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Lee Janes Jan 2013
Ta-whit Ta-whoo
Ta-whit Ta-whay
The owl looks down the rabbit's way
Rabbits are quick
And for life they'd better run.
For thy earth revolves eternal,
Till all deeds are done.

Ta-whit Ta-whoo
Ta-whit Ta-whay
That figure on the branch seems to say
The night is minus
Feel it? Jack prepared to bite.
Shroud cloaked of coldness
Envelops my presence tonight.

Ta-whit Ta-whoo
Ta-whit Ta-whay
Oh joy, it's moved, it wants to play
Where has it gone?
That figure by the tree doth stand.
Wait! I know that touch,
Its gentle earth's death-hand.

Ta-whit Ta-whoo
Ta-whit Ta-whay
The owl cursed me, Ill not see another day
He ushers me to the tree
I feel my stale last breath has come.
Knock-knock! Awake! In bed?
Oh mercy, how-dumb!
ioan pearce Feb 2010
***** delwyn two *****,
the rampant ram from brecon,
watched the jungle program,
the one with ant and dec on.

now delwyn not the brightest,
mountain man from wales,
but knew he was the boyo,
for any bushlicker trails.

i've licked lots of bushes,
he wrote to ant and dec,
champion  mountain muffer,
with permanent stiff neck.

whay hay man we are sorry,
ye cannot qualify,
y haf te be a celebrity,
an in the pooblics eye.

an you are jus a diver,
the lowest of the lowest,
but i am a cellar butty,...
ask any girl in powys.
My life is dark and bleak
Without you, my soul is weak
All this pain I have to bare
Why is life so unfair?
You left in such a hurry
And go on with no worries
Not a single look back to see
Me fall so completely
Into this hole in the ground
There isn't a soul around
To help me out of this mire
So I can build your funeral pyre
It's so hard for me to survive
So whay do you get to be alive?
Selfishly, you cut me deep
Now it's your turn to beg and weep
You thought you were going to win
But you'll never hurt anyone else again
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
your life begains to change when your paranoia makes your mind play games making you feel like eyes are watching you trap'ed. every step you take is the slide of a cliff you might let go and just fall where you want to release. your fear. i might be crazy but i want  to let my perfect life let all my flaws out.  i will find that perfect hidden spot and test how deep it is first befor i spred my big angel wings that have carryed you to saffty.
im not perfect but im adventuress with a thril seaking flaw. im not messed up but its work every thing if you take a thrilling dare and let your mind go and en joy what you want to happen. i might  bee crazy to you but im living life to the fullest. that feeling of danger where you take the plung in to the ice'y water your life has meaning you.  holding onto the ledge of the steep rocky 100 foot drop off the water is so deep theres a reason whay. i  found this place cause its a natral hot spring so taky the thrill seeking personality and enjoy life
i love this
Lunatic Mar 2015
As children we are suffering
not because of our grace
but our parents grace
Have to choose that decision
to make us through such a trauma

Without parents children struggles
as the results we become orphans
But all this happens
not because we didn't have parents
but because of the divorcing thing

Why all this divorcing thing
NO PARENTS; think about your children
Think about whay they go through
Think about care, love and happiness they need
Most of all think about their future
because their future is in your hands

WE as children we are
asking questions which needs an answers
Why letting us perform such struggleness
while you are still alive and sound
Why letting us struggle this way
Ive met many cool people on here and they've all been accepting but the two that have really stood out and been there for me is my friend storm and my friend olivia. Although storm and I don't talk much he/she is an awesome friend and I don't know where id be without him. As for Olivia although we don't talk anymore she was always there cheering me on and helping me out with my poetry. I miss her a lot and I wish we could still be friends but due to circumstances she couldn't and that's okay because for the time being I have learned whay having true friendships really mean. As well as being fully accepted. Everyone has never made me feel bad about my writing or who I am. So thank you all especially my two friends
I surrender
I. Am not whole I am broken
Heat me up
Rub me in time I am not here
I am desperate minds, thoughts imposing with whay is in my face
Pain is my friend I don't know the difference I can't hate
Beats around your heart darkness dead you iron the truth with a dump *** smile
You don't deserve me
Lex Dec 2017
I was told today that I can't be both a Feminist and a Christian
"Really Lexi, this again
Why can't you just pick one of them
You don't know whay you're saying."

"No you are not" is what they say
to me again and again everyday
"Why don't you just go away
be normal and go and play."

But I'm trying to tell you who I am
I don't expect you to understand
but why do you make me feel as small as sand
instead of just listening

You act as if I've commited a crime
as if these words can't be mine
as if my mouth should have a bedtime
you shut me down

What is wrong with people today
we're so divided in every single way
all I want to do is say
Please end this destructive fray

But I'm "just a kid"
people didn't act how I did
that sat still and pretty and hid
if they ever did something that was forbid

As much as I hate it when people are mad
maybe don't try to make others feel bad
then we can all be in harmony and glad
and we can all gad

but this wonderful sounding universe
where all of us live without having to curse
cannot become properly versed
until we stop judging others first

I am a feminist
I am a Christian
I am proud of both
So hear me and listen

Nothing you say or do
will convince me I'm not
because hunny let me tell you
I am tougher than you thought.
Gad - to wander or roam from place to place
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
is there any road to follow is there any way of survival for my own hope. where do i turn to if i mean no trouble. theres no hiding cause every one knowes my life like a bood with chapere books. all i can do is turn my silence in to violence. theres only fear where i cant hid behind the sound to hide my stolen omen.

where do i wait for you to show? i ponder on what will happen to me is the danger screams out of the shadows. what is real my dreams that turn into dark!

