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I'm Not a Perfect girl
My hair doesn't always stay in place &
I spill things a lot I'm pretty clumsy
And I might have a broken heart!
My friends and I sometimes fight.
And maybe somedays nothing goes right.
But when I think about it
Take a step back
I remember how amazing life truly is!!
And maybe... Just maybe..
I like being "Unperfected"
Kathy Z Jul 2013
Today I got a new sketchbook with an embossed leaf on the cover-
saying-"Nature's Best."
And the inside was so white and clean
I was scared to draw in it
to mar the beautiful pages with the unforgiving
mark of a pencil.
Thinking that I wasn't worthy enough,
I didn't deserve
"Nature's Best."

The most beautiful song I've ever heard was sung by a German Choir,
and I remember thinking-
that maybe, German is a beautiful language after all
hidden only under the angry tones
of fighting and ugly
hurtful words.
Vogel im Kaff, it was called.
I'm not sure, but when I used Google translate-
it said-
"Word not found."
Maybe it wasn't in German after all.

And the people who tell me-
"Why do you even live, anyway?
It's not like you deserve it."
I know. I know that I'm not worth anything
But sometimes, I actually catch myself in the mirror and think-
I look nice
I'm sorry. I'm sorry for thinking that. I'm sorry for hoping,
for believing.
I'm sorry.

And you know that feeling?
When you're in public
frantically searching for the right chord
on a piano song.
Sitting a spotlight undeserved
Playing for people who don't need to hear this
Like cracking open a egg and accidently mixing the yolk with the white
when you're trying to make a crème cake.
A desperate feeling that's sort of scary
because your brain knows that there's no way out.
I wish all minds had a delete button.

Throwing myself into learning different languages-
I thought that if I could speak
German, French, Italian-
then I would be exalted.
That somehow,
all of that would change my personality,
Who I was.
Guess we all have a "no refund" tag when we're born.

The type of people who-
"Belong everywhere, but don't fit in"
and the type who
"Don't belong anywhere-but fit in anyway-"
Which type am I?
A leafed page of the book,
folded over to conceal ***** words.

You know, if you look at a picture long enough,
what you once thought was beautiful will begin to peel and fade
exposing its unperfected innards.
If it's that scary to look at something already "satisfying"
what would it be like to look at something not even close to perfection?
Mark Rossol Jan 2011
My simple, awkward, unperfected prose
will never be compared or even see the light of day
against the beauty or importance of any Shakespeare Rose
even these rhymes are difficult to understand or say.

The truth is most of us will be forgotten or swept aside
we cannot keep or hold the attention  of such a crazy world.
Instead we are here and gone faster than the changing tide,
our best efforts, the almost perfect moments end up being hurled.

I say it's time instead to accept our imperfections
take chances that may leave us without a thing
ignore the popular opinion; the inevitable objections
stop waiting for what will be brought and see what we can bring.

It's only when we try and fail and try again
That we live a life not thinking of what might have been.
Clovina Oct 2013
How does it feel...

To be forgotten:

Like a Rare Flower Hidden
During the long Winter Seasons.

Like a Dream
That gets deferred time and time again.

Like a Toy
That used to be played with a lot
But is now in the very dark, dusty corner in the back of the room....

How does one live on...

With something that's Missing:

Like a Child
Whom lost their Trust.

Like a Mother
Whom Lost their Child.

Like a Soldier
Whom lost their Life
Never to return to their loved ones again.

How does One...

Lose their Faith:

Like an Angle
Whom lost their own Wings.

Like a Bird
That can no longer Fly.

Like a Feather
That can no longer Exist
Because of a Fading Dream.

How does one...

Hope and Trust:

*When they Know
The Messages would never be Heard.

The Truth
Would Never be Known.

While trying to learn to Trust
After it gets crumpled...
Like a Piece of Paper...
Never to be the same again.

