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Se18 May 2014
After a long night last thursday
With my limbs touching the water of the salty sea
My body lying on the wetty softy sand
Hearing nothing just the waves and your voice
Spending hours hearing that mixture
Your voice and the waves
Or to be more realistic
The singer and the song
After that night, that long night
I started feeling you everywhere
I felt you beside my brain going down to my heart
I felt you racing my red blood
Running between my small parts
I felt you standing there inside my mind
Checking on every thought and fixing what you didn't like
I felt you in my eyes, in my ears
I felt you and felt you and felt you
Until I started feeling nothing other than you

After a long perfect night last thursday
I knew that you owned even the breath out of me.
Apporva Arya Oct 2018
My emotions run wild,
But the words confine.
Even if I murmur a word,
My wetty eyes will cry.

Back then,
The world was so big,
And I so small.
The whole empty me,
has no scent of her own.

But You made me begin.
So we Begin for us.
And now has come so far
And still many miles to go.

But now,
Amid all the Chaos,
Amid all the love,
Amid all the hope,
Amid all the seeking,
Amid all the Euphoria,
Amid all the grief,
Amid all the bewilderment,
You are leaving.
Leaving me,
To carry on all own my own.
As it is said.."For many who begin with us will not complete with us"... Whether It was destiny or coincidence we met ,we shared same dreams so begin same journey but somewhere in between our goals changed, priorities changed and I guess parting ways on a good note is best for now.
Ain May 2022
Get ready…

Get ready for the initial teeny weeny troubles…
Which as the baby grows up - doubles..!

Get ready for the sounds of never ending cries…
And ofcourse the stains of dropped pies..!!

Get ready for the patches of spilt milk…
So better store in your sarees, all those that are made of silk..!

Get ready to find teddy’s and goofy’s and other stuffed toys all lying here and there..
Not forgetting the guns, dolls and brick games scattered everywhere..!!

Get ready for the sleepless nights..
And with the baby around - no dreams of queens and knights..!

Get ready for the messy marks of ******..
Which often don’t count a lot, after those wetty loving little kisses..!!

Get ready for those around the house walks..
In making the baby sleep and in return get those ununderstood squeeky baby talks..!

Get ready for those lovely moments of love and affection forever..
And cherish these with tender touches which can be forgotten never..!!

Get ready for a whole lot of change - an absolutely new life..
I’m sure which you can tackle for you’re a wonderfully efficient wife..!

And yeah..! Be sure to get ready when the baby says - “mother”
Do get me another nice and chubby naughty little brother…!!

And this one here is a very small prayer…
Which comes from the bottom of my heart—
For all i can do
In helping you
Is that I can be here and pray
Be the baby hale and hearty to God in my prayers is all I say..
May all dreams that youve seen and have believed in come true..
And may life be smooth and happy and gay and bright for both baby and you…
I was 16 when I wrote this for my sister as she walked her path to becoming a mother for the first time….this is also my very first attempt at writing a poem…!!!!
Hira malik Dec 2018

today after a long time, i took myy tools and went out on pasture-land, sat there infront of sunset..vivid icy brezze touched me and i shivered not out of cold but on strange play of Summer breeze.... i took off my shoes and felt the wetty grass-field under my soles..they tickled and i giggled...

i am going again on that voyage that we used to plan once.. the enticement, thrill and joy of its imagination is making me so restless that cant even i sleep at nights... sun is still blooming and will be ,once ill be on expedition but ill miss ur naive smile u used to pass on even in ur laziness.. my heart yet again on enthusiasm and it is meeting to the rays of heaven.. last night i held arm of an angel and  i travelled ur land.. it was an amazing feel, still i can feel the scent of those daffodils....

dear, i wanted to tell u that as u used to dream and fantasize of color fields and believed that every color has its own beauty, today i dare to contradict the statement of urs with great pain....  i made a statue today with my these tiny tools and attire was bright too, but even after my diring efforts cudnt shape the weariness to brightness.. i chose red ,yes dear red, ur favourite color, but it mocked itself ,the presence of sadness.. i made it naked at the end with this conclusion '' colors dnt makes look everyone happy''...

my heart bleeding so is my  eyes teary, for i never thought of denying ur little dreams, tiny pretty dreams.. but i am leaving my tools behined again where we met, in memory of u, or may be i am giving up, for i  failed in naming colors, i failed badly in bringing brightness with mere those colors u admired... i am a looser for i took long to learn the lesson of life in ur colorless eyes!!


— The End —