i can keep running from all the lifes evils of temptation do i follow or not. what s this life
life or death. some one stole my own demons. how long do i have to keep going when i just gett weaker and weaker as time goes i lie to my self like every thing is all right when im slowly drowning out of the light.

my hands arnt stong enouht to hold my silence. holding on for dear life my hands start  to slips as i plumit to my death. seeing my own refection that is only evil that takes no risks.

when i touched the mioir i went in to another world seeing whay ly life is like for every white lie that leaves scares.

i slip way from the light with some ones othere hands pull me away soying dont go eve if you chose. we are hear to fight for what neddds to be changed.

letting go of my  souls as it puours out of my breath.

our world is full of dangers that linger every corner but i kep slipping from the light cause i ont have any thing to hide be hind my sound so i dont break

what am i
what will i be
how will i survive
what do i need
free of fear
how long do i have to keep running
my sound is now where to be hurd
the cold weather bites
my anxiety grows
with what limits
idk who the real me is
cause looking in the water seeing what you look like
what would be left
if i went missing
what would you do
do i really know who the real me is

cause i dont have any thing to hide be hind the car radio no sound my silnenc turnes in to violence

(MY SILENCE TURNS IN TO VIOLENCE) when i dont have a place to hid

drowing my life with music has saved the pain way from all my (ANGER&HAT;;)

all i can see when i sleep is this world dyeing with ******* hatred and small war

i dont have any thing to hid be hind to stay safe  

(MY ANGER%HATE) becomes dangerous making me snap and go psychoticly crazy
idk i feel like i only can bee free is when i turn my head phone up really loud tunning people out
Biplav Shrestha Jul 2015
The driftwood drifters
Clearing their way across the asphalt
Crackling bones as they make their way
In eternal pursuit of the undertow
The chains that bind them will be their nooses

The wretched have their way
With the shells of all what remains
The whispers and their lullabies
Drifting off to sleep

I hate the way I feel today
So full of clarity and calmness
The voices don’t distort anymore
My vision is in 1080p
And I hate it

I hate the balance
Between the movements of the frames,
I spit out my verses
In rapid successions
Like vintage foreign films
In black and white
Void of sound
Followed by cue cards

"The old dogs" as he liked calling them,
Never bothered to fit the molds of the societal standards
How am I any different from any of them?
Don’t we all resent the hollowness we harbor within us?

The replies come pouring in
It’s always the same
"You think too much
That's whay you're so miserable"
The chains that bind them
Will be their nooses

And I hate all of it.
Rachel Gosby Jul 2014
Who am i
Whay is my name
Where did i come from
Who is mother,my father
Am I ugly
Am i special to anyone
What do i do
I look in my mirror and i dont see me. Then i heard a voice and they to open up my beautiful eyes, and asked me what do i see now
I see me a beautiful woman
My name is Rachel
I know my mother and my father
No im not ugly im beautiful
Yes im very special
And the voice asked me one more time who are you
I say
Im a child of God
He made me different from other people
Im special in my own way
He made me very beautiful
So what if people dont like me
LOVE your self and be who God made me to be
                           Who am i
Miki May 2015
I havent written in so long
I havent been able to breathe
Even longer
All my air
Into you
I cant think past you
Or work past you
Or exist beyond you
You have become
My centerpeice
At a party
I wasnt going
To throw
But got dragged to
I mean...
Im having a wonderful time
But i know i could be doing something else
And you could be adorning
Prettier parties
Weve become each others lives
And a lot of the time
I question why
and if for the right reasons
And all of this is
But is anything
Legitimate anymore
Nothing has weight
Anorexic ideas
Full of nothing but air
And some human need
To prove were worth something
And something...
What is something
And what are we
Whay do we
And im not content
With settling for nothing
But im sure that
McKenzie Feb 2015
fear what does it mean?
Fear the feelimg you get when your mind comes to think of something unknown
fear the choice your mind decides before you start to process it
Fear is a choice
It is a choice you make even if you dont realize it
fear doesn't shut you down
it wakes you up
fear the one thing thay can bring you to rushing thoughts
of death and conclusions that have an end you chose not to think about too deeply
Fear the state of mind you dont travel to too often
fear the place you find yourself when you have woundering thoughts
of the horrendous things of unknown
fear whay does it mean?
This was an assignment back from 6th grade i just found
DC raw love Dec 2014
Whay is poetic knoweldge

is it antonyms
is it rhymes

it's that and much more
it's a twist about life

it's your imagination
it's your dreams
is it your heart aches
that feels like a dream

rhyming is not important
your feeling is what is

but when you flow
it's all you know

write you life
and don't let it go
Mr Ribeiro Oct 2016
you know
your so diffusing

i mean
a deviant scheme

can't catch a break

cause you know whay? time outs
you just don’t take

you won't ever stop
always on the clock

alway’s focused
on the job…

always about this moment
only this moment

James M Vines Jan 2016
On the road we travel there will be bumps and detours. In all things be persistent. Seek knowledge and covet wisdom. Use these treasures to help others and as a road map to life. At the end of the journey take stock of whay you have done. With hope that you have given more than you have taken out of life.
James M Vines May 2016
I'm a Holly Bush right beside my stairs, a small Brown has built it's best. Each time I go out or come in the bird will run away. I can see it and it can see me. How peculiar I thought it was that the bird would run away. Then today I saw that it's young had hatched and it acted differently. When I came out to be on my way, I looked at the fragile nest. But the bird didn't run away, instead it came off of the meet an firmly stops it"s ground. In whay ever language a Brown bird speaks, I was given a dressing down. A stern warning by a new mother that I should not stand around. So after my Schilling by the little bird, I smiled and was on my way, admiring the courage of that little bird, that said go on your way.

— The End —