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Hal Loyd Denton Dec 2012
This hollowness is tinged with thick longings a mystery that shadows your whole existence it at
Times is palpable it’s like you can touch it roll it in your fingers this elusive connection that fades in
And out its read on your face but you are unaware of its origin but in its grip you are swept up into a
Monastery high on a mountain as the vista staggers you with the grandeur a conciseness void fills
Instantly with resplendent light you see two figures the brilliance is to great seeing is impossible you
Can’t make them out but a lost familiarity floats unbound to the soul what rapture a great emotional
Waterfall crashes the body begins a dance of wonder the mind is cleansed from all impurities the heart
Finds depths of satisfying love it never has known before a peace pervades it forms a vortex that pulls
Everything into to the waiting soul it sways as the waves pass over the soul feels the mind go into
Overdrive it sees flocks of white doves flying under skies with white broken clouds above them who
Stretched the clouds and then left a great whole that creates perspective first white doves then height
Is hinted then at the perfect spot a whole in the cloud carries you aloft then stunning flows up ward with
Your feet on the ground you just continue higher and higher I stole the airy heaven there I was riveted
To hollowness an emptiness that filled me till I could receive no more the joy I felt if you are from
The desert, mountains, or forest you can go to many areas live there a long time but on those occasions
You close your eyes to dream they instantly fill with trees sand or granite peaks we are sojourners in a
Strange place yes we will ever identify with the strata of rock the soil and grass that is the earth’s
Vesture and then the mist rolls in and our minds are troubled I have no trouble associating with all
Earthen things but something seeps within this human frame it suggests an allegiance a primary
Elemental cohesive tie that I know is unbreakable but then it all begins the fading I am left trembling
Exposed because of a great moment of importance has slipped through my fingers the thought floats
Through me you can drink water but you will thirst again soulful expediency churns and throbs it makes
Me to know that I am so much more by faith it starts to create a processions of thoughts mortal is my
First birthright but continue the facts on and you are immortal coldness want sorrow belong and will
Reside in the mortal you so many times are in pain and loneliness they are in a bitter winter happiness was the first
Casualty everything else you loved fell like dominos stop stand still break out the tent that is made from
Moon beams create a colossus over head that speaks and sings of your immortal roots truly you will find
Hidden springs the unicorn may have vanished from earthen waterholes but he will drink from the
Nearby pool the night will stir with enchantment and maybe for the first time you will see the
Unalterable Truth time is getting ready to flee as shadows the trifles that man so desired will be
Consumed by glories Power and brilliance to stand you need to kneel and with mortal tongue pray that
You will be given the Grace and power to see and read the true word that will make you truly ready to
Be sons and daughters of the great Holy King Jesus all your life he has been there but he does have a
Demand that you follow Bible salvation or you will be as the word says a thief or a robber that tries to
Enter in unlawfully and you will be cast out you just can’t say or want to go to heaven you must obey
What his word says and you will truly live out of this world while confined in it
Hal Loyd Denton Oct 2012
This hollowness is tinged with thick longings a mystery that shadows your whole existence it at
Times is palpable it’s like you can touch it roll it in your fingers this elusive connection that fades in
And out its read on your face but you are unaware of its origin but in its grip you are swept up into a
Monastery high on a mountain as the vista staggers you with the grandeur a conciseness void fills
Instantly with resplendent light you see two figures the brilliance is to great seeing is impossible you
Can’t make them out but a lost familiarity floats unbound to the soul what rapture a great emotional
Waterfall crashes the body begins a dance of wonder the mind is cleansed from all impurities the heart
Finds depths of satisfying love it never has known before a peace pervades it forms a vortex that pulls
Everything into to the waiting soul it sways as the waves pass over the soul feels the mind go into
Overdrive it sees flocks of white doves flying under skies with white broken clouds above them who
Stretched the clouds and then left a great whole that creates perspective first white doves then height
Is hinted then at the perfect spot a whole in the cloud carries you aloft then stunning flows up ward with
Your feet on the ground you just continue higher and higher I stole the airy heaven there I was riveted
To hollowness an emptiness that filled me till I could receive no more the joy I felt if you are from
The desert, mountains, or forest you can go to many areas live there a long time but on those occasions
You close your eyes to dream they instantly fill with trees sand or granite peaks we are sojourners in a
Strange place yes we will ever identify with the strata of rock the soil and grass that is the earth’s
Vesture and then the mist rolls in and our minds are troubled I have no trouble associating with all
Earthen things but something seeps within this human frame it suggests an allegiance a primary
Elemental cohesive tie that I know is unbreakable but then it all begins the fading I am left trembling
Exposed because of a great moment of importance has slipped through my fingers the thought floats
Through me you can drink water but you will thirst again soulful expediency churns and throbs it makes
Me to know that I am so much more by faith it starts to create a processions of thoughts mortal is my
First birthright but continue the facts on and you are immortal coldness want sorrow belong and will
Reside in the mortal you so many times are in pain and loneliness they are in a bitter winter happiness was the first
Casualty everything else you loved fell like dominos stop stand still break out the tent that is made from
Moon beams create a colossus over head that speaks and sings of your immortal roots truly you will find
Hidden springs the unicorn may have vanished from earthen waterholes but he will drink from the
Nearby pool the night will stir with enchantment and maybe for the first time you will see the
Unalterable Truth time is getting ready to flee as shadows the trifles that man so desired will be
Consumed by glories Power and brilliance to stand you need to kneel and with mortal tongue pray that
You will be given the Grace and power to see and read the true word that will make you truly ready to
Be sons and daughters of the great Holy King Jesus all your life he has been there but he does have a
Demand that you follow Bible salvation or you will be as the word says a thief or a robber that tries to
Enter in unlawfully and you will be cast out you just can’t say or want to go to heaven you must obey
What his word says and you will truly live out of this world while confined in it
Sarina Oct 2012
The buttocks of a round building,
here we sleep, in the cheeks

