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allison May 2016
Monday 10:20 PM
I drank hot tea once you left and I guess I drank it too soon. I burned my ******* mouth.  I think that has a correlation to you leaving me.

Monday 11:00 PM
Please come back.  Please don't really leave.  You promised to always stay.

Monday 11:11 PM
Please, I'm sorry.  I'm begging for you.

Tuesday 12:04 AM
leaves voicemail sobbing

Tuesday 12:25 AM
We can work through this, please. You promised.

Tuesday 1:40 AM
Goodnight, my love. I'll love you forever.

Tuesday 6:00 AM
I hardly slept, I woke up clenching my pillow craving it to be you instead.  It wasn't.  Will it ever be you again?

Tuesday 7:17 AM
I'm not handling this too well.  I really need you.

Tuesday 12:00 PM
I'm going to try and work... I love you.

Tuesday 12:05 PM
leaves voicemail sobbing uncontrollably Work called me off.  I think that's a sign for me to cope at home.  However, I was looking forward to staying busy.

Tuesday 2:37 PM
I love you with my entire being.  Please think about this.  You're ending 9 months in one day.

Tuesday 11:00 PM (INCOMING TEXT)
I hope you're doing okay.

Tuesday 11:01 PM
I've missed you so much.  I'll be okay.

Tuesday 11:10 PM
Please tell me you love me.

Wednesday 1:30 AM
I love you, sweet dreams.

Wednesday 7:30 AM
Good morning, still little sleep.  I can't stop thinking of you.  I wish I could skip work today, I don't really know what's happening to my body right now.  

Wednesday 2:00 PM
I'm trying to hide from everyone at work.  This is really ******* hard.  It's hard to try and act okay while providing good first impressions.

Wednesday 6:00 PM
Can I come over?

Wednesday 6:40 PM
Is it too soon to see you?  Please say no.  I need you.

Wednesday 7:00 PM (INCOMING)
Yes, it's too soon.

Thursday 6:02 AM
I haven't ******* slept at all.  I need to hear your voice.  I keep listening to your voicemail's, but I only get 5 seconds in without crying.  I shouldn't have made you everything.  Now, my everything is gone and not okay.  I'm not okay.  I should have made you at least a little less of everything, so maybe I would be a little OK.  Maybe I would be able to recover that way.

Thursday 12:00 PM
I'm at work again.  It's just as hard.  You're not with me and I've hardly slept this week.  If you were with me though, I'm sure I wouldn't sleep either.  My heart has been pounding out of my chest this entire week. I can't eat either. These have been the only consistencies this week.  That and my dizziness.  I have been so ******* dizzy.  Everything is always spinning.
some days without you
brandon nagley Dec 2015
Both we, we both
Created, In the image of God;
Both we, we both
Got an angelic applause.

Both I, and thee
Were devised in the holy river;
Both thee, and I
Shareth kidney's, aura's, liver's.

We art us
As tis us means we;
We meaning me and thou
Mine lover, soulmate, queen.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedication
Viraag means the emotional pain of being separated from a loved one. This word is in Hindi and is not a word you can translate.. Thought perfect title for me and Jane since were so far away from another )::: though love will bring us together soon one day!!!!! That will happen I will make sure...
Kailey Mar 2014
There once were two lovers
From different kingdoms
The two only ever met in the garden between the two
They knew nothing about one another's kingdoms
But they got to know each other
In every way possible
And they fell in love

The girl was told that he came from a bad kingdom
And that he was evil
Not to be trusted
They told her everything he was everything he was not
She believed them

So she left

The days passed
She longed for him more and more each day
One day she gave in
And she went back to him
He welcomed her with open arms and nothing but love

She stayed with him not knowing if he came from evil
If he was evil
Or not
Because she loved him with a love so deep
So deep that she didn't care if they were right
Because the one thing she knew for sure
Was that he loved her just the same

With that love they conquered all
I dunno what to say, I apologize if it doesn't suit you.
Been 2 whole months and I miss you like crazy
Wonder why it’s so difficult to live without my baby
I just want your touch girl
You’re my whole world

I miss your gentle kiss
That feeling  bliss
a knife cuts my neck
Bleed out for a sec
Pray that I never forget
cause **** I have so many regrets

I miss your soft skin
Your head in my lap
I’d watch you sleep
**** I miss that
**** I miss that..

— The End —