SCW Apr 2014
The hum of the wind,
a majestic breeze,
begins to emancipate your soul.
Stars in the dark night sky,
glowing to welcome you.
You are meant to be in this place.
The sand below you, sparkles.
The moon illuminates the rippling waves.
The trees are beginning to whisper,
the darkness seems to be more condensed now.
Glistening city lights afar;
Unperfected beauty.
Somehow everything that mattered,
You were connected to the air.
It is as if you could fly.
There is a sense freedom,
As you were slipping away from reality.
Church bells choir,
embellishing the world.
Beauty is all around;
life is beauty.
Tranquility being the key to you and the universe.
Graff1980 Jun 2015
Come hither to see
What lies lie in our humanity
What dissonance
Carries us
Dissolving into confusion
Resolving all of our angers
And rage unbecoming
Wounding strangers
As well as loved ones
Come forth and bare the brunt
Of our burning destruction
I have known ignorance’s lashes
By those unnamed *****
Who claim control of the masses
Come here to see me
Invested with all the potential of our species
With hope well met
Even when hope failed itself
I milked the moment
And beg thee to see me
With all and none of my humility
Lazlo Mehl Dec 2014
As I came so shall I leave, for this life, I live to be I strive for perfections In an unperfected  world A thousand eyes watching Every second judging It burns my soul And kills my mind My heart turns to stone For alone I came and alone Shall I stay for along This path my journey will end Until that day when this life I Shall leave to live in perfect Harmony I ****** towards
A better goal one worth fighting
And writing for but yet I'm alone
Left in the cold as the hot sun burns.Deep within my soul the words, Of hurt penetrate my heart,And for that reason my heart. Is lost, I searched I seeked I looked but never did I find so alone I came and alone shall I leave with no fear or hatred for them who turned and left me for wolves to feed. I'm am the enemy I did not run I did not hide I stood my ground raging outside but calm as the water submerged beneath my feet, I will not stop I will continue on and before long my battle will be won. For alone I came and alone I shall leave for you and I will be a distant memory.
Alone, afraid, scared, betrayed
Dania Oct 2019
What if everything wasn't the way it was?
Have you ever posed a sentence with a question?
Just looking for answers.
How to refine the question -
Or find the answer.
We panic at the thought of thoughts,
Of questions.
But should we find answers?
What if we don't have them?
Be kind to those who share.
Timon chukwuonu Dec 2017
Unknown friend
The unrelationship between the Sea and the wind
Is like a strange demur within us
An unknown fellow
He has caused sadness and pains
Between them
The end of rancid
And the unperfected smile on our face
Always caused misbelieves among man
As a inconcluded facts
Your relationship has destroyed the love we once share!How can I imagine
The way ,you smile's;Sea
Also the way ,the flow ;Wind
Without knowing what's behind the mask
As the wind blow around me
I feel little terror
As a mighty rocking cliff
In my mind
Because it claims without refuses .hmm hmm
As the cloud move AWAY
So your pains and hard broken heart has taking our friends and loved one's
Like an awaiting joy of the sunset couldn't help But instead
It's make us feel brutal and outrageous for love
Oh friend ,
In an unknown mash as taking those whom are not colourful to his home
The awareness of his mind has maketh sweet portion's to loose it Taste and
demur us into undemulsify act's
bs Mar 2022
I finish your sentences by
Pulling the words out of your mouth
Lending language to indecision
Lending tongue to unperfected precision
When the others talked about the bad guy in the book
I never used my ears.
Horse blinders on my head on the fissured sidewalk
I finally saw the unfantastical you I was falling into.

I wanted to comb out the phone wires myself
To tell them it was all true
But with my fingers on your sleeping head
I could not bring myself to split time in half
And offer a moment where my digits didn't graze your face.
I could feel you confining me to the margins of a book
You were ready to return
But you bent me over too many times.

The first time we talked about reading
We laughed about how we couldn’t make sense of paperback
Unless we had a pencil.
We were more similar than you thought, no?

I still think about the highlights,
I still remember your lines.
Dom McDo Dec 2020
Light that fuse
Spark my imagination
Be my muse
Let’s change locations
Strike the pose you chose
And just like that time froze
Always and forever
In this moment in time your mine forever
Pose again
As the sun rose in your back drop
Don’t stop I zoom in and my jaw drops
You give me inspiration
And direction
But my dedication to our situation
Let’s change locations again
Perfectly Unperfected
Again strike a pose
Such an elegant pose
Don’t stop
Immortalized with each pose
Live on my immortal flame
Smoldering on the intimacy of trust
It might seem to lack lust
But your stacked against the standard
So what do you lack
I’m unfamiliar
That which I am familiar with is a Beautiful Queen in the Sunset
Darling don’t let your sunset burn too bright
As I use my lense to take in the sight
You have your doubts
But I sense you know I’ll be here even after you figure it out
Last one strike your best pose
With you best smile
Do the cute thing with your hair
It’s been a while since you smiled soo bright
Let me focus on the sight
And Pose

— The End —