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Don Bouchard May 2013
When Technology died,
some of us merely shrugged and
Tried to go back to before...

Only it wasn't the same...
So many hard-wirings gone,
So many places where we used to go,
So many thoughts we used to know,
Forgotten in an ethereal swirl...
Internetted and forgotten.
Power plants done, and no more juice
To feed along the sagging wires.

Once the Internet went down,
(Without so much as a diminishing blip
Of dying light (cathodes were gone)),
Ah, Lord, we missed the ethereal glow...
Screens now dead and flat,
Unable even to reminisce
The comfort-glow of former irritants,
The fuzziness 0f electronic snow....

And telephones! My Lord!
To think of how we used to talk!
Electronic prayers, each other we implored...
So much connected,
We forgot the depths of face to face,
Now cellular paperweights lie dormant,
Longing for at least a little life,
Reminding us those days are gone.

We pass our little news
Word of mouth now,
Word of mouth to ear,
Only if the ones
We want to know are near.
Yana C Apr 2016
The penultimate floor
is plunged into darkness
before the woods are.
I’m stroking your shoulders,
distancing cold rain
that’s knocking on windows
is ostensibly crying,
reminds of the distance
we are torn apart.
The ravens are flying
to thousands bits
from frames of the wirings,
like silver cold threads
that are keep with devotion
dividing the glass,
remind of the ocean,
we are torn apart.
I’m looking at walkways
that lead to the Sun
and think of you always.
Realeboga M Dec 2015
I've got a common set of insecurities.
A wide variety of trust issues.
A closet filled with I can't love you's.

I've got a tainted heart,
Painted all over with cracks,
Wrapped around in bandages,
Filled with holes where hope escapes leaving me less whole.

I've got a broken mind.
One which over-analyses each concept of the world to avoid further damage.

I've got hitched breaths and broken voices.
Wirings in my head,
Cocked up screws running my emotions
Forcing me to hide and avoid commotions

I've turned into a literal device.
I've been given limitations.
Turned into a personification.
Talk about a huge oxymoron.

I've been turned into the world's biggest metaphor,
An allegory of what people shouldn't be.
I've been made into some anecdote.

They believed  I would succumb to the notion of pain.
That I could be battered and tattered into some emotional mess.
To wallow and swallow the hurt,
To writher and turn hollow.

The thought assumption is that the final process of completely annihilating a person.
They must be tantalized and blown to smitherings with ones past.

It's the perfect analogy of a literal masterpiece that comes with a lesson.

However the forgotten loophole of meeting a person willing to stand by us has been casted off.
With the assumption our feelings have become one as machinery.

They forgot we could be Wall E and Eva,
We could defy the code.
We could stand tall, fight the pain and feel better.
This is dedicated to one of my friends who's finding love. And escaping yea a lot
Ready to pummel that head in the way
Altering and destroying every decision that is made
The ultimate backfire that won’t let up
This brain is failing me and I’m more than fed up
Loss of major motor skills
Walking like the dead
Lights are flickering, in and out from the faulty wirings in my head
Hearing loud noises and smelling sweet scents
But on grass of a lawn, body is forward bent
Face first in a pile of dog ****
Such a strong feeling of confusion and can’t get rid of it
I get up and start to walk
In my mind I am sitting and smoking
Blind to the reality of my body choking
Hoping for a simple escape
These drugs never wear off when I’m in this state

Free, these chains of steel
Repelled any real emotion I can ever feel
There out to get me I know it’s real
In the world where you know my body is limp
Grasping for air but brain once again fails it
Merely seven more minutes of brain activity left, I am still trapped
Memories of things that never happened
Feelings of regret and relief are more than gapping
I take a slice of that deathday cake
Never ever knowing that I’m not even awake
Jonathan Surname Aug 2018
The ocean never cared, only carried.
The universe never felt, but swelled.
At the start must have been a **** fine time
to be alive,
but there then is the here now.
Nostalgia proud.
Feasting on the delicacy from
a moment of childhood blur.

The rapture is not waiting for you, nor me.
The rest of them neither, just entropy and ether.
A dalliance, daily fawning.
Morning stretches and yawning,
two moments of apex excess.
Then the dusk rusts the sky,
belts tightened 'round younger necks.
Begging to be bled instead of sexed.

Every margin scrawled with the cat-calls of handsomer men.
Opinions stolen from anonymous ponderings of "Remember when?"

The fates would have us conclude, due to their rules.
That taut strings fraught with change are messy wirings.
But if a slant rhyme can still give your skin ******,
Then perfection for its own sake should be dismissed.
****** violence and our place in history as forever ghosts
Marie Love May 2016
Check out my new page :

Please click contact and email me your thoughts and opinions on my wirings!

Thank you so much
CataclysticEvent May 2019
I don’t know why it feels as though,
I have known you my whole life.
As if instead of getting to know a new person,
Rather I am remembering all of the things,
another me has forgotten.
As if maybe we have been here before.
Maybe in another life,
Another universe.
Where our stars;
Crossed paths once again.
Destined to be no matter what
Path we take in our lives.
And I’m not one to believe in the fates,
Or that we have soul mates that are ours.
I do believe in connections.
Soul connections where people can recognize,
Another soul that matches theirs.
Like the internal wirings of our bodies say,
“Oh hey, I know you.”

And then those connections stick.
And we are drawn closer to one another.
Maybe not forever,
Maybe for only moments.
But the connections of the soul,
Are ones that we remember,
Randomly for no reason.
Even if it was only a quick Hello in an elevator,
Never to see each other again.
Those Connections,
We remember them.

We remember you.
Symptomatic of mental disarray
Questioning of every single thing.
Wanting to feel some type of purpose
Needing to speak but being oh so nervous.
That you would not relieve this mind
That you would not want to be mine
So totally.
So totally.
Will you want to receive me
If I shed my skin
If I try to begin
If I want to beckon you in
Would you receive me?
Want to relieve me
If I took off my clothes
If I spread out my toes
Would you need me
Want me and bleed me
Speak and decree me.
If i show what nobody knows
And those inner wirings
And what's below
Would you want me
If I show
Would you love me
If you could really know.

I would like to speak
And I would love to show
But the things inside
I would like to hide
But I want you to know.

— The End —