clothes mimic these tattered lives
From which we can now be free
Darkness plummets towards earth and all its wonders
Like the master taming the frail
Silence has no place here
As it is chased down and executed in front of all
**** you for your feathered beauty
And **** you for keeping the calm
Now our voices will be heard across the land
From deep within our lungs we will scream our last chant
Together, our clatter will crack holes in         time
Our sound will travel forever past this insanity
Further than the rage that is instilled in you
Further than the Gods which you pray upon
We will not answer to you no more as peasant flock
Our time is now to revolt against ALL aspects of your life
May our lives be a sacrifice for those who come next
As a platform to disarm the ugly we face
We have the power!
And we have the grace!
To take back what is ours!
Brandon Cotter Sep 2017
Fixate on the light with darkness in mind as spite
Trying to find a way around the wrong to do what’s right
Time to take flight, hurdle from those steps with all of my might
Regaining greatness, it’s me who’s at the top of the fight
Soaring high I will never let that ****** drag me down again
I bested its every skill, its begging me to be a friend again
Too late *****, sorry for leaving you down on the ground where you belong
You taught me to dwell there and why? You said we could get along!
**** that, I’m ripping the darkness away from my heart and soul
It’s **** and old, rotting every second that I rock and roll
So cocky and bold you actually look my way when I’m gone
Sitting there in tears decaying with every word of this song
You were wrong when you said that I had ran out of steam
It’s time to realize that I’m lean, mean and ready for the scene
Let that beam of light shine bright with all its enormity onto me
Now let’s fight for what’s thought to be only capable inside a dream
Brandon Cotter Sep 2017
Calm wind brushes my cheeks in the brisk of dusk
It hounds for purpose as if to scathe my existence
My blood floods chambers with intent to survive
Along with every micro fire of every molecule of my reality
Froth coincides sputum as it cultivates amongst my gums
Pain radiates with every gasping breath of air
Thoughts of hurt and despair flood my mind
The easiest thing to do was quit
The hardest, move on
Firm everyday
Brandon Cotter Sep 2017
Years from then and you’re still in the doorway
One hand in your pocket and the other on the frame
Though shadows, they refuse to be stored away
Vivid to the clothes on the ground, everything’s the same
You hurt someone you loved and couldn’t see it
In the mindset of forever you forgot to live for now
The moment things came crashing down you couldn’t believe it
You kept asking yourself how
How do I live without her here, how do I go on?
Why should I pretend to be happy and fine when I’m dying inside?
You spiral down into dreams, into an abyss of fault, you’re gone
Nothing can dig you from this grave, dug in full stride
The snapping of a bird awakens you from your despair
Mystified by the room you roll to your left and cry
Struck by your reality like the warmth of a shimmering glare
There is no reason to live without her, just another reason to die.
Brandon Cotter Sep 2017
Kneeling cold in the corner he taps his head against the wall
Nose running with tears the same he has no strength to wipe away
Just ten years old he’s doing his best on waiting for the call
Something happened with mom, she wouldn’t stop crying all day
He wants mommy to be ok, he starts to pray so that she won’t be hurt
He says he’ll give his toys away just to see her smiling face once more
Hours go by as he shivers to sleep he opens his eyes to pain and dirt
He fell from a swing with his dad walking up saying he had gone to the store
Another vision flashes in his mind of daddy hitting mommy across the face
He tries to help her but is struck down too with so much pain in his soul
He snaps awake to noise in the room people rushing around out of place
His mom rushing past him like he wasn’t there he felt like a half torn from a whole
He tries to run after her crying her name but it’s as if she disappeared down the hall
Sobbing on the floor confused he is crying for help but no one hears his screams
He tries to stand but the floors are warped, he heads towards the room at a crawl
Wanting to know why his mom couldn’t stop crying he feels trapped in one of his dreams
Getting closer and closer to the room he’s struggling to see whose lying on the bed
Giving it all his strength he stands as tall as he can to see something he never thought he would
Lying there still and cold was himself he finally realized that he was the one who was dead
Stunned and cold as the darkness falls he looked for answers after doing nothing but good
He overhears the doctor say the cause of death was drowned by the dad
The wretchedness drowns him down and the stark cloudiness begins to instill
Before he has time to say goodbye to the world he vanishes away alone and sad
Fading with the wind he gently whispers that he loved his mom and he always will
Brandon Cotter Sep 2017
A single heartbeat echoes on forever throughout time
Crackling amongst the trees as they sway in the wind
Skating over countless wakes into the shimmering sunset
Shattering through space into all-embracing nothingness
A lonely heart beat stranded amidst oblivion by its lonesome  
Abandoned by existence

A twitch of sound
Could it be?
Still carrying throughout the extinction of all other sound
Fighting, still fighting to thrive on the idea of its failure
Crashing towards life like the lonely reaper trying to consume it
Faster and faster it flies through the heavens soaring high
Booming swiftness hurls it closer and closer to your life
Closer yet so much closer to its home where it began
Pugnacious defiance to reach the one it is trying to save
Seconds decide the difference of your beating heart

Though promising, life could not be saved in time
The beating heart has expired
It is now just an empty vessel, leaking and dissolving to ash  
Through lengthy intervals ash will soften into nothing as it was meant to
But a single heartbeat will echo on forever throughout time
Side by side with the
Brandon Cotter Sep 2017
I’m alive
To the world
And all its wonders
In an instant, I am frightened
The fire resounded towards our camp
Tussling waves of water ricochet outwards
An unstoppable dragon of death headed my way
Scowling ferociously towards the life it will soon consume
I hear a scream from my mom that pierced the flames and shattered sound
As the heat became unbearable the last words I heard just before I died were I’m sorry
Time seemed to slow in my final seconds as my flesh began melting off
The tears running down my face began to boil into the sky
No one dare tempts the dragon’s rage as it feasted
Consuming my frail life with no hope for escape
Trapping my soul in an endless sea of inferno
I will not sleep beside this creature
I will mount it throughout hell
For all eternity
In death
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