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Unloved I live an
Unlovely life, treated
Unloving by people I'm
Unable to love
Unlovable I am treating people
Unlovingly myself

Unlovable in the literal sense:
the impossibility of being loved
Written while listening to Dorian by Agnes Obel.
Em Jul 2016
I have never tried so hard to scrub
the skin off of my body
every inch he so unlovingly
I have never wanted to wash away
a human being
who took my morals and my body
away from me
I have never expected
to be a statistic
I have never expected
for it to be me
I am strong right?
I'm strong and free.
Until Im locked in a room
On my knees.
He humiliated
and he changed
Shower thoughts and coming out about my ****** assault
Gigi Tiji May 2015
Does my very existence not fit into your narrow idea of what a human being should be?

That you even hold a belief that my identity should have parameters truly disconcerts me.

First, I feel a reactionary urge to be sorry for not fitting into this tiny little cardboard box you've made for me.

This box you want to close up and push to the back of a dusty shelf.

This is because I'm used to being swept under the rug like a mess you don't want to see but you don't have the time for.

Then, I want to crush it beneath my feet and tear it apart.

But the mother within me caresses your hateful glare with a sorry stare.

Disappointed... worried, I gently pick it up.

With a sad smile, I begin to open it.

Carefully, with the calloused pads of my fingers, I untuck each fold you have created in order for this box to contain my soul.

With each motion, I make sure not to rip it at the seams. That would hurt.

It seems, though, this material has been handled unlovingly to begin with.

Mold has made its way into the corners, and the fibers are fraying at each corner, at every fold.

But I am patient. I will slowly but surely deconstruct each and every hateful box that has been stacked in the musty warehouse of your heart.

I will be here until all unsuspecting souls have escaped their prisons.

I will be here until I die.
But that's okay.

It gives me something to do with my hands.
Plus I enjoy the company of the liberated.

I need their help to clean this place up.
Chimera melons Mar 2010
You knew
Forests are alive
lonely children play harder
afternoons spent their invisible money
on waiting for the truth

you Knew
honda civics scare me now
she might be inside
cackling unlovingly holding anothers heart

you knew
trophy gold peels off sometimes
sleeping only during daylight
or with the lights on
shutins look through screen doors
crosses everywhere

you new
sleep fortune cookies dreams
like little notes found in cakes
rings in wine smoke lifting bubbles
teeth fixed to loyal smiles
laughter in a mountain climb

you knew
your father not me
This Boy Cries Jan 2016
It’s annoying because I can hear you breathing. But I’m glad because my *** had you screaming.
You’ve left your hand lingering in mine.
It’s been there since about quarter past nine.
I put on Frank Ocean to help me sleep.
But I could never linger that deep.
Because you keep shuffling and moving.
You may be naked but it’s awfully confusing.
Why can’t you just lay there quietly.
But if you did there’d be nothing to inspire me.
Yet another number or should I say lover?
I guess so after what we did under the cover.
I’ll make sure to include what we did in a song.
That way you can look back and hold on.
Because that’s all we’ll have together.
Just a memory to make you wetter.
But as much as you want me to stay.
I think it’s time leave and get on with my day.
My week, my month, my year, my life. Goodnight.

Yours unlovingly

A Boy
a name Feb 16
and as christ himself died for our life and sins
through his passion healed those who needed it
there came a day when valentine was struck with the fateful end
one so profoundly familiar and viscerally heartbreaking-
to die for the sake of love

i saw outside the church the smoking basket where they laid upon the palm fronds
and around it the people selling their freshly cut roses and softly sewn hearts
there came a day where repentance was lectured onto a crowd of said sinners
who ends their busy day upon the name of love

and i must admit i saw but later the ashes upon their heads
for never in a day do i see more flowers held and carried by us common men
the day was for the living and loving alive
and nothing as beloved as our devotion to our happy sacrifice-
we gave to it the petals of passion, and the name of a murdered saint

i wondered as the day went
did we always give so much for our love
for in a moment i could not comprehend
the lengths we've went to keep love as vibrant red as a new day's sunset
as though we've dipped the petals on a river of blood

the palm fronds, they said, meant peace and victory
and the roses, the passion and devotion
i wondered then what the ashes meant
as if to say
from the dust we came, and so shall we return
so will our peace and love
so will the victorious
and beloved

and i wondered then how many roses have been cast out into the burning basket
how many bushes and orchards and flowering plains and symbol makers
died unlovingly for the world
how many valentines will die regardless of how sacred we make of them
how many valentines we'll spend upon the ashes of our love

if love meant the sort of pain
meant for the godly and reveared
how we've let so many turn to dust
unwillingly scarred onto their faces

i sure do hope the next valentine has as much roses and flowers
and i sure hope the fires matter less
or if they're none at all
so be it that the question of love stays hard and grim
but not our days alive
none of sin
and none of ash

— The End —