each penny groans
and a door with the inlet

like lemonade mist, egotistical
where I mouth waterholes

they are without genitals
I can travel by candles to amend

my bed-sins –
such a chaos, still look silk

folly, belly-aching mistakes
not enough apologies to escape

I bet you would, had you no cribs,
you could tuck me in

staple comets to our ceiling
darling, I have the sleigh bells

and I think you made the pearls
hot, our mattress’ internal springs

while businessmen clothe
we will make love again

beyond astronomy, college didn’t
teach what is beneath the stars

but now I am learning
it is your tongue and chest-plate

glow you consider me delectable
though this office has more bottom.
Ken Pepiton Sep 2023
2023, after the rain at Black Rock,

already past Gerlach on County Road 34, north.

not far from Winnemucca, as the crow flies
- you know.
In the bottom of a no longer dry shallow lake.
The People of 10 Principles are dealing with weather.

I feel for the fearful, and pity them a bit,
but the world is in a novel state, bhering up
under the worth of eight billion plus of us,

all awishing
to leave the system behind, out grow the terminii,
for a time,

loose the future on the past, for a week,
with no choice of your own,
overriding the ten principles of the community.

Today, the dry lake
feels like a war zone, f'real
refugee reality chance, t'be with your self, to re-
imagine helplessness out of bounds,
with fidence, confess, the hermit swears
even fasting you can walk to Winnemucca, in three days.

It's eighty miles as the crow flies,
and all the waterholes are full this year.

But I got a pint of RSO and a box of toothpicks, so
I'd mud trod over to the nearest puddle,
and offer dabs to my neighbors.

This I'd call my gift, fret-less.

That's the essence of the whole experience.
I'd imagine.
Had I had the need to be radically included,
in an unsustainable urbanity exercise this year.
I'm too old to care, but I would treasure the experience Burning Man was,
this year, after rain I thoughtlessly asked for, fervently in August.
No longer do we have to walk by a restaurant, meant for a certain race.  We are able to eat anywhere we like; with foods of a unique taste.
No longer do we forcefully get sprayed upon, by waterholes from our Firemen.  They can now devote their attention, to the fires throughout the land.
No longer are we thrown in jail, for refusing to fight.  Remember, we are created equally, especially, in God's sight.
No longer do we have to get knocked down, from many hungry Police dogs.  Our ancestors chose to lay down their lives, so we could get better laws.
No longer do we have to hold our head down, not looking a person in the eye.  We refuse to accept defeat, but enjoy life before we die.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
As one night I traversed between
Familiar ponds and waterholes.
The mirth and pep of cobblestone catacombs
Traversing also
And lingering languid with the interminable vapours of combustion.
I approached a woman,
But radiating a genre of beauty obsolete.
Our trajectories to cross,
I half-stepped, swung, and made to speak,
‘Madame, if you may fancy but a drink?’
To which she did not so much as glance,
But brushed me off
And kept steady on her path.
Poetic T Jun 2018
He rode his fingers upon
      the prairies of her

Gliding on the wild grass,
          never intruding without

But she only let him travel
                to her pure
Always thirty for him.
Roses are not blue

The world as one is a grey blanket of nothing
The same language, the same culture (consumerism)
A haze foul of jollity and hollow laughter.
Lost minds save the elephant and waterholes

Life is self-indulgent rush into the arms of self
And movies of no consequence.

Roses are blue it is the only colour today
Oxalating hamburger, beans in tomato sauce
Sesame seed for breakfast, lunch and dinner
Eunuchs are ruling welcome to globalisation.

— The End —